What’s on the horizon?


What’s up everyone, well the more I look around on here the more I see that I’ve missed. I know I’ve seen a few comments on steemit having some problems lately. Has anything changed that I need to be aware of? Seems like everything is still the same. I’ve tried to stay up on my crypto but I will admit I kinda let it go also. I did do pretty good with my Stakinglabs account, I’ve made a lot of coins but they just aren’t with a whole lot! 😂 I’ve been reading a lot lately on this “Token Taxonomy Act” bill that been introduced by Warren Davidson and Darren Soto. If that bill can pass I see BIG things in the near future with the crypto universe. Let’s keep our fingers crossed! Well everyone have a great day!



Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

Not much changed, just everything is worth a little less and most of those who where he for a quick pay day have gone

All the same for SSG but much less activity overall

Only change for me is buying in hard to steem, and selling a lot of others crypto I don't use or love.

Posted using Partiko Android

Just recently traded some BTC wallet leftovers for some Steem to push my SP to over 500. Hey! A slider, something can play with.
Keeping me scurvy fingers and swords crossed, Arrrrh!

Main change is new accounts are no longer created by steemit (with 15SP lease etc). Steemit.co downsized 70% and now focuses on SMT light and others invest in dapps like Partiko, Dtube and others running in steem blockchain. (SSG is creating new accounts regularly to give away in the future)

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63156.23
ETH 2560.33
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.83