Long and Honest Open Letter to "STEM Complainers" - Short Version: Fcuk Off!

in #steemstem7 years ago (edited)

Yesterday it was intense on Discord and several highly respected members of the community simply lost the patience.
I lost my patience as well, facing with the special kind of people I know very well.

That kind of people is very frequent in my former country and I lived with such psychological profile for 25 years.

On the other hand, those people who established the STEM community are kind people, used to live in highly developed countries, where the laws are respected and they all worked in nice places with the intellectual elite, so they don't know how to handle you.

But I know you and have no problem to tell you directly.

I know all your excuses and arguments, so let's begin.

My post is gooood, and some post earned moooore :( !!!

Let me tell you honestly: Your post is junk in 99% of cases

If your post is good - why it didn't get 100 $, spontaneously?
Have it got 10$ maybe? No, not even 10?
Maybe 1$?

Nooooo... Your super post, the pinnacle of the popular science earned 0.10 $. But you want STEM Support for 100 $.

But my post is researcheeeed :( !!!

No, your post is the conglomerate of some daily newspapers, Wiki and basic reasoning in 99% of cases.

Do you write about the animals as @amavi ? And she is doing an amazing job every single time.
Do you write a review grade posts like @lesshorible or @sco? They can publish it with some polishing in some low-rank scientific journal. Do you even have the knowledge to write in such style?
Maybe you are producing the original work, full of passion, like @dber?

No! No you don't! You want to earn by writing some soft biography, with all the pointless sentences already written 100 times. Come on, time for the new post about Darwin... A whole day and no Darwin.
You also want to write something for elementary school and present it as the science. What is the value of that?

But... I know you, you want to earn 100 000 $ by doing a mediocre work in a day or less.
And even then - you would complain. It could be 200 000 $ and half a day :(

But people don't want to vote for meeee. And I'm smaaart :(

It's true! I don't want to vote for you.
This is a free market. I vote what I like and what I find to be valuable.
I have the list of my favorite authors and I will vote for them every time.

You have two options:

  1. Write something amazing. Something extraordinary.
  2. Find a new niche, be original

But I should earn mooore :(

Seriously? Do you want a monthly salary for 15 min of easy work?
Yes, you do, I know you...

Let me tell you a thing. In Eastern Europe, people do scientific research for a whole month for about 5 steem per day. And those are qualified people, with M.Sc. or Ph.D.

In Central Europe, they work for about 10 Steem per day.

Pray to God that those peoples (thousands of very smart, well-educated people) don't find out what the SteemIt is.

When they do, you will start getting 0.00 $.

But they earn moooore :( !!!

So what!!!

How much do you earn in "real life"?

If I worked in Serbia, for 40 years, my whole life, I would earn about 500.000 $

Thousands upon thousands of singers, athletes... earn that in a year!

That's the life, deal with it!

Here, the top post can earn 1000 $. My post can make 25 $. It's 40:1 ratio - that is the fairest fair.

Now, let me ask you something

How the money (Steem) is generated?

Someone is voting for you, someone has some voting power.

What is your voting power? Multiply by 10.
That is the amount you could expect for your post:

100 Power = 0.17 $
1000 Power = 1.66 $
5000 Power = 8.30 $

And how much do you earn from the community?

Go to the https://steemworld.org/ and see who is providing you earnings.

STEM, Right?

Be fair at least, damn!

But I know your sort of people, you don't understand the word "fair", you only know "envy".

Do something for the community or Fcuk off!

You want to write 15 min post and earn as much as good authors?

You don't care to give your votes to the community (0.01$, but the principle)?

You don't care to power-up and grow?

You don't advertise the STEM?

And you dare to harass people with your shitty posts and weird sense of justice?

