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RE: AI learns to play Flappy Bird - the impact of machine learning on Steem Blockchain

in #steemstem6 years ago (edited)

Dear @neavvy and @everyone else :)


Thank you for sharing this link with me. Obviously resteemed already.

For example, speech recognition, which does not cause any problem for 5 years old human child, while Google spends millions of dollars in order to improve their technology in this area.

I wasnt aware that speach recognition is giving AI so much trouble. Interesting ...

Recently a friend of mine asked, if it would be possible to create an AI analyzing trending posts on Steem blockchain and then creating its own articles accordingly.

That would surely be still quite difficult to achieve. To create interesting publication -> it would actually require loads of creativity. Something AI lack.

But at the same time it would be so easy to use AI as an "assistant". It could easily learn our writing style, analyze content on Steemit and dro short but valuable comments. That would absolutely fool majority of people out there. After all many users still seem to have difficulties recognizing simple bots (I've seen people replying to them, thinking those accounts belong to humans).

Personally I'm worried and quite convinced, that within few years from now social media (as an industry) will be dominated by users supported by AI.

What do guys think about that issue?



I am 100% percent shareing the opinion of Elen Musk to be honest.
There will be no happy ending of this story for sure. But hope this is still far. Or somehow we should manage this.

Example i dont know 😂 Maybe to use a fingerprint and voice password or i dont know😁

But to be honest i am really not happy for this whole AI stuff.

By the way steem is starting to became more and more investment friendly crypto. I think nowdays the posts are not that much important that before for steem. If i just check how much money they wager every day in the new apps and i compare it with the posts pay out i dont know.

I hope we stay far from all these AI stuff but if not there is always another option how to manage. The human brain is still much better than the computers in many ways. But we just use a very small percent of that😉

Posted using Partiko Android

AI can be like watching a train on its road to destruction, i also am a firm believer that once ‘skynet’ becomes self aware, humanity is fucked. Musk says about the same thing, but (i think it was in his talk with joe rogan) where he also stated that we are still on the crossroad, it can still go in two directions, and otherwise, i think we should merge ... if you can’t beat them, join them. Musk btw also stated that they are very far into introducing new developed tech ....

Further i’d like to add @crypto.piotr that ai is already a lot further then many people realize .... and there are several blockchain based projects busy with it ... one of them, who recently published a very interesting and amazing article for usage of their blockchain based ai and medical ....

Dear @elektropunkz

AI can be like watching a train on its road to destruction

Thats quite a gloomy view of our future.

Thank you for your comment and I'm sorry for such a late reply. Past several days have been very messy and I didn't have enough time to do my work on Steemit.

Also big thx for that link.

Have a great week ahead,


Thank you for your reply @gabbynhice!

Example i dont know 😂 Maybe to use a fingerprint and voice password or i dont know😁

This is at leas some conception :)

By the way steem is starting to became more and more investment friendly crypto. I think nowdays the posts are not that much important that before for steem.

That's true. Also the price of Steem has increased by 28% during recent 7 days. Incredible.

I hope we stay far from all these AI stuff but if not there is always another option how to manage. The human brain is still much better than the computers in many ways. But we just use a very small percent of that😉

To be honest it is still much better than any computer in the world. If it comes to mathematical operations and remembering a lot of data we are maybe behind, but I think it will take a long time before computer achieve our level of creativity and consciousness :)

Yep i hope that the price will grow in the near future but i am afraid that many people start to cash out they money if that happens. We will need much more dapss to keep the price in a good level.

And yes this is our advantage the creativity. And i am 100% sure as a part of evolution we will be always better and better.
I really dont want to live in a world like in the movie Terminator😂
So even i am worry to be honest because of these new kind of robots with AI but i am sure we as a humans we always find a solution to manage this. Sometimes lil bit later but we make it😊

Posted using Partiko Android

Magic Dice has rewarded your post with a 86% upvote. Thanks for playing Magic Dice.

Dear @gabbynhice

I hope we stay far from all these AI stuff but if not there is always another option how to manage.

Thank you for your comment and I'm sorry for such a late reply. Past several days have been very messy and I didn't have enough time to do my work on Steemit.

Have a great week ahead,


I think that AI is a great tool and more the better

You are right @master-set, as a tool it is definitely amazing :)

As far as I can tell, Siri, Cortana, and Google Assistant collectively don’t have the intelligence to compete with my two year old. I have far more meaningful chats with the baby than I can with any of these robots.

