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RE: Our fear of Artificial Intelligence - is it reasoned?

in #steemstem6 years ago

I think very simply AI in the hands of the Govenment and the military is what scares me the most. And as most new innovations are first discoverd and built by military contractors who have them 5 to 10 years before they are released to the General public that should worry us even more.If an autonomous weapon such as a drone, which are already in general use in wars around the world were to be give the ability to make its own decisions then the human race it in all sorts of problems. There is already a small autonomous drone that can be programmed with face recognition software set free to find that person in a croud, land on their head, and detonate a small explosion. And we all know how unreliable face recognition is. We can't stop progress... Thats a fact, so really we are at the mercy of the programers and their morals...

Posted using Partiko Android


Thank you for your comment @andyjem. Vision of an autonomous drone is indeed frightening, especially as drones are my hobby and I am fully aware how easy would it be to build such machine. You do not really to be a sophisticated programmer. Your comment reminded me of drone assassination on Venezuelan's president Maduro. I suppose that such situations are likely to take place more and more often.

Thought you might like to see the video I was talking about.

Do you think the CIA was behind the Venezuelan attack?

Posted using Partiko Android

Great video @andyjem, thank you for sharing!

Do you think the CIA was behind the Venezuelan attack?

Yes I do. I think that USA has a big interest in controlling Venezuela due to the oil.

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