in #steemstem7 years ago (edited)


Fundamentally, sex education that centers on, if you can’t control your body, use a condom, is a very loose message for the teenagers. Sexual desire or urge is a normal biological phenomenon. It pulls on everyone including bishops once in a while. It is not a sun. However, because of high surge of hormones during sexual development, i.e adolescent stage of life, such sexual feeling triggers curiosity and desire to explore the “sex” world.

Therefore, preaching to teenagers in the name of education; if you can't hold your body, have sex but use condom; could be likening to encouraging them to have sex because the normal sexual feeling an adult can easily suppress may sound “overwhelming” to them, that's why masturbation is very common amongst teenagers. This is the fundamental reasons why the dominant sex education in America and other coutries promotes sexual irresponsibility and recklessness among the youths.

Statatics have shown that the rate of rape, sexual harassment and molestation increases after teaching such loosed ‘sex message’ to the teenagers. Of course, being explorers of the “untold” they hurriedly practice the already known information. The students usually attempt wearing the condoms soon after the message. It takes opposite sex to know how condom works, rape notwithstanding. On the occasion of the World AIDS Day 2004, a big concert was organized in Johannesburg, South Africa. The concert had in attendance some Holly Wood stars who performed nude or half nude while preaching to the mammoth crowd to zip up or use condom. An irony, isn't it? However, the occasion made news thereafter as 18 girls were raped in and around the center that same night. One may screen; what a counterproductive concert! The truth is that no young person who still has several unanswered questions about sex in his mind, will put condom in his pockets without thinking on what to use it for.


Condom is a latex rubber which serves as barrier method of contraception. It has above 80% protection against pregnancy. This success story is however dependent on two vital factors namely:

° Proper Usage
°Absence of Defect

Strikingly, over 90% of adults that use condoms were never taught by anyone on the proper use of it. The reason is that condom is an apparatus used for secret exercise. Based on that, its usage is as secret as sexual activity itself.
As earlier said, dominant sex education in Western countries encourages the teenagers to use condom whenever need be. In most cases, they verbally explain the use but hardly demonstrate it. This is simply because their conscience tells them the truth; such is indeed not the right message for the young ones. This contributes to high rate of condom breakage, leakage, slipping off during sexual activity among teengers. The aftermath is teenage pregnancy, STDs.
Apart from improper use of condom, two vital factors contribute to it high failure among adolescents.


Condoms is mainly meant for males with mature male organ. Male teenager could be said to be physiologically mature to impregnate a girl but anatomical immaturity of the adolescents’ penile organs contributes to high rate of slipping off of condoms recorded among them and of slipping off of condoms failure and teenage pregnancy as the outcome; the reason why teenage pregnancy is sometimes called adolescents’ mistake.


Most teenagers are not independent. They are usually under watch by parents, guardians and counselors. Most responsible parents disprove teen sexual exposure. Based on this apparent state of lack of freedom, most teenagers( both male and female) are under tension with anxiety and fear of being caught whenever sex becomes a “must do” affair.
Based on their limited freedom, they try to explore the slightest opportunity. The girl would be under anxiety and therefore, may not have good vaginal lubrication for easy access. The boy himself is also under tension. Thus, with moderately poor condom lubrication and poor vaginal lubrication, insisting on the use of condom may sound like satanic delay tactics to catch them in the “very act”. Some that started with it got it removed or torn in order to achieve ejaculation within the limited time frame.
The limited resistance the girl may put can be dethroned by assurance of self control; false promises and unfounded trust. It is anxiety that accounts for premature ejaculation among teenagers and why majority of girls that lost their virginity would claim “they were raped”. Of course you know the kind of rape the parents were never aware of.

My previous post link: https://steemit.com/air-clinic/@arthurjnr/mistakes-childless-couples-make


Interesting topic. That means most of the teenagers is not suited for the condom design being sold in the market. Maybe they need to invent some condom for a teenager? I'm sure there will be a lot of ethical issues arises from that action is taken.

Ya... Maybe people involve should put teenagers to plan when designing and in the production. But i guess, abstinence is best.. Or just wait till full maturity

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