What would happen if YOU fell into a BLACK HOLE?

in #steemstem6 years ago (edited)

Hello there guys, it's been quite a while, well actually it's been a really long while and I sure did miss y'all so damn much. But I'm back with a very interesting and fun question which your mind may have previously stumbled upon somehow. And the question is; What would happen to you if by some happenstance you somehow managed to fall into a black hole lying around somewhere in the universe and causing all sorts of destruction and havoc while also consuming everything in it's wake. Well, bear in mind that we're not considering the psychological or emotional effects but rather the physical ones. So what would really happen to you physically?

What Exactly Is A Black Hole?


Before we delve into the question and it's answer proper, what exactly is a black hole? Is it some sort of dark, mysterious, devilish and sinister hole in space housing creatures like godzilla or what? Well, for starters, a black hole occurs when a star collapses under it's own weight, and thus gravity becomes so strong that not even light can escape it. This gravity is so strong because matter has been pulled into a really tiny amount of space. So mathematically speaking, anything in the universe can become a black hole; your phone or computer you're reading this post from, a bottle of coca-cola, the Burj-Khalifa and even the earth itself can all become black holes when they are each compressed so much that it's density becomes so massive, thus tremendously increasing it's gravitational pull, that not even the fastest known particle which is a photon of light can escape from it or resist it's gravitational force of attraction. This happens because all particles of matter ranging from a tiny atom to a giant star or even the earth itself has a SCHWARZSCHILD RADIUS named after German astronomer Karl Schwarzschild and is also otherwise known as a particle's gravitational radius, and this radius is the radius of a sphere such that if all the mass of an object were to be compressed within that sphere, the escape velocity from the surface of the sphere would equal the speed of light and thus if a stellar remnant like say a dying star(one running out of fuel to sustain itself) were to collapse to or below this radius, light would not be able to escape and as such it would not be directly visible outside and would thus form a black hole. So in reality a black hole is not actually black but derives it's name due to it's apparent invisibility(due to the absence of light). Well, luckily for us, the schwarzschild's radius for the earth is about 0.00887metres which is extremely small, so you need not worry about the earth turning into a supersized giant black hole, at least not anytime soon. Except of course some really crazily zealous group of scientists manage to develop a means to compress the earth into a tiny cube of sugar. But in the meantime you needn't worry about this. So enough of all this talk about black holes. Lets travel inside one and experience the journey for ourselves.

Travel Inside A Black Hole


So what exactly would happen if I or you, fall into a black hole? Well, you would probably die or if you're extremely lucky maybe not. But keep in mind that that's a really big and giant IF. This is because we know that black holes act like one huge giant space vacuum cleaner sucking absolutely everything along it's path including stray astronauts and aliens that fall past it's event horizon, which is the so-called boundary where outer space ends and the black hole begins, and so once the black hole's event horizon is crossed, there's no going back. This is because you would not be able to resist it's gravitational pull and so your sojourn in the black hole begins proper, and if somehow you managed to fall feet first into the event horizon, well...ehm...that would not be good for you because of the significant difference in gravitational pull across space. Meaning parts of you closer to the singularity(which is a point in the centre of the black hole containing a huge mass in an infinitesimal amount of space and where all the laws of physics cease to exist! Yeah you heard right. Einstein's laws do not apply here or any other law for that matter in fact!) e.g your legs will be pulled or attracted much more than parts of you facing away e.g your head. And you would thus undergo a phenomenon scientists refer to as SPAGHETTIFICATION because your entire body will be literally and physically stretched or elongated towards the singularity, much to an extent that your head will most likely pop off.


Also keep in mind that if you were an observer watching someone else fall into a black hole, you wouldn't just immediately see the person get sucked into the black hole in an instant but instead it would seem that the person falling in slows down during the journey thus appearing to fall almost indefinitely and after some point the person would seem to be frozen in space and will then simply seem to fade away from existence right at that very frozen spot. This is not because of the large travel distance as you may think though, but rather because when the person falling into the black hole falls beyond the event horizon where not even light escapes, there is less and less light to transmit images of the person's journey back to you until there is no light at all which is the point where the person seems to fade away and disappear at a particular spot. Although of course, the person falling will experience everything instantaneously.


