Evolutionary advancement in the animal kingdom

in #steemstem6 years ago

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It is not uncommon for people around this side of the world to call each other 'animal' in the process of trading abuses and insults. Whenever I witness such situation, one question always pops into my scientific mind - aren't we all animals? Yeah, you read that right. All humans are animal, if we want to put a kind of respect on it, we will call ourselves higher animals. What do you think makes us higher?

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When it comes to classification of living organisms, the animal kingdom makes up one of the four eukaryote kingdoms. All living organisms in the kingdom Animalia are multicellular, the animal-like unicellular organisms have been placed in a separate kingdom - Protista. Biological organisms in animal kingdoms are quite unique and differ from those in plant kingdom in that they are heterotrophic, rather than being autotrophic. They are also unique from organisms in the fungi kingdom (which happen to be also multicellular and heterotrophic eukaryotes) in the way they obtain their foods.

While animals feed by ingesting their foods, digest such within the body and then egest undigested portion from their bodies, fungi digest their own foods outside their bodies by secreting digestive enzymes on the food and then absorb the digested food into their system. Furthermore, while fungi typically grow on their foods, animals have to move around in the quest of seeking their own foods, making locomotion important characteristics of the organisms in the animal kingdom.

Coming back to the question of why humans are respectfully described as higher animals, the answer lies in evolution. A whole lot of evolutionary advancement exist within the animal kingdom. When it comes to climbing the ladder of evolution, human beings happen to be at the highest end of it. A number of features exist within the animals which makes one group of animals to be more advanced than another. For the records, the animal kingdom is divided into several sub-groups or phyla. Each phylum has some features that makes it more advanced than the other. In order of advancement, the animal kingdom is divided into the following phyla:

  • Porifera simply known as the sponges
  • Cnidaria or Coelentarata
  • Platyhelminthes/flatworms
  • Nematoda or the roundworms
  • Anelida or the earthworms
  • Arthropoda
  • Mollusca
  • Echinodermata
  • Chordata, the group that humans belong to.

In what ways do these animal groups show advancement over each other?

One of the evolutionary trends in the kingdom is the level of complexity of the animal's body. The simplest of them all, the sponges are just aggregates of cells with little or no interraction, that is they are not unicellular neither are they re multicellula but do not form tissues unlike other group of animals. Tissues are group of cells of similar origin and structure functioning as a unit in a process known as differentiation or division of labour. Thus, higher efficiency is achieved with the differentiation of the cells. At higher level of organisation, various groups of tissues aggregate and work together to form different organs of the body while the body of the most complex group of organisms is made up of several organs working together to form what is known as the system.

Along with the evolutionary development of tissues, organs and systems comes a lot of co-evolutionary advancements. Two body layers in certain animals were replaced with three body layers in others to accomodate more complexity level. While the former are said to be diploblastic with outer ectoderm and inner endoderm, the latter are said to be triploblastic with mesoderm forming in between the endoderm and ectoderm. In some organisms like the flatworms, the mesoderm completely fills the space between the ectodermal and the endodermal layer of the body. Such organisms are collectively known as acoelomates, that is, animals without coeloms. On the other hand, in more advanced animals like annelids, an extensive internal space or body cavity develops in between the ectoderm and the endoderm layer. Such organism are referred to coelomates and the cavity is specifically known as the coelom.

By CNX OpenStax - CC BY 4.0, Link

The simplest animals like the sponges have no specific body symmetry. Animals like the cnidarians are radially symmetrical. The radial body plan is built along a single axis which other body parts attach to. Hence, the whole body can be divided into two identical halves along any plane or line of division. Radial symmetry also tends to be associated with organisms which do not show locomotion. However, majority of animals are bilaterally symmetrical; a body plan that is associated with locomotion, gives a more compact and streamlined shape and allows greater specialization of body parts. Animals with bilateral body symmetry can be divided into identical halves along a single plane only, as opposed to those with radial body symmetry that can be divided along several planes. Thus, the bilateria have dorsal(upper), ventral(side), anterior(front) and posterior(back) views.

By CNX OpenStax - CC BY 4.0, Link

Even within each group or animal phylum, a variation of evolutionary advancement do exist. For example, some coelomates have metameric segmentation which is the transverse division of the body into a series of similar semi-independent parts or segments. The origin of the segments is within the mesodermal layer of the body and its usually associated with both mesoderm and ectoderm. Metameric segmentation is best illustrated in the earthworms in which the series of divisions distinctly appear externally as constrictions along the body surface. Each segment of the organism is bodered from the other by septa that extends across the entire coelom. Additionally, each segment contain its own muscles, blood vessels, nerve cells and reproductive organs in some cases. However, the nervous system and the blood system run through the entire length of the body.


