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RE: Једини био пут, ратно стање, Број 006, Срећна Нова 1916.

in #steemstem5 years ago

Thank you so much for your devotion!

I will probably write a single post in English that will be more suitable for English speaking readers, with more maps and explanations.

Currently, I'm desperately trying to find someone to help me with the project that will allow Steemians who love history to have the perfect tool (dApp) for their posts.

Some context for readers who are not that familiar with the Southern Front in WWI:

  • Summer 1914, Austro-Hungary vs Serbia - Serbia won, at Mt. Cer
  • Winter 1914, Austro-Hungary vs Serbia - Serbia won again, at Battle of Kolubara

Winter 1915 was grim...
Serbia vs Austro-Hungaria from the west, Germany/ von Mackenzen from the North and Bulgaria from the east

Fighting on 3 fronts was impossible. Maybe it would not become a disaster if Bulgarians were not successful in Macedonia - but they managed to cut the route to Greece. FRA/GBR soldiers came too late, too few.

The only possible remaining route was through Albania and then to Greece...


You see how you bring that to life!
Night before last I was reading about the relationship between Russia and Finland leading up to and after WWII. This is the kind of stuff I go to sleep on. History somehow relaxes me.
If you develop that tool you will indeed have a devoted follower and active blogger here. Wish I could help with the technicalities, but I know nothing about coding, etc. Actually, sometimes I get lost on Discord :)
Thanks for that nice response. I'm going to read right now about the events you refer to.

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