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in #steemstem7 years ago

I believe that the true nature of vaccines is to add some other sort of drug into our systems, basically use people as guinea pigs to see side affects.
Governments have been known for using chemicals on their own people, and big pharma is only interested in making money, sorry I don't trust any of them when it comes to vaccines.


Steemit is not the place for tin foil hats. There is a lot of research on this topic. The big pharma is made of people that go there because of their inner aspirations to do good. People with morals, people with ideals doing the research and the medical work. The big pharma is not only a bunch of accountants rubbing hands hoping of more profit.
Trust me that if one of those high morals people get stepped on, they would make a media mess as big as Snowden episode. You lost your trust in people but think for a minute.

I was surprised to see you accuse anti-vaxx people of wearing tin foil hats - a clearly insulting term. Same was said about those who warned about New World Order and Globalists, but now it is openly talked of by everyone?

You are only qualified to argue for or against if you have studied both sides of an argument. If you are content with only studying the one half, then it is you wearing a tin foil hat for the point of view you have chosen to defend.

Show you have the courage of your convictions by studying the material available in total, not just those points that favour the arguments you prefer. This is how scientists used to think and to my mind, it is how we learnt most of what we know, and it is still how any good scientist or person of logic and reason can arrive at the truth.

Just think of this: If you are wrong (because you choose to follow the elite globalist AND United Nations decision about depopulation) then, by espousing your ideas as facts, you are also responsible for all those killed/sterilised etc for the sake of achieving the depopulation numbers planned for (from 7.6billion to half a billion.) You think I am wrong? Well, what if Bill Gates himself tells you? He clearly tells the interviewer that he will only stop the vaccinations once the world population has reached 'manageable' levels. Check for yourself:

Unless you can prove that @buster544 is wrong, I feel you owe him an apology. Also, who says Steemit is not censor-free? Did you make that decision on everybody's behalf? Does that mean we must first check with you to find what your beliefs are on every subject?

I suggest that in the future you do not attack anybody, even newbies, just put your points across as reasonably as you can. After all, this #steemstem tag is meant to be a scientific one where points of views about facts or theories are open to debate. Oh, you have my permission to not do so where you cannot make reasonable arguments (for instance, when calling employees 'highly moral' as a subjective argument, which implies everyone is else is not, even those sacrificing their careers to tell us what they percieve is the truth - but most scientists who worked for Hitler, I am certain, also believed in what they were doing, even when torturing children, so they were highly moral scientists ). It will not earn you much respect, but you are free to do so as a debating style.

I am qualified to argue since I studied both sides. I finished a technical university, I know how the scientific research method works, I read a lot on the subject, pro and cons and I found the evidence enough for me to safely say that vaccination is beneficial for the individual and for the community with its herd immunity effect. My mother is a Medical Doctor with a PhD in Medicine so we also discussed a lot about this.
While each of us are entitled to their own opinions, one must not forget that some or most of the anti-vaxxers ( that i talked to-and i talked to a lot) do not have a clear scientific understanding of how it works, or why lead or aluminium exists in the vaccine and they get their data out of panic inducing media, that monetizes them for revenue. Add this to a low level of education in some and voila, the conspiracy theory has emerged. The existing biases were reinforced.

As for what Bill Gates said (that video comes with every conspirationist i met), he is referring to the link between population growth and the child mortality rate. As the child mortality rate drops, the next generations start making less children. This is a complete study I read a lot on.

You can find a video edition here to fully understand a part of the study:

I am open for more discussion, and indeed I am sorry for name-calling, but if the OP is wrong and he is hurting his child, is it anyone's fault?

In my country anti-vaxxing is starting to prevail, people stopped children from taking the measles vaccine and guess what : 10000 new cases of measles. Measles was almost extinct in Europe before. While this correlation is not a proof, I am starting to question who is to blame for the 36 children dying of measles. Because the televised mothers cries admitting guilt and lack of documentation (they said they heard from friends that it was not safe) is not something that brought them back to life yet.

Because one's liberty of choice ends right before another's right to live.
Don't let biases overcome logical thought.

You video of the professor is one I have shown to any who panic about the world populations growing to levels where we will collapse. I believe he has died. A pity, as men of reason like him are needed right now.

My biggest problem is the immunity vaccine manufacturers were given. I do not trust any corporation to behave in a responsible or honest manner (just think of the fact that for anyone to make his way up in the corporate ladder, he must be ruthless and a conniving son-of-a-b****.

I also feel strongly about vaccines becoming compulsory. Each parent has final say as to his own child and each adult must keep final say as to his own body. I am elderly, and in my days of childhood, the entire school would go down with measles and a week later we were all back to normal. I wonder when I hear children died, did they die because measles has evolved, or is it because the children are very weak because of the lack of nutrition and all the poisons in their foods.

During my over 70 years, I've had maybe four or five vaccinations (all pre-1980). Do you really think mankind has evolved so badly that we now need children to be vaccinated with over 76 vaccines by the age of 14? That babies really have to be vaccinated against diseases they are highly unlikely to suffer from? Why must the vaccines be administered at same strength for a baby as for an adult? Why so many in one go, instead of them being spread out? There are many questions but few who answer who are not either employed by the industry or financed in some way by Big Pharma - even professors working at universities. Every time info comes out that a professor who declared vaccines to be safe also benefitted financially, it makes even more people distrust everyone.

To revert to your video and the Bill Gates story - and keep in mind that I live in Africa. People stop having a lot of children because they become ambitious. They want a tv, a house, a car and so on. What is happening, as you've seen from the Africans flooding Europe, there is no improvement in life conditions, or here and there just a bit of growth. Vaccinating their kids is not going to stop them having too many babies. It is how the population grew so suddenly over the last 150 years.

  1. "just think of the fact that for anyone to make his way up in the corporate ladder, he must be ruthless and a conniving son-of-a-b****" - you just had an unhappy experience, we are not all like that. In fact I don't know of such a person among my workplace or friends. I am sure there are, but they are not as widespread as you think.

  2. The guy died from cancer - he was aware even in the video. He dedicated all his life to research in Africa and Asia

  3. "Vaccinating their kids is not going to stop them having too many babies. " no, not them but their children and grandchildren will be helped by living in a world without losing 80% of their family by the time they are 20.

I assure you it's not that bad and we will be fine as a species. I am also against mandatory vaccination but I would make the parents pay for the treatment of preventable diseases.

I was not trying to be insulting, or offensive, and I do not wear a tin foil hat, which is an offensive and childish remark, but what about the company that started charging from 5-10 20 dollars a pill to 500-1300 dollars?
as far as your statement:"The big pharma is not only a bunch of accountants rubbing hands hoping of more profit."
Again, I believe there are good people out there doing great things, and are actually making a difference, at least thats what they want to do, but remember, this is not about just "helping " people" but all about profits for shareholders. or there would not be anyone funding them, and yes, government does in fact use chemicals after the fact that good people come up with a great cure, but manipulateate things . its not a tin hat but it is a fact of life.

I know all about that Martin Shkreli and the overpriced pills and I am clearly against his views. As far as i know he is in jail, where he belongs. The practice was illegal. As for the big pharma, I can't generalize, but people like me and you work there. Not all of them are the doormats of the management. I would quit and so would the few people I know that are currently working for big pharma. It also depends on education, morals and the quality of life one has. I would never harm a human being or close my eyes and let it happen. Being distrustful of the whole industry is generalizing and this may affect your judgement. I will have children and I will vaccinate them.

I respect your reply and decisions, I’m happy to hear there are good peope in the world and I never would believe there wasn’t.
Have a good day

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