No | Payout | Author | Title |
1 | 1.128 SBD | mauromar | New high-power electric motor eliminates the use of rare earths/Nuevo motor eléctrico de alta potencia que elimina el uso de tierras raras |
2 | 3.531 SBD | jesusjacr | Robots de uso militar - Mi peor pesadilla. |
3 | 2.190 SBD | mauromar | Google engineer predicts we'll reach "longevity escape velocity" in 5 years/Ingeniero de Google predice que en 5 años alcanzaremos la "velocidad de escape de la longevidad" |
4 | 1.853 SBD | depend | 自己动手丰衣足食 |
5 | 8.650 SBD | alexandergudino | Robots Caninos | Utilizado para la seguridad y custodia de la residencia de Trump |
6 | 1.783 SBD | korea109 | The Power of Data Science: Unlocking Insights from Data |
7 | 13.579 SBD | remlaps | Challenging Our Intuitions: Annaka Harris on the Nature of Consciousness |
8 | 5.433 SBD | jorgebgt | Mobilitazione dei poli per un'inversione dei poli. |
9 | 1.203 SBD | lupafilotaxia | Countdown to imminent arrival of hybrid brains in less than a decade |
10 | 2.584 SBD | mauromar | Solar paint could generate electricity for 12,000 kilometers a year/Pintura solar que podría generar electricidad para 12.000 kilómetros al año |
11 | 0.170 SBD | jang | 🚀 Space Weather News: Space Weather, First Photon, Space Mystery Signal | S0 News Nov.30.2024 🌠 |
12 | 2.115 SBD | mauromar | For the first time, the formation of water is recorded on a molecular scale/Graban, por primera vez, la formación del agua a escala molecular |
13 | 0.213 SBD | jang | 🚀 Space Weather News: Space Weather, Pole Shift Dating, X1700 Superflare | S0 News Nov.29.2024 🌠 |
14 | 0.508 SBD | jang | 🚀 Space Weather News: Waiting for the Solar Storm, Ozone Destruction, Magnetic Tornados | S0 News Nov.28.2024 🌠 |
15 | 7.015 SBD | necho41 | Impianti cerebrali molto meno invasivi di Neuralink |
16 | 4.128 SBD | jorgebgt | Iceland, the first country to receive electricity from space. |
17 | 0.037 SBD | iotman | 🌌 SpacePicture of a Day: Winter and Summer on a Little Planet 🪐 |
18 | 2.103 SBD | mauromar | Researchers create crystals to extract water from the air without using energy/Investigadores crean cristales para extraer agua del aire sin usar energía |
19 | 0.052 SBD | ydavgonzalez | Resuelve el problema del día 28/11/2024 |
20 | 0.368 SBD | jang | 🚀 Space Weather News: Solar Storm Coming, Most Powerful Cosmic Rays | S0 News Nov.27.2024 🌠 |
21 | 0.063 SBD | iotman | 🌌 SpacePicture of a Day: Messier 4 🪐 |
22 | 2.652 SBD | mauromar | Project Hyperion, a huge spaceship to “colonize” planets outside the solar system/Proyecto Hyperión, una enorme nave espacial para “colonizar” planetas fuera del sistema solar |
23 | 0.075 SBD | cotina | Top: Publicaciones seleccionadas bajo la etiqueta #cotinast del día 27/11/2024 por @vivigibelis |
24 | 1.301 SBD | necho41 | The longest journey of a vacuum capsule. |
26 | 0.033 SBD | ydavgonzalez | Desafío Matemático del día 27/11/2024 |
27 | 0.306 SBD | jang | 🚀 Space Weather News: Solar Eruption Coming at Earth | S0 News Nov.26.2024 🌠 |
28 | 2.853 SBD | mauromar | First double lung transplant performed by a robot/Primer trasplante doble de pulmón realizado por un robot |
29 | 0.059 SBD | ydavgonzalez | ¿Puedes resolver el problema del día? 26/11/2024 |
30 | 1.055 SBD | jorgebgt | Alarming mobility of the Magnetic pole. |