in #steemstem6 years ago (edited)
Hello steemians, it is a pleasure to be back. Had to make sure that my coming back must be accompanied with a knowledge-rich post which I hopefully believe we all will love .

Growing up as a child was something quite interesting. You get to learn a lot, be it truth or false. At times we are taught to believe some myths. You only get to understand that some of them were false while some are the wholesome truth as you grow up. The case of women created from men really got me puzzled, and at times i wonder how. Religion - christianity has been able to explicitly state how Eve, Adam's wife was formed. This is found in the holy book- the bible which clearly stated thus:

"and the lord God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the ribs, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a Woman, and brought her unto a man. And Adam said, this is now my bone of bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man Genesis 2:21-23"

Because of the above reason, whenever the case of gender superiority arises, men usually have the lead, though the reason above is not scientific and substantial enough to be accepted by scientists. Females naturally have high potential to retain a whole lot of things and this has been proven scientifically through some discoveries.

I have come to the realization that, the best way to succeed is to know what works for you and just be yourself. But gender issue is not my priority now. Be it a male or a female, we are all unique in our ways.

In this article my focus will solely dwell on the scientific discoveries about the anatomy and physiology of the human brain. It is a known fact that the brain is the thinking faculty of man.
It is the organ that controls virtually all functions of the human body; functions like movement, sensations, feelings and above all thoughts.

It is the portion of the vertebrate central nervous system that is enclosed in a bony protective structure called the skull and it is continuous with the spinal cord through the foramen magnum that is composed of billions of neurons, supporting and Glia cells which nourishes the brain. These cells basically integrate voluntary and non-voluntary actions like respiration, heartbeat and the process of learning.

Remove the memory of a man, and you get a dummy! Remove the memory of a man and you get a corpse! The brain plays critical role in the process of learning.

It is of no doubt that the brain is a very vital organ in the body. My major aim in this article is to analyze the male and the female brains, their cognitive function, relationship if any, their structure and finally their processing power. We will get to know whether some differences exist between both brains, of-course you the reader will be the judge.

The article will be objective in nature and most of my points here will be subject to constructive criticism by you and as well debatable if you have any contrary opinion to my points; yeah that’s the fun in science, reasonable and valid arguments produce a more refined result.

It is not how big or heavy your brain is that determines how intelligent you are going to be. The elephant brain weighs four times the weight of an average adult, yet it does mean that the animal is wiser than even its fellow animals.

The Hippocampus

Well if you are not so grounded in medics, psychology or biomedical science you probably might not have come across the word Hippocampus. The hippocampus is the main human memory center. It is the portion of the human brain that is involved cognitive activity which is located inside the temporal lobe and it is made up of grey matter on the ventricular surface with white matter.

It is also part of the limbic system- a group of brain structures that play a role in memory, retrieval of information, emotion, and motivation.
Why then the hippocampus? Well it has been established for a fact that women have a larger hippocampus than men and as such they are able to retain more, process and stored large information with ease.

Not only do they have larger hippocampus, they also have higher density of neural connections into the hippocampus. No wonder they tend to input and absorb more sensorial and emotive information than men do.

Truth be told here, the first word of love prophesied to lady actually germinates in due time, yes you might think you have not made your point, but believe me, you did. Over time, the seed you sowed in her begins to germinate provided it fell on the fertile heart…haha, that’s the truth because not all ladies give a crap about what you are saying especially if they are not in the good mood. Oh yeah, next is the cerebrum.

The cerebrum

The cerebrum is the part of the brain where very high level functions of the brain take place. It also houses properties like emotions, learning, reasoning, intelligence etc. the outer most part of this cerebrum is the cerebral cortex which is slightly thicker and more convoluted in women than in men. What this means is that it has more packed and has higher neuronal cells in it than in men.

As if this is not enough, the corpus callosum, a large bundle of nerve fibres that connect both the right and left cerebral hemispheres is larger in women than in men so as to complement for the high convolution in women. For the singular fact that intelligence, reasoning and learning is domicile in the cerebrum, I say this is another credit to the females.

If you are a lady reading this, smile for your maker really did you well by depositing so much in you. The question now is; are you really maximizing your potential? Next is the neurochemical -serotonin.


