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RE: Debunking: How Wifi Is Slowly Killing You - I have no idea...

in #steemstem6 years ago

:D lol

That particular statement was the only challenging topic to debunk because there are publications - but all the supporting papers originate from the same research group.

The suspicious part is that they put the word "fertility" (or something cool) in the title and the whole paper is about something else. It's usually some sort of "shotgun biochemistry" (measure everything you can). With the small sample (always less than 10) and with some illiterate math (no math is the best math).

After doing spurious assays in a small sample without deep analysis they simply connect everything with everything.


Clickbait titles then, by a single group self-citing itself ... I see :)

In many countries (mainly South/ South-Eastern Asia), the number of references is an important factor for the career. The tactic is simple - "upvote for upvote"

In the Eastern Europe, it's about the number of publications, thus it's often published something that was partially done, carelessly done or done only once (don't check it again, it could turn out differently)

I received many e-mails about citation requests. I usually ignore them all (even if I always answer). However, once in a while, I am really missing an important citation. So...

Reviewer 2: Major Revision

I was unpleasantly surprised to see that you, simple peasants, were able to write this paper without citing the Dr. Genius (2005), Dr. Genius (2010) and his lovely wife Dr. Geniusette (2012). Although those have almost nothing to do with the research, given references will provide you some beautiful "blue sky" sentences for the Introduction.

You also missed the dot mark on the page 8 - this is unacceptable

Major Revision!

I have a lot of stories to tell about referee reports... But this is maybe more suitable with a beer somewhere in a nice pub ^^

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