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RE: BLOG: Studying for the PE Begins

in #steemstem6 years ago (edited)

Yeah I am big into just doing something to learn also. Learning something at work goes that way for me. I just have to try it myself to really understand how it all goes together no matter how many times I see someone else's output. Good call on a recipe in particular. Takes me FOR-EV-ER to make something the first time and half the time I still leave out an ingredient or screw it up somehow.


For cooking, I've had mixed results with altering recipes. Either intentionally or unintentionally. Once I misread (brain fart) 1/2 teaspoon for 1/2 cup. I thought it was a lot so I put less but it was no where near the recommended 1/2 teaspoon haha.

im werid with cooking, i never follow instructions to the T, so my results vary a ton. I just do everything to taste* lol

But for everything else, such as doing a valve adjustment on a motor, the first time takes twice as long as the book time for the service. the second time, it hit the book time, then the 3rd time, i realize what i really dont need to do, or little tricks to make it easier and i can do it faster than book time! Its all in practice!

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