Fcuk off! Nobody needs you

I know you! I don't need you


This is classical "new steemian" approach. They heard from someone about it and It is supposed to bring joy, happiness and richness to EVERYONE for nothing. I mean ... absolutely nothing, you put few photos, couple of lines and you are rich. Well the hard truth is that this can be true, but as you figured it out - it is true if you are stacked with SP on your account =) But you can be stacked only if you are or were in the past producing really quality posts for a long time. Or if you invested heavily in steem. In both cases you had to invest time or money into this platform. And when someone new comes to see the trending page with ... let's be hones quite some shitty content reaching good rewards, they just can't understand it and it's actually really frustrating because they equal some effort with big rewards.

So TL;DR; - keep trying, produce good quality content for an extended period of time, or buy 5-10k SP to get you started =) You will still have to create a name for yourself, write at least medium content but it will be easier.

But you can be stacked only if you are or were in the past producing really quality posts for a long time

Nothing else that I could add :)

let's be honest quite some shitty content reaching good rewards

That's due to the different starting points. In "real-life" some people are born rich. And it seems easy to them. But after years and decades, some of them fall down, some of the poor, honest people go up.
What is the only solution for us, non-royalty? Education, hard work, quality. At the beginning it's hard, but after several years, you can move abroad. After 5-10 years you can start your own company. After 20 - you can become the elite in all the meanings.

And that is what people should do here. Good quality authors should stay together and grow.
Imagine only 1000 good authors, photographers, STEM, craftsman... By the summer, it's 1.000.000 power.
And that could be the avalanche.

If we fall into the grey, shady, low-quality hi-quantity, we are becoming one of those we hate now.

Mogu prvi priznati da sam posle registracije mislio upravo to, jbt pazi lika sto zaradjuje 100 dolara dnevno a realno postavlja smece. no lik je tu vec npr preko godinu dana, skupio bazu koju to interesuje i to je to.
Nisam se nesto preterano ukljucivao u druge oblasti osim fotografije (malo video i muzika) pa ne mogu mnogo reci o kvalitetu i trudu ulozenom u pisanje tema. Znam koliko je truda ulozeno u neke od mojih fotografija ili videa (a svestan sam i koliko ima boljih od mene) a isto tako znam da sam vise manje katastrofalan u pisanju tekstova. iako sam vec neko vreme tu jos uvek nisam siguran kako se postaviti. Da li potrositi sat dva na pisanje (vreme za fotkanje i obradu ne racunam) i onda ukapirati da je to videlo troje ljudi (nisu pare cak ni problem :) ) ili pisati 5 minuta i postaviti fotku. pre neki dan je @derekkind napisao "I came for the money, stayed for the people!" i trenutno mi deluje da ce tako biti.

Koliko god ti se u početku činilo da ne vredi kvalitet, veruj mi da vredi, nego treba malo da se pročuje.
Ja svima kažem da je 30 Steem-a u prvih mesec dana lud uspeh. Ko nastavi sa kvalitetom, tokom drugom meseca može da očekuje bar 100 steem-a - a to je u rangu plate kod nas.

Za fotografiju, pošto i ja volim da se igram, znam da ima mnogo talentovanih fotografa koji imaju i znanje i strast. I kada postave slike na neki stock sajt - dobiju ništa jer je konkurencija ogromna.

U ovoj STEM oblasti, specifičnost je što ljudi imaju stav "država treba d'uradi". Znamo kako se to odražava dugoročno - tako što svi kreću da kraduckaju, pada kvalitet, rastu tenzije.
A ideja je u osnovi sjajna - da se naprave tekstovi najvišeg mogućeg kvaliteta, a da ostanu pristupačni za čitanje. I ti tekstovi dobijaju sponzorstvo jakih članova zajednice. Ali ljudi počeli da pišu đubre, a hoće zapadnu dnevnicu za to.

Za ogromne se ne sekiraj, to ti je kao kraljevska porodica, rodio se takav, šta ćeš.
Samo zacrtal neki opipljivi cilj i shvatićeš da se nerealno mnogo ispalati: tipa odeš na planinu, to je 10 steem-a za gorivo i klopu - džabe izlet ako objaviš putopis. Video si čudan objektiv - 10 steema ćeš dobiti za review.

