SteemSports: [UEFA Champions League] FC Bayern Munich v Atlético Madrid - Mass SP Distribution Game!

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Спортивная инициатива сообщества SteemSports, своим голосом вы помогаете в распределении SP и меняете ситуацию к лучшему!

ChessMasters/SteemSports Editor: @theprophet0. [Witness]

ChessMasters/SteemSports Presenter: Yuriy Kosyanchuk - @stranger27

Times and Location

Tuesday, December 6th | Вторник, 6 декабря

7:45 PM UTC | 19:45 GMT +2

Allianz Arena Stadium, Munich, Germany | Стадион "Альянц Арена", Мюнхен, Германия

Match Preview

Bayern Munich will host Atletico Madrid on December 6th at 7:45 PM UTC in Atletico's stadium - Allianz Arena. This match will conclude the last round of the group stage in the Champions League. The main intrigue of this game will be the question, will Bayern be able to take some revenge for their defeat in second round?

Анонc матча

6 декабря в 7:45 PM UTC на стадионе «Альянц Арена», в рамках последнего тура групповой стадии Лиги Чемпионов, местная Бавария будет принимать Атлетико Мадрид. Главной интригой этого матча будет вопрос, сможет ли Бавария взять реванш за поражение во 2 туре или нет.

FC Bayern Munich | Бавария (Мюнхен)

After five rounds, Carlo Ancelotti's wards are currently sitting in second place in their Group. They have scored nine points and loosened up to Atletico by six points. The thing is that when Bayern plays at home, they play very strongly, very few teams have managed to take away points from Bayern at Allianz Arena.

Подопечные Карло Анчелотти после 5 туров занимают 2-е место в своей группе. Команда набрала 9 зачетных пунктов и отпустила Атлетико аж на 6 очков. Вследствие этого эта игра в плане турнирной борьбы ничего уже решать не будет. Все могут подумать, что игра будет скучной и мало результативной. На самом деле есть мысли о том, что нас ждет очень интересный и напряженный матч. Все дело в том, что Бавария на домашней арене играет очень сильно, мало кому удается увезти очки с «Альянц Арены».

From the first few minutes, Bayern usually takes the ball under control and begins to weaken the guests defense. Also, Bayern usually puts up a goal or two before the end of the first half. Their early goal scoring has made their identity. Plus, Bayern lost in Spain and they will do everything to take revenge. In the last round, the Germans sensationally lost in an away game against Rostov with a final score of 2-3. A lot of criticism poured onto Carlo Ancelotti's side, so he, like his team, has something to prove. It will be very difficult for Atletico to keep up with the Reds.

Команда с первых минут берет мяч под свой контроль и начинает методично расшатывать оборону гостей. Зачастую, уже в первом тайме можно увидеть много голов. Это так сказать фирменный стиль «мюнхенцов». Плюс к этому в Испании Бавария проиграла, и будет делать все, чтобы взять реванш. В прошлом туре немцы сенсационно проиграли на выезде Ростову со счетом 3-2. Очень много критики полилось в сторону Карло Анчелотти, поэтому ему, как и его команде есть что доказывать. Атлетико будет очень непросто удержать «красных».

Atlético Madrid | Атлетико

Despite numerous predictions after the Group stage's toss-up, Diego Simeone's team currently occupies thefirst place in their Group. The Mattress Makers have shown a 100% positive result through five games, scoring fifeteen points! Atletico is primarily famous for their defense. Through five matches, only one ball slipped by Rostov - that is a very good result that deserves a great amount of respect!

Команда Диего Симеоне, несмотря на многочисленные прогнозы, которые были после жеребьевки групповой стадии, уверенно занимает первую строчку в своей группе. «Матрасники» показывают 100% результат, набрав в 5 играх 15 очков. Атлетико славится в первую очередь своей обороной. Очень мало голов пропускает испанская команда. За 5 матчей всего 1 пропущенный мяч от Ростова - это достойный результат, заслуживающий уважения!

In the last round, Atletico was able to deal confidently with the Dutch team, PSV Eindhoven, beating them at their home stadium with a final score of 2-0. Two precision strikes in the second half by Kevin Gameiro and Antoine Grizman gave them the victory. In this match, despite the lack of tournament motivation, Simeone's team can really give Bayern a struggle as they always play strict defensive and qualitatively in their counterattacks.