An earthworm showing metameric segmentaion By David Perez - Vlastito djelo, CC BY 3.0, Link

The development of the head otherwise known as cephalization is also an important evolutionary feature among animals. The head is totally lacking in some groups of animals while it is poorly developed in some. The most evolutionarily advanced group of animals have well developed head with brain.


origin and evolution of animals

Coelom: Features, Types and Mode of Transmission

symmetry in biology

animal kingdom

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Whenever I witness such situation, one question always pops into my scientific mind - aren't we all animals?

Yeah, the same happens with some specific animals like pig, they are used as insults but we shouldn't do it.

We are animals yes, we are just smarter than the others :D

Calling someone a pig is quite different from calling someone an animal. From a scientific point of view, the first one is an insult and the second one is a fact :). It is like someone cursing you that you will die, I do not consider such as a curse because everyone is bound to die, yea?

The brain is the evolutionary reference here. Whether for the better or not is not known.

the process which led from the ameoba to the human is considered as a development although whether the ameoba would agree with this conclusion is not known

The brain is actually the organ that makes man the most complex animal. Thanks for your audience

Coming back to the question of why humans are respectfully described as higher animals, the answer lies in evolution

Well said, if not for evolution, we might be stuck in a lower kingdom and we might be those animals we use in insults ourselves

Well done! Nice input

lol...difficult to imagine. Thanks for the input sir.

The evolution story never ceases to amaze me.
I used to think "so i could have still been livestock "

haha....just imagine how big the whale and the elephant is, yet man still subdue them. No be by size!

The introduction got me though.. I loved it

Evolution has done a lot.. Though there is no prove that indeed we evolved.. But its very much possible.

Lol bro....I can give you tons of evidence supporting evolution, what do you mean by proof?

What i mean by proof is that it hasn't happened with someone looking... And why have we not evolved from being human?

Or are machines the next step in evolution... I don't really believe in it sha!

This post remind me of my first and my second year in the university.

Two body layers in certain animals were replaced with three body layers in others to accomodate more complexity level. While the former are said to be diploblastic with outer ectoderm and inner endoderm, the latter are said to be triploblastic with mesoderm forming in between the endoderm and ectoderm.

Triploblastic and diploblastic ,all those terms......... grrrrrrrrrr.
Though the higher the animals the complex animals becomes. Evolutionary trend makes the difference. However, my question is this, is there still evolution occurrence in living organisms anymore, or all organisms have reached terminal stage of evolution?.Thanks to you @aamin

Thanks for your contribution. If we take a critical look at history and the present status of mankind, you will not have an option than to agree with me that man is evolving. Are we going to evolve into another form? I really cannot say.

Humm ,thanks very much. I hope we will not just wake up one day and discover that, human have evolve into another being, considering our activities with various instrument that modify genes like fossil fuels inhalation...and many others......👍 @aamin

nah. It's not going to be an overnight thing. EVolution does not work this way

Am just joking lol. Thanks for giving us the information.

I wish man will evolve more to stop destroying the nature the way that it is through civilisation and industrialisation. I'm afraid the rate we are advancing as a race that in years to come that the earth will no longer be conducive for life, as we know it, going by the rate we are killing, polluting, destroying, etc. of a lot of things that will make here habitable.

Plot twist - All these destructions and killings are evolutionary processes that will make man to evolve into something else. Just kidding!

Thanks for your input

I love the plot twist. I'm a sucker for a good story.. :D

When it comes to climbing the ladder of evolution, human beings happen to be at the highest end of it.

We are right? We are far the smartest and the highest kind of animals. But what makes me sad is that though we have all the brains to help the environment and our wildlife we are constanly destroying it. The greatest responsibility to take care of the environment definitely lies on our shoulders because we are higher than the rest.

you are damn right. However, the extent of the complexity of humans is yet to be understood by man himself. Sometimes, we act irrational and we might actually end up in self distruction with few of our irrational behaviours.

What makes us humans are our ability to act in rational or irrational ways. Anyway great article @aamin :)

Great article by @aamin . you really touched a very important aspect in last paragraph when you said there is variation in the evolutionary advancement in animals, does it occur among humanity too?, Because it amazes me how some human behaves as if they are not human or less human ,while some behave as if they are second in command to God. Thanks

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