Natural or manufactured, the strangest things of all time ... end of time?

in #steemstem7 years ago (edited)

I observed many strange things in the book "guinnessworldrecords", I came to this humble conclusion, very surprised, very strange ...

Francisco Domingo Joaquim


We all have that friend who has, not literally, a big mouth. But for Francisco Domingo Joaquim, from Angola, he has, literally and physically, a big mouth. Guinness World Records awarded him for having the biggest mouth in the world. He does not take any medication for that, as he is very proud of his deformity. - The first thing we think about is that Francisco will never lose to "who can eat more sweets?"

Dede "Tree Man" Koswara


Known as the "Tree Man", Dede Koswara had HPV virus, or human papilloma virus, out of control. There were many warts in his body, which looked like branches of trees. He underwent surgery in which he removed 13 pounds of warts on his body. As a result, he was able to walk and even wear slippers. But unfortunately, his warts came back and he had to go through two major surgeries a year. He died recently due to his severe condition.

Nick Stoeberl


Nick Stoeberl is known as the person with "the longest tongue in the world". It has an impressive 10.11 inches in length and has a record in finishing eating an ice cream in a cone. It may seem very strange and disturbing, but we are sure that some ladies would not mind having this guy. - We hope he has an unlimited supply of Acyclovir for when he has sores on that big thing!

Tran Van Hay


To this day, dreadlock is something only for some people. But for Tran Van Hay, that was his life. He was known to have the longest dreadlock in the world". His dreadlock was 6.80 meters long. When he was two, Tran got sick and needed lots of medication because he had cut his hair. Since then, she has never cut hair again.

Mayra "Chest Mountain" Hills


Mayra Hills is known to have "the largest breast implants in the world". She underwent several breast augmentation procedures. She went through all the cup that the women could have, but she was never happy, and so now she has a Z cup with the 32Z measure. - One thing that comes into our mind: how does it get a massage?

Grace "Woman-Face-Mule" McDaniels


Grace Mcdaniels was known as "Mule-Face Woman". His medical condition was genetic in nature and called "Sturge-Weber Syndrome." For this reason, he had elephantiasis on his lips. Grace managed to use this deformity to her benefit by becoming the star of a freak show. She had a son who was completely normal and, when he grew up, helped her manage her career.

Sultan Kosen


Sultan Kosen, a farmer from Turkey, is known to be currently the "tallest man in the world". Previously, the person who had this record was Robert Waldow (died in 1940), who was 2.72 meters. Kosen, who is 2.51 meters tall, will never reach this record since he underwent surgery that prevents him from growing. His height is far above normal and therefore he needs crutches to walk.

Jyoti Amge


Jyoti Amge is the lowest woman in the world. Before turning 18, she was known as the world's lowest teenager. It is only 62.5 cm. Its lack of length made it famous worldwide. Your medical condition of achondroplasia is known to be a major cause of dwarfism. She is also popularly known for her role, Ma Petite, on the famous American Horror Story TV show.

Asha "Rapunzel" Mandela


Originally from Trinidad and Tobago, Asha Mandela is known to be the real life Rapunzel. He simply decided to let his hair grow one day. The hair got to a point where it got very weak, so she decided to tie it on us. "Is she not afraid to get Lupus?" When she got the Guinness World Record for the woman with the longest hair, her hair was still tied to us. Then when she unleashed him the second time, to try to break his own record, he averaged 5.96 meters! "Imagine how many bottles of shampoo she wears!" Or does she even use shampoo?

Vijay "Elastic Man" Sharma


Another man who was blessed with fantastic flexibility was Vijay Sharma, of Indian origin. He is one of the most flexible people in the world and was also called "Elastic Man". He has not undergone any surgery and is flexible naturally. He is known for drinking a bottle of Coke while holding it with his foot hanging from his back.

Gary Turner


No, he's not Mr. Fantastic - this guy's name is Gary Turner. It is known to have the most stretched skin in the world. Some may think this is a medical condition, but no, Gary says it does not hurt him and he thinks it's a superpower. Or is it a mutant gene? He can stretch his skin to the point where he can pull it from his neck and cover his face.

Melvin Boothe


Melvin Boothe is known as the man with the longest nails in the world. Having long nails can be annoying, but having long, crazy nails is another thing. How do you spend your everyday life? Still have not contracted syphilis? Melvin Booth met at age 91 with Christ our Savior on December 21, 2009.


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