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RE: Cuming of Age: The Boys That Drink Semen to Become Men

in #steemstem5 years ago (edited)

My, oh my! I haven't read this. Just glanced at the pictures. This ought to be memorable. I can tell you are pushing the edges of comfort (for some people) with this one. Will read with care when all the demands of the day are behind me. I think I'm looking forward to it :))

Edit: I'm back!
You sure know how to put a blog together. While the subject may make some people uncomfortable, you have a light touch--I think the pictures are more startling than the text. Now, about the text:
I was a history teacher (actually social studies) and a student of comparative literature, so I take a broad view of culture. As I read your blog I thought of the Fore, who ritualistically consumed each others brains. And I thought of the Incas, and their custom of allowing the dead to hold property and wield power over the living. So no custom is so bizarre that it astonishes me, although I am often amazed that customs arise that work against the success of a people. This seems to go against the biological imperative of survival of the species.

As for looking at mammal studies to enlighten us about people--I don't really buy it. I know that when it comes to drug trials these studies don't hold up. Different mammalian species may have a lot of characteristics in common, but these species are not identical.

Good luck with this blog. You 'boldly go' where few men (and women) dare to tread. Kudos for your entertaining writing, excellent research and inimitable @alexander.alexis delivery. How will you top this one?

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