SteemSports: First Live Bet Game - 2016 US Presidential Election Results Prediction Game

in #steemsports-livebet8 years ago (edited)

Join us for the first SteemSports, Steem and Steem Dollar Live Bet test event!

SteemSports Editor: Ricardo Goncalves - @thecryptodrive [Witness]

SteemSports Presenter: @theprophet0. [Witness]

Game Cut off times 8th November 2016

(01:00 PM EST)

(12:00 PM CST)

(10:00 AM PST)

(06:00 PM UTC)

The big day is almost here, this election is said to be America's most important election of all time ... massive changes will happen when the next President of the United States comes into the office. Very few people like either of the candidates as they both have a greater amount of cons than pros.

For those who are not familiar with American politics; in summary the two presidential nominee's are, Donald Trump who is running for the conservative/republican side and Hillary Clinton who is running for the liberal/democratic side.

In all honesty, currently we have no idea who is 'winning' the polls as each media station is biased for one or the other and the candidate they support typically leads their polls.

How does the electoral voting process work?

Despite popular belief, the U.S. Constitution does not provide for the popular election of the American president. It provides for popular election of presidential electors. Each candidate who qualifies for a given state's ballot must designate certain individuals who will serve as his or her electors if that candidate wins the popular vote in that state.

When each state certifies a winner of its overall popular vote, that winner is entitled to send all his or her electors to that state's capital, where they will officially record their votes for their candidate. All the electors in all the states do it on the same day, the first Monday after the second Wednesday of December. This year it is Dec. 19, which is the latest it can be, just as this year's Election Day is the latest it can be.

In these proceedings in the states, the winner of the statewide popular vote generally takes all the Electoral College votes, a rule stretching back to 1824.

Two states, Maine and Nebraska, have instituted a different system, giving two electoral votes to the statewide winner and one to the winner of each of the state's congressional districts. This is allowed as the Constitution enables individual states to determine the manner of their elections. Other states have recently considered doing this as well.

Maine has two districts, so its vote can be split 3-1 (as it appears likely to be this year). Nebraska has three districts, so it could split 4-1 or 3-2. Nebraska had a 4-1 split in 2008, when its Omaha-based district voted for Barack Obama while the other districts went easily for John McCain.

Some states have also considered a rather more exotic idea: Casting the state's electoral votes for whoever wins the national popular vote. This would serve to undercut the Electoral College's "indirect democracy" and elevate the idea of a national choice, regardless of state lines.

For the present, however, here is how the Electoral College votes are apportioned to the states: Each state is assigned a number equal to its Senate seats (always two) plus its seats in the House of Representatives.

That means the seven states with only enough population to qualify for one House seat will get three votes each in the Electoral College. California, with 53 seats in the House, gets 55 electoral votes, and Texas' 36 seats mean it gets 38 electoral votes.

And that's why, after the U.S. expanded to include 50 states, the Electoral College had 535 seats, the same as the total of members of Congress (Senate and House). It now has 538, because in 1961 the 23rd Amendment to the Constitution added three for the District of Columbia, which had previously been without a voice in choosing the president (and which is still without a vote in either the Senate or the House).


Fox News Electoral Map

Blue = Democrat (Hillary)

Light Blue = Leans Democrat (Hillary)

Red = Republican (Trump)

Light Red = Leans Republican (Trump)

Gray = Toss Up States (Could Go Either Way)

Updated as of November 4th, 2016.

CNN Electoral Map

Updated as of November 4th, 2016

Betting Odd's

For reference only; these odd's will not be implemented into your bet.

Bet on the winning result below by sending Steem or SBD to steemsports and include the given memo related to your selection

Trump for the Win!

Transfer your Steem or SBD bet amount to steemsports and use "Trump" in the memo.

Clinton for the Win!

Transfer your Steem or SBD bet amount to steemsports and use "Clinton" in the memo.

Other outcome for the Win!

Transfer your Steem or SBD bet amount to steemsports and use "Other" in the memo.

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How to Play SteemSports Live Bet Edition

  • Pick your winning outcome and transfer any amount you wish to bet in either Steem or Steem Dollars to the steemsports account.