So as you approach the singularity, your elongated body will continue to stretch lengthwise and also shrink in its transverse direction or it's width, but funny enough this phenomenon only occurs if we were to consider the simplest types of non-moving, uncharged black holes, but in a charged moving black hole, the singularity does not attract but instead repels. So what does this mean for this type of black hole? Well, everything will happen just like before; your body will rush through the event horizon at an incredible pace and will pass through a second inner horizon, but as soon as you pass this inner horizon the singularity instead of sucking you, will start to push you back. Ahhh...Finally there's some light at the end of the tunnel right? Well, it's too early to rejoice just yet because after been repelled backwards by the singularity, in the end what's known as a WHITE HOLE will spit you out probably in another universe or maybe if you're lucky you may end up in some new planet full of galactic alien creatures. That'll be awesome right? But wait a minute, what the heck is a WHITE HOLE? Well , it is a hypothetical region of space-time which cannot be entered from the outside and in which matter and light can escape from, it is simply the opposite of black holes which can only be entered from the outside and from which light and matter cannot escape it's bizarre sinister pull. So literally, you'll enter a black hole from your world and come out from a white hole in another world. Sounds pretty cool if you ask me. Although the bad news is that you will not be able to return to the world you came from which means if you're not already dead by now, you will die in a foreign no man's land. The truth though is that you won't survive such a journey anyway, as you would have probably been already reduced to a stream of sub-atomic elementary particles due to the insanely stressful and tiresome nature of the journey.

If there are indeed black and white hole pairs(also called WORMHOLES) in our multiverse which serve as gateways between universes or two different worlds, then perhaps those conspiracy theories about teleportation may hold some truth after all. Although this is all in theory of course.


The Journey So Far


Well fortunately or unfortunately for those who want to travel billions of light years across universes by means of universal shortcuts or wormhole trains, no one has actually ever seen a black hole with his or her own eyes not to talk of white holes, and even so, to see the super black hole supposedly located in the centre of our milky way galaxy which has a mass of 4.3million solar masses and it's event horizon having a radius of 1million kilometres, you would need an incredibly large and powerful telescope with a lens diameter almost equal to the diameter of our entire planet! It would therefore be very unlikely that we'll ever be able to build such a telescope, but I know better than to underestimate humankind. Afterall, it would've been impossible for man to fly say 500 to 1000 years ago or at least so they thought.

Although much work and research still need to be done to fully analyze the entire scope of black holes, there may be a new way to analyze the behaviour of black holes right here on earth, and that is by analyzing acoustic black holes which are called DUMBHOLES. A dumbhole as already mentioned is an acoustic black hole which does not allow sound to escape from it and although not as powerful in magnitude and scope as black holes, modern day scientists have been able to create dumbholes by using special fluids travelling at the speed of sound. Much research and study is still needed in this area too, but it may definitely help us practically analyze and study right here on earth, the various behaviours of black holes up there in space.


With all these facts in view, do you see yourself travelling across universes via wormholes, maybe because you're some alien enthusiast or you just want to tour our entire universe or perhaps still, just for the fun of it? Well, I'll leave that decision for you to make. And feel free to let me know what you decide or think in the comment section below.

Thanks for stopping by and I really do hope you enjoyed reading it.


SteemSTEM gif was gotten from @pearlumie's Blog. Go follow him for more awesome and educative SteemSTEM posts.

First image was gotten from source





That's alot of research work there. Welldone

Thanks alot for stopping by.

Very informative post. I always find black holes to be such fascinating objects. The fact that no one actually knows what happens inside of them allows your imagination to run wild. :)

You're absolutely correct. The subject is very fascinating and very interesting. Thanks alot for stopping by.

Gravitation effect. Not even an electroni material will escape from it. It is just a black house that dangers the heart in unexpected victim.. It intense a blind situation in the life of a human.

Thanks a lot for stopping by.

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