Realno treba imati vremena za dobar post, zato mene i sramota da se sad ja nešto guram i na discordu, kad su mi postovi sada realno shit! Al' tu sam, pa kada bude vremena, da ispišem nešto kvalitetno, bar sam skupila neku "publiku" kojoj mogu to da prezentujem. Ali ta kuknjava "moj post je dobar", pa, kod nekog je možda i istina, ali ne zna dobro da reklamira. Npr. moja sestra je pre par meseci napisala fenomenalan post o Đavoljoj Varoši i Bogme se ispisala, par dana radila na njemu, sklipljala informacije i slike fenomenalne. Nije što je moja, ali post joj je bio vrh! I, šta sad, relativno nova na steemitu, post je prošao nikako. Sad nije ni aktivna koliko je bila, izgubila interesovanje, jer je videla kako prolaze neki postovi bezvezni.

Evo moja priča kako je išla. Prvih mesec dana ništa, druga decimala. Niko da vidi.

Tek "odjednom" posle 30 postova, napišem post o istoriji lečenja raka. Dobar, naučni.
I puknu me 60 $ .

Posle toga nekoliko naučnih, držim nivo, ma kakvi - 1$. A stvarno sam naučnik.

Tek posle 50. posta sam počeo da skupljam neke kao drugare i da imam kontinuitet.

Sadašnji presek prihoda: Moji prirodni glasovi (10 x moj power) = 1.3
Glasovi jakih kojima se sviđam: oko 6 - 6.5
Glasovi slabih kojima se sviđam: 0,5-1

Tako da za korisnika koji počinje, 0.10 $ je mnooogo.
Slobodno stavljaj po jednu sliku dnevno, neki tekstić, stvari za FB i Instagram.
I ako na kraju meseca imaš za kafu - super. Kad si dobila kafu od FB-a? :)

Nikad, nemam ni FB, a ni instagram! 😁
Ma ne, sve je to super. Treba istrajati. A da, inače njoj je prvi post dobio oko 70$.

hvala za zasvet. u sustini to mi je i bilo razmisljanje, ako mi steemit isplati neke izlete po srbiji, to bi bilo super.

Ja postavio na Planinarenje Srbija, upravo tu ideju. Ej, ljudi, dobra stvar, postavite fotke sa izleta - zaradite za izlet. Ali od 20.000 članova dobih 0 lajkova, mislim da su čak i obrisali.

Postavio na Biološko istraživačko društvo, ej ljudi, da imate za terene, znam da je bilo zeznuto za sponzore oduvek - ništa.

Ne kapiraju ljudi da može... Slike su ti super, imaš od mene barem 0,01 za sliku do kraja vremena. Malo, jeste. Ali to je 1 izlet godišnje.

ja nisam zeleo da spamam ljude okolo sa Steemit-om dok nije proslo mesec dana, cisto da vidim kako funkcionise. posle toga sam spomenuo svakome za koga mislim da moze da doprinese bar neki kvalitet (uglavnom su fotografi ili muzicari) i jednog sam ubadio da se registruje (na proveri je) a ostali su svi u fazonu a ti postavljas redovno, gde cu ja da snimam svaki dan...
sa ovo blizom ekipom sam podelio prvu zaradu koju sam zaradio na videu koji smo snimali zajedno i verovatno ce tako biti i ubuduce.
ko nece, ne mogu mu nista :)

Hvala :)

You absolutely nailed it!!

Would you believe if I told you, I had to deal with this one guy in one of the @steemstem distilled posts and his complain was steemSTEM never thanks us for writing for steemstem. 😆

We were speechless!! I think @lemouth or JTM took over from there and handled him pretty well...!!