  • You can send in as many entries as you like, to as many outcomes as you like.

  • A vote on the main post is not required to enter, but we will appreciate it to help set the post to trending, improving visibility and helping us raise funds for front-end development.

  • This is our first Live Bets game to test our payout platform, and therefore it has no fees. 100% of bets will be paid out.

  • There are no reputation limits to participate on the live bet.

  • Entry cut-off time will be the time stipulated on the post, if no time is stipulated on the post, the earlier of the post payout or the start of the event shall apply.

  • All live bet entries submitted after the cut-off time will be refunded.

The Stake Pool:

  • Steem digital currency Bets on all outcomes will be combined in a single stake pool, and distributed to the winners who bet on the correct outcome.

  • Steem Dollar digital currency Bets on all outcomes will be combined in a single and separate stake pool, and distributed to the winners who bet on the correct outcome.

  • Distribution of winnings will be in proportion to the bet amount paid in, the calculation will be as follows:

( Your Bet / Sum of Winning Bets ) x (All Winning + Losing Bets)

This applies to both Steem and SBD pools and any other digital currency pools we introduce, off-chain, on the front-end.

Disclaimer and Image/Source Credits:

  • Image Credits: Trump - Clinton - Wildcard

  • Images used in this post are either paid for and modified, Creative Commons (CC) or image credits supplied.

  • Note the views and predictions of the presenters are their own personal views and do not reflect the views and opinions of @steemsports. @steemsports does not offer betting advice.

  • Errors and Omissions Excepted (E&OE). SteemSports is currently beta, currently no liability will be assumed for errors.

  • @steemsports reserves the right to amend future payout percentages based on the operation needs of the account.

  • @steemsports is not a traditional betting platform and no fiat currency is used as rewards or in casting bets; as such does not fall under any gaming and gambling jurisdictions; but even so, users are urged to first consult with the laws and age restrictions of their countries.

  • @steemsports in the unlikely event that when the Stake Pool is divided up between the winners and the nomenclature resolution goes below the third decimal place (example: 0.0001), then Steem decimal restrictions won’t allow a payout and the pool will carry over to the next game.

  • For Live bets, please only bet what you can afford to lose.

  • Please vote responsibly :).

Copyright © Ricardo Goncalves 2016

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omg this is awesome :)

Thank you so much for making this, its highly motivational :)

Cool, we have our own cheerleaders now! Nice video @steempowertwins , community support like this is what makes Steemit awesome. We hope to introduce other games that are not strictly sports, let us know if there are any game genres you prefer. Any collab or ideas welcome, can contact me thecryptodrive on

Just bet 100 SBD on Trump. If Clinton wins this will be just a small loss among all what will happen soon under her command. I still believe Trump will make it. Onward!

100 SBD!!! Woah way to support our games brother! :) Steem On!!

this is actually a better way to see it, thanks to @jesta's

8 hours in:
63 bets
{'SBD': 1151.707, 'STEEM': 511.98199999999997}

Ah, you did make the analysis public, good man! :)

So far, in ~5 hours, we have gotten:
50 bets
SBD: $368.4
STEEM: 500.4

@dantheman voted the post!!! Ok this get's shared to Facebook and LinkedIn now!

How's this for a Social Media headline:

STEEM as a "No Fees" Prediction Market: Who will win the election, Trump or Clinton?

Everyone Share this post with this headline on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and whatever other site you normally frequent :) Dan approves of this post, so should you! :)

Results from the game are now available here.

Come on Trump supporters send your SBD in, put your money where your mouth is, don't be a cheapskate, we want your SBD.

This high roller just bet 400 SBD!! :) That's the spirit!

400 SBD I borrowed from @smooth , so a rush payment on the win is appreciated hahaha

Clinton for 200 SBD

I had 65 SBD. Just bet the house on Clinton.

Good luck my man!!

Awesome, thanks for playing @smooth! The stakes are increasing!

You should also start a lending business on Steem ... @smoothloans :) @joseph will be your regular.

The election has always been rigged...I can tell you who is NOT winning this election cycle...the American people!

Lol, good call.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.14
JST 0.029
BTC 57305.83
ETH 3076.79
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.40