В прошлом туре Атлетико смог уверенно разобраться с голландскими ПСВ, обыграв его на своей стадионе со счетом 2-0. Два точных удара во втором тайме Кевина Гамейро и Антуана Гризмана установили окончательный счет на табло. В данном поединке, несмотря на отсутствие турнирной мотивации, подопечные Симеоне могут вполне реально навязать борьбу Баварии, сыграв как всегда строго в обороне и качественно в своих контратаках.

H2H Statistics | Статистика игр

28/09/2016UEFA Champions League 2016/2017Atlético Madrid1 - 0Bayern München
03/05/2016UEFA Champions League 2015/2016Bayern München2 - 1Atlético Madrid
27/04/2016UEFA Champions League 2015/2016Atlético Madrid1 - 0Bayern München
17/05/1974European Champions Clubs' CupAtlético Madrid0 - 4Bayern München
15/05/1974European Champions Clubs' CupBayern München1 - 1Atlético Madrid

Last 5 Matches | Форма команд

Team Statistics in Champions League | Статистика комманд в Лиге Чемпионов

Betting Information

Bayern MunichDrawAtletico

Support SteemSports Ultimate Vote Betting … together we all can win!

How to Play

  • Vote on the main post to enter the bet (main post rewards will also be added to the Stake Pool).

  • Cast your Vote Bet on ONLY ONE outcome for which you bet on for the win (Multiple comment votes will be automatically disqualified by the script, unvote and revote counts as multiple votes and will be disqualified).

  • After 24 hours, the post and related game comments payout to the pool; remember 25% voters rewards are deducted from the total post-payout value first as per Steem curation rules. Voters are rewarded in standard fashion in proportion to their Steem Power holdings.

The Stake Pool:

  • The remaining 75% of the total payout is paid out in 50% Steem Power and 50% in liquid currencies, the latter now varies in payout ratio after the new fork. To make the process less complicated, we have decided to use all paid out SBD to buy Steem in the internal market to create a grand total Steem Stake Pool.

  • 30% of the Stake Pool will be retained, of which 15% will go to the writer/sports presenter of the post, and the 15% balance towards editing, development and advertising.

  • 70% of the Stake Pool will be held until the event/game outcome is determined.

  • Once the winning outcome is determined, we will execute a proprietary developed script that will divide and pay out the Steem rewards equally, using the Power Up method, to Mass Distribute SP to all participants that voted on the main post as the entrance fee as well as voted on the correct comment representing the winning outcome.

  • Only participants with a Reputation of 35 or more will qualify to earn SP rewards, but non-qualifiers can still vote and comment in support of the redistribution initiative.

  • Entry cut-off time is the earlier of the post-payout or the start of the event.

Disclaimer and Image/Source Credits:

  • Image Credits: Team Logos come from Wikipedia - Team Pictures Are Attached To Images

  • Images used in this post are either paid for and modified, Creative Commons (CC) or image credits supplied.

  • Note the views and predictions of the presenters are their own personal views and do not reflect the views and opinions of @steemsports. @steemsports does not offer betting advice.

  • Errors and Omissions Excepted (E&OE). SteemSports is currently beta, currently no liability will be assumed for errors.

  • @steemsports reserves the right to amend future payout percentages based on the operation needs of the account.

  • @steemsports is not a traditional betting platform and no fiat currency is used as rewards or in casting bets; as such does not fall under any gaming and gambling jurisdictions; but even so, users are urged to first consult with the laws and age restrictions of their countries.

  • @steemsports in the unlikely event that when the Stake Pool is divided up between the winners and the nomenclature resolution goes below the third decimal place (example: 0.0001), then Steem decimal restrictions won’t allow a payout and the pool will carry over to the next game.

  • Please vote responsibly :).

Copyright © Ricardo Goncalves 2016

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Bayern Munchen

Bayern Munich

FC Bayern Munich

Bayern Munich

Atlético!! go! o/

Atlético Madrid

Going for the away team - 5 out of 5 is a track record

Where are the payouts for the prior 6 days?

tee-em I have wondered as well if they are making all the payouts

They are doing them now. The guy was on vacation

Atlético Madrid | Атлетико

Atletico de Madrid

nice post

Bayern München

FC Bayern Munich

Atlético Madrid

bayern for the win

thank you

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 61434.10
ETH 2474.37
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.64