I know the day will come when chatting with a robot is more satisfying than with our fellow humans, but we are not there yet. For the moment, I’m choosing the two year old over some distant robotic big brother whose responses are all so predictable.

Thank you for your reply @swissclive :)

I have far more meaningful chats with the baby than I can with any of these robots.

Yes, voice assistants aren't unfortunately well developed yet.

For the moment, I’m choosing the two year old over some distant robotic big brother whose responses are all so predictable.

Thats really great decision. I suppose that taking with your child will always be more satisfying choice :)

hi @swissclive

I didn't hear from you in a while. I'm glad you're still around :)

I have far more meaningful chats with the baby than I can with any of these robots.

That's true. But all those AI can collect, analyze and transfer data very fast and this is real issue here. We won't be able to compete with anything that isn't creative. Creativity is our only advantage.


There are some things about AI that really concern me, but I feel that we are still a LONG way off from being in an iRobot kind of world where the robots will take over. I mean, have you used Siri, or any of the other "voice helpers"? LOL. I am not worried, YET... LOL. As far as writing their own articles, I mean I can see where that will one day be possible, but I think that for a LONG time, you will seriously be able to tell if a computer wrote an article or if a human did. Like you can tell when instructions on a chinese product are Google translated, lol, it is completely obvious. So in my mind the only way that the machines can take over, is if the sheep of the world stay asleep and let it happen and don't actually try to think for themselves. THAT IS WHAT I AM WORRIED MOST ABOUT! The human species becoming the AI and doing whatever their TV programming or mainstream social media group tells them to do.

Humans have been obeying the TV for decades.. Check out the movie "Network".. :)

True @yestermorrow, but consider that there are constantly more and more ways of mass communication. 20 years ago it was only TV, while nowadays we also have all social media stuff..

I am aware of this. I've been speaking of AI recently among certain groups that I not at liberty to divulge here. AI's certainly have a bright future ahead of them, but not in the way most people are going to expect. Time will tell...

Posted using Partiko Android

What are your expectations @yestermorrow?

Thank you for amazing reply @thelogicaldude

So in my mind the only way that the machines can take over, is if the sheep of the world stay asleep and let it happen and don't actually try to think for themselves.

That's really big problem. In my opinion mass media and internet enabled a enormous ability to manipulate and control people around the world. And this situation can only get worse in the future. For example, there are already plenty of examples of winning elections just because of successful campaign on social media, based on manipulating people.

Dear @thelogicaldude

you will seriously be able to tell if a computer wrote an article or if a human did

I'm not worried about AI posting articles. What worries me that it can analyze articles and be used as a support to build engagement. By posting short comments, but comments related to discussed topic. Comments that look genuine.

I bet most people would not be able to recognize 2-3 sentences in their comment section posted by AI. Wouldn't you agree?

Great comment. Thank you and sorry for such a late reply. Finally I'm catching up with Steemit (past few days has been very busy and messy).

Have a great week ahead,


Hi @crypto.piotr
great to see/hear from you. I was not really active lately but came back :)
In my opinion you don't have to be scared AI dominating social media. In my opinion the concept of social media is that people can connect with other human beeings, sharing their interests, ideas and having great conversations. AI might join social media, but people might leave and find something else. Because the true benefit is that you can exchange personal realtionsships.
It may happen that people will have more face to face contact again.

I hope you are doing good!

Thank you for your reply @mcnestler!

I was not really active lately but came back :)

I'm glad to hear that :)

It may happen that people will have more face to face contact again.

That's interesting and very probable scenario. People indeed may leave social media if they will no longer be able to recognize human from AI. However, this would be the end of Steem...

Dear @mcnestler

In my opinion the concept of social media is that people can connect with other human beeings, sharing their interests, ideas and having great conversations.

I'm not worried about AI posting articles. What worries me that it can analyze articles and be used as a support to build engagement. By posting short comments, but comments related to discussed topic. Comments that look genuine.

I bet most people would not be able to recognize 2-3 sentences in their comment section posted by AI. Wouldn't you agree?

Would you be able to "compete" with users who build their engagement that way? I can forsee this industry (social media) being dominated by those who use AI to support their work. And "regular joe" will have very little chances to gain any traction.

Great comment. Thank you and sorry for such a late reply. Finally I'm catching up with Steemit (past few days has been very busy and messy).

