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RE: A Taste Of Sweden (Part 2 - Dinosaurs Take Over Uppsala!)

in #steemstem7 years ago (edited)

During its lifetime it had 400-800 teeth which they replaced as they were worn out.

Free dental care. Awesome.

Another feature T-rex is known for is its tiny hands which paleontologists still haven't been able to figure out what they were used for.

Apparently tiny hands leads to high places, then and now, T-rexes and orange-haired trolls alike.

The pachycephalosaurus got its name from its 10-inch thick head

Ha, much like Plato, interesting.

The minotaurosaurus' brows are awesome!

Its thick skull had also some bony knobs which plaeontologist think that served as a defense mechanism or for head butting with other dinosaurs of their kind.

Forget the paleontologist, a phrenologist is what we need for head knobs!


Is that another name for someone who duckfaces? Χειλοθηρίο?


Ahahahahahahaha! I loved your observations and comments! But the last one? chilotherium for a duckface? you nailed it @alexander.alexis! Thanks for reading! :D

And I must admit, the minotaurosaurus skull was my favorite but sadly I could not find much info on it...

That was interesting - about the 'head butting '

I played a Lot w/ dinosaur toys as a kid !

Did they transform into giant robots, or just plain old common dinosaurs?

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