I remember this one :)

"Thank you for flying with the British Airways" would be appropriate I guess

That's the odd feeling some people have.
Instead of considering themselves to be the part of the community and consider the STEM as your own home/ company, they feel like they are some outside saviors.

The same kind of people that ruins the kid's playground in the neighborhood and flip their own garbage can :D

If you don't feel that this is yours until you participate - you're doing it wrong

Oh my, if I can still resteem this I would. More people need to read this. And I have learned something from this post too. Haha.

Šta se nerviraš. Ne znam ni šta ljudi toliko najavljuju na lajkove. Meni su nekako komentari važniji, tj. koliko čovjeka "natjeraš" da promisli o onome o čemu pišeš.

A ako neko baš želi zarađivati od pisanja o znanosti: postoje redakcije koje traže freelancere, samo pošalješ aplikaciju i, ako si baš toliko dobar koliko misliš, lako ćeš zaraditi. Bar je to lako u 21. stoljeću..

Hehe, pa "lako je nama", mi možemo da pišemo jer nam se piše za svoju dušu :)

Ali čim počnu da se vrte pare, odmah počinju da se javljaju oni koji bi da se okoriste o situaciju.
Pre mesec dana je bilo oko 50 nagrađivanih autora, sada ih ima 150.
Broj kvalitetnih se nije povećao, nego ajde, da se jača zajednica.
Osim tebe, nisam video dobrog novog autora u poslednjih mesec dana.
Onda je tih novih 100 + 200 nenagrađenih postalo drčno i iritantno.
U zajednicu dodaju ništa (ni power, ni ljude ni kvalitet ni međuljudske odnose), a traže nenormalno.

A vodeći STEM ljudi fini i kulturni pa ne znaju kako da razgovaraju sa parazitskom bagrom, nego troše svoje nerve i pokušavaju da im nešto objasne. I na kraju prsli sinoć. Praviš dobru priču i pustiš da je neki nebitni likovi rasture jer ih nisi na vreme otkačio.

Meni da stigne 10 takvih prosjačkih poruka dnevno, poslao bih 10 psovki i udario block 10x bez da mi se puls ubrza.

BTW puno si napisa da bi zaradio u Srbiji za 40 godina rada. 500 000$ ne bi ni za dva života :P

Ma kad kažem ljudima koliko je stvarno, sve misle da fali 0 na kraju ili neka cifra na početku :D

Everyone needs to vent and I agree with you on this. I've never once complained about not getting upvotes on a post nor do I plan on doing so. I'm here to share knowledge about marine science and to help myself study by writing posts and reading papers to help with the writing process.

I don't understand how people can complain about their posts not doing shit when the quality is not good, it is plagiarized, or whatever. I do not claim to write the best posts, and yes, some of my posts are shit themselves. @Amavi and @Mountainwashere are two of the best examples (in my opinion) of communicating science to the community without making a post as if you are wanting to get it published (those are great posts too).

I think every content creator within the steemstem community can do a better job at community engagement. I'm glad this break and restructuring are happening regardless if it messes up people (myself included) getting upvotes on their posts from @steemstem or not.

This is a simple game of numbers: what is our import, what is our export.

What we do is specific and fragile. We can't reach the masses, we don't write pseudoscientific crap that will be attractive to 5% of the people no matter what.

All we can do is to this for ourselves. Because we like to do this and because we have a passion.

This is a crypto. It can fall to zero - and I'll be ok, this is my blog.
I could sell all my steem for 3$ - and do what? Buy a laptop, a few lenses :D and change tires on my car.
It a small amount to betray all of you.

But, if we keep the quality maybe we will get some attention from the outside.
Maybe we will get some new idea.
Maybe we will attract some good new people.
Maybe we could make some "real-life" collaboration and boost our careers.

If we make the community - we could do something we can't even imagine today.

I feel like outside attention is not necessary unless we want to do something along the lines of what @mobbs suggested in this post: Steem could transform...

