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RE: Interviewing the SteemSTEM Curators - @aboutcoolscience

in #steemstem6 years ago

Great interview! when I started here on steemit I know no one. No one supported me for my crypto posts, so I started to write about my profession and science. Suddenly I get involved in this small community called @itastem and I meet lots of interesting people, passionate with science like me. I think @aboutcoolscience is one of the most important personality in the Italian community that helped to grow newcomers, especially science oriented posters! Cheers!


Grazie! I liked our initial group a lot and I am happy to see that many users that were in itastem in the beginning, are still active today

Science is much rarer than crypto on Steem. Which is why we like it ;)

scarcity gives value to something ;)

Please repeat it to some :)

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