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RE: Chinese Pseudoscience #1: Acupuncture 针刺 - Part 1: History

in #steemstem7 years ago

Well, I cannot say acupuncture is useless, i mean it definitely cannot cure everything (Scammy doctors are everywhere), but surely this can be a form of medical treat regardless whether it is a placebo or a destress (especially for muscle related issue, of course not those cure cancer, preserve your liver function crap).

Another thing with TCM which i believe is that it acts more like a preventive methods, but only if you follow strictly to it (which somehow makes you live a healthy life in modern health definition, making it scammy)

I accept the part where TCM is a pseudoscience as we cannot pinpoint the active ingredient (or it may involve multi active ingredients operating in a complex interaction which we cannot decipher with current science method), but it doesn't mean it doesn't work as a form of non-emergency medical option~


Well, as said I think the placebo effect that comes from acupuncture, like homeopathy, is very valid and can do wonders. I might actually do a post praising the potential powers of placebo at some point because it's really quite fascinating.

As for what is and isn't true and what does and doesn't work, well I'm not a scholar in the matter myself so the nuances will be researched thoroughly for the second part tomorrow or the next day. I'm sue you'll have some good counter-arguments for what I uncover =)

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