Have a great week ahead,


And "regular joe" will have very little chances to gain any traction

haha that comment made my day :)
you are totally right, but I think in case AI dominates the social media another thing will evolve.
Maybe platforms that detect AI and will not give permission. Old platforms might integrate it or will slowly die out, but that is our economy.
Thank you for your reply, I appreciate your thoughts.

Dear @mcnestler


haha that comment made my day :)

I'm glad I could make your day hahaha :)

Also ... I've small but good news :)

I managed to get you 100 SP delegation from Mariusfebruary (he delegated already something around 10k to people from our little community and I'm in touch with him on daily basis)

Check out his account. Almost 600k SP. And he also delegated 5k to me saying that he like what we're trying to achieve. Isn't great to attract attention of serious players in the hood? :)

I also would like to ask you for little favor. Every week I'm sending few thousands memos and sometimes I'm setting small steem-bounty on selected posts. I'm spending average 10-15 steem a week and I cannot do that for very long time.

I decided that I will keep posting one publication a week and all rewards from this post will be used in following week on promoting others people content (memos / steem-bounties). Would you help me to make things happen? :)

I would like you to consider setting auto-vote with 100% voting power on my account. Again, I'm posting only once a week so I will not drain your voting power.

I hope to get several other people on board of this little project. And let's assume that you can also keep my own small delegation as long as you need (or as long as we work together :P).


Hey there @crypto.piotr thank you very much :)

I managed to get you 100 SP delegation from Mariusfebruary (he delegated already something around 10k to people from our little community and I'm in touch with him on daily basis)

I mean wauw :P You are a real hero to me! First time that my vote is worth something :D. Your kindness and your effort to grow this community is insane. Respect for that.

I also would like to ask you for little favor

Dude, no problem. I always upvote your posts + I also try to react on every memo you send to me. There is no need to automate it since I check steemit most of the time on a daily basis. I also check out what you are doing so everyting is fine.

I wish you an awesome weekend! Keep up the good work buddy :P

Do you know this song buddy? :)

Hahahaha, touché!!!

it would actually require loads of creativity. Something AI lack.

But at the same time it would be so easy to use AI as an "assistant"

By learning from people's writing styles, it could end up learning how to create interesting publications. It could look up trending topics from google, buffer them from news sites like bbc and cnn, spin those articles, adapt them to writing styles of different authors, then post them on steemit.

In my opinion, this is not even hard to do - nor it would actually require artificial intelligence, although it could get beefed up with some.

However, I'm not convinced social media will be dominated by AI simply because it's a lot cheaper to employ humans instead in this case.

Last but not least, here's a video of MarI/O - Machine Learning for Video Games, by SethBling

Thank you for amazing reply @felipejoys :)

It could look up trending topics from google, buffer them from news sites like bbc and cnn, spin those articles, adapt them to writing styles of different authors, then post them on steemit.

It sounds easy, but I am not sure if it is so in fact. Such algorithm would need to somehow understand the meaning of the words in order to manage them properly, as it should change words in the article without changing the context. Obviously it could just use synonyms, but I think it would be not enough.

In order to make the text sound naturally, it would need to have some sort of intuition. I am not think if it is possible with the current level of AI development.

Last but not least, here's a video of MarI/O - Machine Learning for Video Games, by SethBling

That's really interesting, thank you for sharing.

It sounds easy, but I am not sure if it is so in fact.

The fakenews below was written by an AI:

“Hillary Clinton and George Soros are a perfect match, and their agenda appears to be to create a political movement where Soros and his political machine and Clinton are two of the only major players. This is the first time Soros and Clinton have been caught on tape directly colluding in promoting the same false narrative. One of the key revelations in the leaked audio was Clinton's admission to a Russian banker that she knew about the Uranium One deal before it was approved by Congress. Clinton was shown sharing the same talking points that were originally drafted by a Fusion GPS contractor hired by an anti-Trump Republican donor. The leaked audio is the clearest evidence yet that the Clinton campaign and the Hillary Foundation colluded with Fusion GPS to manufacture propaganda against President Trump.”

The AI Text Generator That's Too Dangerous to Make Public

I only just came across this article, but it reflects my previous comment.

The fakenews below was written by an AI

Really frightening @felipejoys. Take a look on this Obama speech which is also generated by AI:

That is also terrifying!!

