SteemSports: Behind the Scenes with Editor 'cryptoiskey'steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemsports8 years ago (edited)

In this post I will take you behind the scenes and show you what it takes to make edit/create a steemsports post. On average a post will take me 2.5 - 3 hours with exception to the UFC posts which take alot longer.

A very brief "About Me"

Hi my name is Shayne and I am a stay at home dad amongst other things :)

My skills include many but the following are my most utilized: 3d Animation and all aspects of graphic design including video creation/editing; I would consider myself advanced in those fields.

To give you some perspective I have been creating Avatars for a virtual world since 2007, which includes not only creating the avatars but also the online catalog. But I will save the amazing details of that for another post :)

Why I do what I do

First off let me tell you why I am a SteemSports editor and why I am on steemit at all.
The answer is simple - I believe in this platform and I believe in @steemsports.

From the 1st day I landed on steemit I never looked back. Yes, the initial pull was monetary but after a few weeks that quickly became a secondary priority. I want to be ingrained on the blockchain, I want to be a part of great things on the blockchain. I believe in freedom in a decentralized manner, and will be on the chain until my last dying breath.

Being a part of a team/community saves the soul

Being involved with a team slash community that unleashes/allows your passion to flow through creativity is a soul saver. The creative release gives the inner soul satisfaction that is vital to our happiness as creators.

SteemSports has given me the opportunity to be a part of something that I believe in the future will be a great asset in bridging the gap between the non-crypto savvy folks and the steemit platform.

There are many moving parts in the SteemSports engine, and the team tries its best to bring you valuable content and new innovations. We are a very strong and motivated team that works just as hard as the next man with visions and goals of creating incredible things.

Behind the scenes: SteemSports Editor @cryptoiskey

The role of a steemsports editor full-time is something that I transitioned to from originally being a writer as well .I found my skills were better off served adding "Life" to the posts with layout and images.

As an editor I also took on the task of creating the schedule (google calendar) to help organize the writer/editor sync with executing posting times and variance in content. This in itself is a very time consuming part of the scheme of things, and many aspects are as important as the next, for example:

  • Editor to Editor coordination
  • Editor to Writer coordination
  • A variation of writer content
  • Fairness for posting spots allocated to writers
  • Amount of posts to release
  • Posting times

A screenshot of the calendar in December, you can click on the image to view a larger version.

As you can see above it is quite a busy schedule

Behind the scenes: Editing the writers draft

Editing time 15.00

Editing the draft from the writer is the less time consuming part of the post. It varies from writer to writer because of country of origin, but in general it will take me around 15-20 minutes.

Behind the scenes: Main Image including gif

Editing time 35.00

The main image is the one I use to show the "Game Preview". For this post, I already have a template I made prior and so I will be sourcing images and creating a gif to replace the current ones. This process took around 35 minutes. When I create a new template/placeholder it will take anywhere from 1-3 hours depending on complexity.

Behind the scenes: Blog Thumb

Editing time 05.00

Creating the blog thumb is a very important step. If your thumb looks nice and is crisp chances are users will click on it. This particular thumb i have already made a template base and only need to add new team logo's and customize.

Behind the scenes: Comment Thumb

Editing time 05.00

Comment thumbs are less important for attracting users but equally important because all images you produce for any project should have the same attention as the next. For this particular post the images are static but when making comment thumbs for the UFC/MMA posts I will sometimes create animated comments to give a different feel to the post, maybe increase hype and excitement a little :)

Behind the scenes: 3 Player basic image

Editing time 18.00

With this particular writer @writingamigo he normally includes nice player sypnosis for each team. There are 3 players I want to make a basic image for, I already have previously made a simple template, so once the images are sourced the timeframe isn't extensive to complete this graphic.

Behind the scenes: Single player profile image

Editing time 35.00

My mindset was a single image for this post, but your creative can take over your thought pattern very fast and you can't help yourself. In this image, I made two gifs that show the same action shot but different angles on the camera. The beauty of the NBA they have cameras on the board so you can get this footage on some shots. I also didn't have any type of template for this so just made something simple but effective to showcase the player.

Behind the scenes: Steemit editor finishing the post edits

Editing time 30.00

So for this post I will use part of another post from the same editor and edit all the new text links etc. Regardless if you use a template or not it will still take time to add all the new material. I find this stage of the post is time-consuming because I tend to triple check everything like my life depended on it. All HTML has to be 100% on point otherwise, it will not play nice with the steemsports site.

