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RE: C4 Photosynthesis

in #steemstem6 years ago (edited)

I will try to break the ice. You are writing very in-depth and specialized articles that require and challenge my attention. Challenge accepted :D

Basically the things I have kept after reading are:

  • C4 plants are plants that prefer the warm,dry seasons and tropical environments.
  • They have their own cycle of photosynthesis whereas the C3 is common to all plants.
  • PEP ( Phosphoenolpyruvate) is the first compound made (first step) in the C4.
  • This is a newer form of photosynthesis as evolution is concerned
  • It is more efficient and it doesn't waste oxygen.
  • C4 plants represent about 3% pf the total species but they actually fixate almost 25% of the worldwide carbon.

Maybe more, but they will sediment in time :P
Thanks again for taking the time!
A tip for engaging more users is to place a separated simple paragraph that will stand out to new users, basically offering them a point to start and engage a discussion without feeling shy :P It happened to me too on my articles in the beginning.

For your other readers:
Geologist Iain Stewart made a BBC TWO documentary a few years ago in which he covered "How to grow a planet", talking about similar topics but not nearly as in depth as @davidrhodes124. I can send you to the general search page and you can watch the documentaries which are pretty easy for a newbie to follow:


Great commentary and suggestions. Thank you for this feedback. I will try to implement your idea of placing a separated simple paragraph that will highlight the main points. Yes, I had seen Iain Stewart's documentaries on BBC .... as I recall he called C4 photosynthesis "turbo-charged" photosynthesis, or something to that effect. I will try to add explanatory animations or videos in future posts. I am relatively new to Steemit (since late February, 2018) and I am still learning the ropes.

I can recommend this video which explains the difference between C3-photosynthesis and C4-photosynthesis and how the latter protects against carbon losses due to photorespiration in hot and dry environments. It also briefly introduces Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM) that I will write about in my next post.

Alternative Pathways of carbon fixation: C4 and CAM plants

by Craig Savage
Published on Jan 13, 2012

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