Dear @felipejoys

By learning from people's writing styles, it could end up learning how to create interesting publications.

Indeed. But that may be still difficult.

I'm not worried about AI posting articles. What worries me that it can analyze articles and be used as a support to build engagement. By posting short comments, but comments related to discussed topic. Comments that look genuine.

I bet most people would not be able to recognize 2-3 sentences in their comment section posted by AI. Wouldn't you agree?

Would you be able to "compete" with users who build their engagement that way? I can forsee this industry (social media) being dominated by those who use AI to support their work. And "regular joe" will have very little chances to gain any traction.

Thank you for your comment and I'm sorry for such a late reply. Past several days have been very messy and I didn't have enough time to do my work on Steemit.

Have a great week ahead,


Would you be able to "compete" with users who build their engagement that way?

I can see people using "bot comments" to fool the competition into thinking people want their products a certain way when they actually don't, therefore ruining their business by tricking them into pushing a product that won't sell.

But I don't see how realistic bot comments will make a person make money. People who earn with engagement need humans to do that, not bots. They want customer leads, monetization through ads, sample real opinions through polls, upvotes when it comes to steemit, etc.

Dear @felipejoys

I would like to thank you for your previous comment. I only had a chance to read it now. I very much appreciate that you're so responsive.


AI would be very good on games like steemmonsters I guess. And if it coukd write good comments then would be good for it

What do you mean by implementation of AI in games like steemmonsters? I have never played it, but I guess it is rather about cards you own, luck and a small dose of tactics (like in case of the most card games). I am not sure what would be the implementation of AI in this area, but maybe you have some idea @beco132? :)

It's about building the strongest team out of the cards you own. The success depends on the rules (changing with every battle) and the team your opponent uses. I think AI can keep track of which cards work best for any given conditions and build unbeatable teams

Posted using Partiko Android

I think AI can keep track of which cards work best for any given conditions and build unbeatable teams

That's really great idea @beco132

Thank you for your comment @beco132

Appreciate it.

Personally I'm worried and quite convinced, that within few years from now social media (as an industry) will be dominated by users supported by AI.

I personally feel..... In the weirdest ways... it has already begun.... Look at those propaganda skewed comments... sometimes it really do not sound like an organic troll on a certain skewed comment on certain issues....

Which is specially set to misled public (humans) reading...

Which "propaganda skewed comments" do you mean @littlenewthings?

You may be right @littlenewthings.

It has already begun. Are we doomed? :) Hope not :)


That would surely be still quite difficult to achieve. To create interesting publication -> it would actually require loads of creativity. Something AI lack.

I recommend you checking it's basically an AI that scouts the net in search of visually appealing images and videos. It has a taste of it's own.

I also recommend checking for reconsidering about AI's creativity.

All in all no one creates anything nowadays, everything is a remix, so AI are fostering their creativity by ultimately copying, mashing up and rendering what has already been done. Just like us :) 😁✌

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for sharing those super interesting links @greencross. I am definitely going to check them out :)

you are welcome! @neavvy

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for dropping by @greencross and sharing your thoughts with us. And I'm sorry that it took me so long to read and reply to your comment.

Also big thx for sharing that link with us. Will check it our right away :)

Cheers, Piotr

You are very welcome, and no worries about the late reply :)

Posted using Partiko Android

There are also people replying to bots for an other reason.. its not only because they think they are real humans. I forgot the reason given but it did made sense to me plus: a comment is a comments and you get points for it as well!

Bots are voting too. Also something you can question. Would a human being vote for the same post as the bot is doing in its name?

Face recognition is a big issue as well.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for your constant support @wakeupkitty :)

Bots are voting too. Also something you can question. Would a human being vote for the same post as the bot is doing in its name?

Bots are definitely not developed enough to properly evaluate content. The best example of that is the biggest Steem communities like Utopian-io or Steemstem still using human curators in order ot evaluate content.

Your welcome.
I hope people will vote themselves and our world will not change in what we see in 'Real human' etc

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for your reply @wakeupkitty

Yes, in my opinion those visions presented in action movies are a bit steeped, but we definitely need to beware.

Those are very valid points @wakeupkitty

it did made sense to me plus: a comment is a comments and you get points for it as well!

Bots already are doing simple commands. Imagine how much "easier" it will be for those who will use AI to build their presence on social media. Those that will not be using AI will probably not be able to "compete".


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