Behind the scenes: Final stage

Editing time 10.00

Probably the most freaky stage of the editing for me is the editor. Don't ask me why but there is something about pushing that "Post" button that still gets me nervous every time. Maybe it is knowing it is a permanent mark on the chain or maybe it is 'the not making a mistake' factor who knows, all I know is it freaks the shit outta me.

After I publish on steemit I then need to get it sorted on This involves making sure the correct cut off time is added and also editor/writer names. Once I am satisfied I approve the post on steemsports and it goes live. The final stage is the payouts for the writer/editor and free/pay plays after the post has paid out on steemit and all Pay Plays are complete.

Total time to create/edit the above post was approximately 2.5 hours. You can view itHere

In closing

My daily routine involves 2 main things and that is homeschooling my son and editing for steemsports. Homeschooling my son allows me to not only spend more time with him but also teaches me to be a better parent. Steemsports gives me the opportunity to be creative and sharpen my skillset, engage with wonderful people, and be apart of something special for the future. For me, that is the perfect balance.

My journey on steemit has been a very interesting one, and I have learned a lot along the way. What has made steemit so important to me is the people I have met along the way, and the new friends I have, and the relationships that are building day by day. I believe just like data is ingrained on the blockchain forever, so will the new friendships that have spawned from the very same source.

We the people making a difference and embracing this incredible technology, will be the foundation for the hordes that are yet to experience what has led us to the colorful new realms we inhabit day to day.

Cheers guys and gals :)

I would like to thanks the following members for the past, present and future involvement with SteemSports you are what has made this project possible and will help propel it to the global market in the very near future.

Core Team: @thecryptodrive @furion @theprophet0 @cryptoiskey
Dev Team: @furion @pkattera @pandabrand
Advisors: @smooth @npl77 @kryptik
Incubators: @complexring @nextgencrypto
Writers: Alphabetical order @applecrisp @ats.david @bacchist @brandonk @crowne @cryptoiskey @degenbet @future24 @hansolo @heroic15397 @kooshikoo @kyriacos @metalcrypto86 @rgeddes @sirwinchester @steempowertwins @stranger27 @theprophet0 @toddemaher1 @tygergamer @will-zewe @walden @writingamigo

Also thanks to @papa-pepper for support with contests

And to all those that have and continue to support the posts you all rock:).

When all is said and done steemit has opened the creative gates for many amazing people. I hope steemit is here for along time so we can all witness creative and innovative masteries.

This post is 100% Power Up


the bottom line is you produced a professional page that gave joy to people who looked forward to using their knowledge of the game and your input to forecast the outcomes of matches. I'm disappointed by what I now see on the trending pages. If the steemit community was polled, an overwhelming majority would support having your posts regularly featured on our feed. Unfortunately, you have to rely upon whale support as well, but I think it's also in their best interests in terms of added value and reader participation on the site. Thanks for all your great work!

Thanks mate really appreciate the comment :)

you're very welcome, cryptoiskey

Beautifully put @cryptoiskey! I am glad having you as an editor for your consistent and great work! Your part as an editor is tougher than I could ever think...
I should also make a post to show what writers go through to get a draft. It is also harder than one might think.

Thanks:)..And definitely you should:) it is great to show the community whats involved. We all do our part as a team:)

Dis daaaaaa chit!

Thank you for a very educational look into what I suspected was a substantially involved process! Y'all kick ass - ignore the hate, perpetuate!

Cheers mate yeah takes a bit longer than people think, but it is fun doing it:)

Upvoted and resteemed!!!! FULL STEEM AHEAD!!!!!

Cheers and Thanks for the resteem!

I would like to thank you for your dedication to our team, you are a good friend and an amazing member of @steemsports.

We've done over 40 events together.. I know I put in at least an hour or two getting ready for my part. We covered the most epic World Series of all time. As much as I loved your post - I hate the fact that you need to justify the amount of work you have put into this project. We are both Dads who put our lives on hold for $2 an hour. Of course its a hobby - but thats what these idiots don't understand.

To all you greedy fucks out there - a poor worker always blames his tools.. write something worth reading and maybe you'll get upvotes.

wow its been that many, damn time fly's when your having fun,lol.

I'm saving the cake and ice cream for my 100th...

my vision of death "death by ice cream overdose"

Keep up the great work!

Thanks! That's the plan :)

Very awesome instructional post! Thanks!

Glad you luv it mammasitta!..woot:)

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