But you're right, we need to just stick to doing this for ourselves and not for the payment.

upravo to, kopirati moze svako. a ja otisla u drugu krajnost i kad pozelim pisati nesto strucno opet ne znam koliko strucno jer covek sa prosecnim (ne mislim glup nikako) znanjem iz oblasti koje mene interesuju moze razumeti i to me malo buni. napisala sam jedan clanak i nisam sigurna koliko se u 1000-2000 reci moze reci a da sve stane sto pozelim a da se da razumeti . :)

Ne mora da je pre-stručno. Neka bude bazirano na nekoliko članka ili na review-u.
I neka ne bude trivijalno kao u novinama. Ako postoji grafik neki - probaj da objasniš kako se tumači.
Ako postoji neka neobična reč, tipa "pozitron" - treba je objaniti.
I valja dati neki kontekst, tipa primene tog otktića ili koji su budući pravci.

U suštini, ne vidim da se u bilo kojoj oblasti Steemit-a mogu ostvariti bolji rezultati i ne vidim da je negde raspodela pravednija nego ovde.

Nevolja je u tome što nema beskonačno mnogo power-a.
Naša lokalna zajednica generiše sama do 0,50 $ sve ostalo dobijamo kao pomoć za razvoj.
I red je da im se odužimo nekako.

da, upravo, ipak treba biti zahvalan na datoj prilici a ne ici parolom "samo daj". Alavost je to. Skroz te razumem.
aha, onda mislim da sam ispunila pravila pojasnjavanja i potrudicu se da se animiram malo vise u odnosu na svoje vreme. uskoro onda nesto interesantno u najavi :)

U poslednjih mesec dana invazija nekih opskurnih likova, po 5 dnevno. Vidite mi post, mnogo mi je lep post. Jao zašto mi niko nije glasao post. Pa ima svako 10 glasova, odakle mi? Meni, jačima, celom STEM-u? A postovi u rangu B92 "da li ovo oktiće menja sve što smo znali" ili postovi tipa 2. Njutnov zakon. U najboljem slučaju jednačine za srednju školu. Čist spam.

hahah, stizalo mi je i na steemchat-u takvih stvari, ali tipa da li mu/joj mogu pomoci i kada skontaju da nemam "moci" i da moj upvote ne vredi vise od moralne podrske, teraju dalje. :) ne znam, ovde se vodim logikom, sta mi se svidja citam, sta nije dopadljivo ili ko je napadan, zaobidjem i kraj. prosto, nema ni kulture niti konta da poenta steemita nije samo u parama vec i u postojanju mreze i stvari i ljudi na njoj. kad pises nesto, gledas da te kroz tvoj post, slike ili sta god ljudi i dozive kao licnost. mozda mi je parola pogresna :D

Pa da, to je ono što ljudi nikako da shvate, samo je potrebno da se ponašamo kao pristojna ljudska bića. Čitaj šta ti se sviđa, glasaj šta ti se glasa. Ne prosjači unaokolo, ne prodaj falš robu. Radi strpljivo i kvalitetno mesec dana - rezultati će doći.

ali mnogi zele sve odmah, sad, ovog trenutka. tako da i nije lose sto si ovako javno to pip :) bitno da nas ima koji se kapiramo.

Well this was refreshing. I've been thinking exactly the same thing recently.

Also please fix your link to @lesshoribles. It doesn't appear to go anywhere.

Thanks, there was one more "s"

wow so amzing, pls vote my post herr
itts well rsearchd
i nede voets
my pst desrvs moar!
pls dn't flag

That link goes to this page. Anyways while I agree with the sentiment of most of this... might be all of it but I was up until 3 AM and I just got out of my first class (its 10 AM) so I am tired as all hell. So I agree with the sentiment of the post

If @suesa is "Sir" I only accept to be a "Frau" :D

pls frau

gve me mah upvotesssss!!!!!

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