The circumstance in our world

in #steemstem6 years ago (edited)
It is generally accepted that we live in a world where everything changes, nothing remains identical in the time and the majority of the actions that are carried out are different when they turn to realize, even the point has taken shape in being a fundamental topic of study in philosophy, to support new ideas so that they verify the science why the things happen, or also we can say because one causes the phenomena in our universe as an entire set, since to the nature it has his own phenomena, since this alludes the majority of the natural phenomena, from the movements of particles inside the atom, up to the movements of the celestial bodies they are declarations of the change.

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That is named a phenomenon as that event of some vivenciado, always happens somehow, taking this reference as a starting point, I want to tackle the following content which must know us to what we are subject to contact, in such a way that the life in the Earth has developed in an environment crossed incessantly by radiations. Of form the man continues, all the alive beings, included, they receive radiations, which can be innocuous, or on the contrary, frankly harmful, the form of more ubiquitous radiation is the proceeding one from the sun, nevertheless, an excess of her can cause important injuries.

But we know that they are the radiations, the radiations have his origin in the proper nature that surrounds us; the cosmic radiation comes from the sun and from the rest of the universe. Also there are radiations as consequence of the radioactive materials that exist in the Earth, in the soil, the water, the food, and even we ourselves are slightly radioactive.

To have better information we have the following textual appointment.

The word, ” dowsing ” comes from the scientific Latin ” radium ”, ´ radiation, ´ radioactivity ´, and from the Greek "aisthesis", ´ sensibility ´. “ Dowsing “ means, then, sensibility to the radiations.

You and I are dowsers, his parrot, his dog and canary also the sound, this is due to the fact that we all possess the aptitude to feel the radiations. Sim impeded, they exist a difference between we and our animals, in the measurement in which these have not got divorced of the nature as if we have done it, can perceive really the radiations, that is to say, experience instantaneously the sensations that these produce. We, on the other hand, perceive them to a lesser extent or in a way which is extremely soft, subtle or deferred in the time and in the space, sometimes, what ours animals receive instantaneously we the concientizamos much at the distance for the effects that they cause in us.

Dowsing, The Art of Feeling The Radiations for Ricardo Gerula – 2004; page 9.

But in our reality or in our daily life we know ourselves, that we are being bombarded constantly by particles provenientes with the space that they receive the name of cosmic beams and that they consist principally of protons, heavy nuclei, particles alpha and beta and radiation gamma. The ambience acts as a filter and diminishes the quantity of this radiation that comes to the ground, but not his totality.

In the following appointment we have in a more technical way on this very interesting context, on the phenomena that happen in our nature which we do not know, it is that's why tackle this topic of an educational and documentary way, for all that he wants to learn.

Structure and atomic radiation.
The atomic conception of the matter has been, undoubtedly, one of the most fertilized ideas of the human thought. Based on hypothesis simple and intuitive, he answers to the desire to limit the physical phenomena complex to beginning and laws simpler that describe them as elementary events, which take place to microscopic scale. In this chapter there are analyzed some important aspects relative to the atomic structure and to the radiations of atomic origin.

The atomic nature of the matter.
All the bodies or substances of the nature are constituted by a few elementary components so-called atoms or by groups of atoms called molecules. Numerous experiences have been realized to evaluate the dimensions of the atoms and molecules, this way, they have managed to determine with enough precision diameters molecular and there have been obtained values of the order of 10 %-10m, some of these values are those of the table 1.1.

Table 1.1. Diameter of some molecules.


The radiations ionizantes: his use and risks edited by Xavier Ortega Aramburu, Jaume Jorba Bisbal. 1996; page 17.

Continuing with this very interesting subject-matter, it is necessary to consider to be the following thing in the ground and the elements that are in the nature express radiation, because it is verified in reference to this case in the majority of the phenomena, that the radiation, which we receive arises from the flats and walls of the enclosures that we inhabit, for the component, that form the materials used for the construction are obtained from the above mentioned natural elements that they contain radionucleidos. Inform the most frequent component that one finds in these materials they are them following, to consider his composition; potassium 40, rubidio 87, uranium 238, torio 232 and radon 222.

Also we have in case of the food, that has a small portion of radioactive elements, will depend according to his nature, since our own organism contains potassium, it departs from which is also radioactive. It are where I say it leave behind very much myths on what we do not see us it does not kill but really, these phenomena exist, that's why the human beings we are exposed to both external and internal radiation to our body, and our species has evolved in the presence of the radiation.

Now we have another side of the mirror, the majority of the phenomena that happen can be of natural and artificial origin provoked or stimulated, since it is the case of the artificial radiation, it is that one produced by the man applied in diverse activities as: generation of energy, medicine, industry, mining, tests of weapon. Technically it is exercised of the following way, the use of the radiations ionizantes possess high energy and, on having found in his way the atoms and molecules of the matter, they are capable of breaking the linkage between atoms, between molecules and even to liberate electrons of same (ionization).

The handling of this type of technology, it has been very vital, to solve many worries inside the field of medicine, but also it has his price to the contact with her, as source of energy would say in the philosophical scientific, free way of pollutants and to all that at level of weapon left it to his free thought, because equal it hurts, but they exist to whom they value the life, since the technology applies itself to improve the quality of life, to generate knowledge, to improve the future of the humanity.

In reference reach port to the knowledge and to the science we have the case of Paul Ulrich Villard, I apply his philosophy why they happen the thing in the world of the physics and the chemistry, up to the point that managed to perfect the surest and more exact methods of the dosimetría of the radiation, experiment to verify, that you them go out of radio which were escaping for a narrow gap, in a receptacle protected on a photographic badge, to determine that lead stops the beams alpha, which this beam discovered it, by means of another experiment on having discovered hydrate of argon. It wanted to demonstrate the phenomena of radiation they happen in our nature under the laws of the physics and in such a way that it was possible to manipulate, as a technological tool, also it served as support of supporting great theory of astrology and the universe in his set.

There persist many mysteries of the phenomena that happen in our world, but the science does not stop, every day is born an idea under a modern philosophy of the knowledge.

Bibliography consulted.

Dowsing, The Art of Feeling The Radiations for Ricardo Gerula – 2004; page 9.

The radiations ionizantes: his use and risks edited by Xavier Ortega Aramburu, Jaume Jorba Bisbal. 1996; page 17.



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