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RE: Neurobiology on sugar: "It's even worse than you think"

in #steemstem6 years ago

Ugggghhhh. I do so good about 6.8 days per week :) I go to a meeting on Monday morning that always features donut holes. I just can't seem to let them be...

I quit on sugar several years ago. I don't have a grain of sugar in my house, if you come to visit and need sweetener in your coffee it's going to be honey or Steevia. I haven't bought a loaf of bread or even a donut in most of a year. But those Monday donut holes trigger my addiction something awful.

I'm going to have to try a substitute. I come home from the meeting and am lethargic and sleepy for the rest of the day. What a waste.

Thanks Petra. I certainly didn't need all the studies to let me know about my cravings but it didn't hurt anything.


6.8 is better than me, soooo much better. I am so bad when it comes to avoiding sugar and I need to be reminded constantly that it is bad for me. My head starts hurting and I really get nasty mood symptoms. I just have to stick it out because after a couple of first days things get better but those first days without it are a real pain in the .... :D

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