Serotonins are neurochemicals that are produced by the human brain cells and they are basically responsible for transmitting neuro- signals or electrical impulses in the brain. This chemical enables us to sit still for a long time and the way the male and female body processes this neurotransmitter differs. A lady can sit for a long time to study provided she is willing to really study.

They tend to produce and process this chemical more than in men thus, they are more inclined to sit still for a long time than males. Males on the other hand sit less due to the fact that they do not produce much of this neurotransmitter. A typical case study is seen among males who find it very difficult staying in one place for a long time and read for a long time when you compare it to females. Another one here is called the Cingulate gyrus

The Cingulate gyrus

The cingulate gyrus is a medial structure of the cerebral hemisphere that partly surrounds the corpus callosum. This portion of the brain in female is responsible for concentration while listening. There is a higher degree of blood flow to this region. They also ruminate on and revisit stored information more than males do.

Ever wondered why women hardly recover easily from heart breaks. The reason is due to the high blood flow to cingulate gyrus. Since they keep revisiting emotional memories and also for the fact that the hippocampus is large and has high neuronal connections running into it, it will take a longer time for a woman to forget the feeling she had. So if you are a man reading this, please think twice before making an attempt to hurt that innocent gentle soul. This area of the brain in the cerebrum is another key area to note

The white matter

It is established that females use their white matter more than the males. The white matter is the network grid that connects the brains gray matter and other processing centers with one another. Because of their ability to use more of the white matter, women are marginally better than men in paying attention.
Has it ever occurred to you why men, when they are engaged in something demonstrate or show less sensitivity to other people or things around them at that moment, that is, they are tasked focused? Once males are deeply engaged in a task, they hardly pay attention to their environment

There is a difference between the brain processing capacity of the white matter and the grey matter. Males use more of the grey matter while the females use more of the white matter and this is why women can easily and quickly switch between different task- multitasking.

Women have so far dominated in the record book recently as far as I can remember.
In 2011, the overall best graduating student was female student from the department of mathematics.

In 2012, the overall best graduating student was also a female from faculty of engineering.

In 2013, the overall best graduating student was a female student from department of statistics

In 2014, the overall best graduating student was also a female from Pharmacy.

A female student last year was the overal best in the college of medicine. This are tye few i can remember at this point.

The above findings kept me wondering whether the men of our present generation are still the ones in charge. Well I would not at the point judge because most of the great inventions in the world today were actually made by men, so we still deserve the respect. I beleive men are still doing wonders.

That notwithstanding, this article is not in any way emphatically asserting that women or men are better than each other. My points here are objective just like I stated at the begining of this write-up.

However, it may not be irrational and unscientific to say that in the absence of likely factors that can affect the cognitive ability e.g physiological variations, nature and nurture, poor growth etc. the female brain may memorize, store and process more than the male brain.


It will definitely be a fallacy of over generalization to conclusively state at this point that all female brains are better than the male brains. There are more factors to be considered. Albert Einstein is someone that would have been in a better position to explain to us a whole lot about the mystery behind the brain if he were alive.

You can read more about the kind of brain albert Einstein possessed which made him accomplish a whole lot in the science world. A lot of research scientist that worked on the Albert’s brain discovered that his brain had some the aforementioned features. So what does this then means? Is it that the males are no longer utilizing the brain as Einstein did or what?

I leave you at this point to be the final judge in this matter; do you at this point believe that the female brain is superior to that of the male? Feel free to air your view through the comment section.

Thanks for reading, untill next time.


References and further research

»Neuroscience of sex differences
»human memory
»brain differences between genders

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Hey @cyprianj good to see you back, now as for the cingulate gyrus I thought this was already proven wrong and females actually dont have as much heart ache as men, thought this was also seen as alot more males committed suicide due to the loss of love compared to women, anyway I dont think any brain is better because of their gender its up to the person to make their brain as sharp as it can be.

That was a very valid point for argument, like you rightly concluded no brain is better, we just have to work on ourselves to improve it.
Thanks @simonjay for that lovely contribution

Bro, you said the obvious! but I wish to add mine.
The encephalon of females are like super computers with no random access memories its like computer chips without encryptions or anti-malware prehaps delicate informations can easily be wiped out if system mal-operational software interfares with stored files...

On the other hand, the cerebrum of the male encephalon is super-fast in terms of data retention and advancement of information from the stored data.

My humble opinion though

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