🏒My first article as an official SteemSports presenter is published! (English/German)

in #steemsports8 years ago

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Hello dear blog-readers and followers, I just want to make the announcement, that I wrote my first article for the @steemsports blog! Im now an official SteemSports author and in the future you will find some new of my sports articles there from time to time. My first article is for the ice hockey game "Eisbären Berlin vs ERC Ingolstadt" and I will write tennis, poker and maybe chess articles too.

[German] Hallo liebe Blog-Leser und Follower, ich möchte nur die Ankündigung machen, dass ich meinen ersten Artikel für den @steemsports Blog geschrieben habe! Ich bin jetzt ein offizieller SteemSports Autor und ihr werdet dort immer mal wieder neue Sport-Artikel von mir finden. Mein erster Artikel is für das Eishockey-Spiel "Eisbären Berlin vs ERC Ingolstadt" und ich werde auch Artikel über Tennis, Poker und vielleicht Schach schreiben.

Here you can find my first article at the SteemSports-blog: 👉SteemSports: German Ice Hockey League - EISBÄREN BERLIN VS ERC INGOLSTADT

[German] Hier kannst du meinen ersten Artikel auf dem SteemSports-Blog finden: 👉SteemSports: German Ice Hockey League - EISBÄREN BERLIN VS ERC INGOLSTADT

Here you can find my english/german tutorial, how to bet for your favourite team, without spending money: 👉 How to win sports bets, without spending money? (English/German)

[German] Hier findest du meine englisch/deutsche Anleitung, wie du auf dein Favoriten-Team wettest, ohne Geld auszugeben: 👉 How to win sports bets, without spending money? (English/German)

You can only win, or not win, nobody will loose ever!

Du kannst nur gewinnen, oder nicht gewinnen, keiner wird jemals verlieren!

Hear you in my next article, have a nice evening and best regards!
[German] Bis zu meinem nächsten Artikel, einen tollen Abend noch und beste Grüße!

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Jonas Ahrens

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Hey y’all for more great content check out these blogs too:

(All robot images from steemd.com)




































I haven't seen that game come yet on the blog, when does hit?

Congratulations @future24. Wishing you all the best.

Thank you for the extra exposure @future24 welcome to the team!

German hockey? Love the idea!

Don't know if the latest NHL games by EA Sports make it possible to play in this league, but if not they should add it.

This should draw interest from people living in North America because as I just learned:
The DEL currently has the highest number of American and Canadian players outside North America.

Contgrats man! I look forward to supporting your journey with the @steemsports project.

Hey this is great, thanks @bitcoinparadise!

good work mate all the best with your presentations hope it goes well

Thank you very much @jahtech and for your resteem too!

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