2018 1 oz. American Silver Eagle Raffle #002
Hello steemians!! It's time again for me to raffle off a 2018 Silver Eagle. The last one went very smooth and hopefully this one will too. All 5 people that entered the first raffle received free entries for the 2nd raffle. Here are the rules:
- There will be 20 spots, with 10 already taken you can look at the list to see what numbers are available.
- Each spot will be 0.6 SBD. You can send to @willsparks88 and put Silver Eagle raffle #002 in the memo. Once payment is received your name will go on the list.
- As part of the prize I will pay for shipping.
- You don't have to upvote or restreem but would be kindly appreciated. Restreeming will help the raffle run faster and be successful.
- After all spots are full I will do a random draw on PrettyRandom app and record it and post it on my blog, revealing the winner!
- If for any reason the raffle doesn't fill ALL SBD will be returned to participants that had paid. If raffle doesn't fill by 7 days from time of posting I will return all SBD.
- I will contact winner via email for shipping instructions.
- All spots will be sold on first come first serve basis.
If you have any questions feel free to ask in comment section or you can email me at willsparks8@yahoo.com. Good luck and thanks!!
2018 Silver Eagle Raffle #002
- raybrockman
- john-robert
- raybrockman
- john-robert
- john-robert
- john-robert
- grizzman
- thedamus
- thedamus
- raybrockman
- grizzman
- knowledge-seeker
- fat-elvis
- fat-elvis
- fat-elvis
- owenwat
- huw28582
Im in. I think I've sent the money correctly. I take 19 if still free
You got it thanks!!
Thanks dude! I'll take no. 16 as well!
you got it, thanks!!
3 spots available!!
ill have 17 please will :)
Got it, thanks!!
I'll play. Just sent over SBD.
what number would you like
No 4. And I'm sorry I did not put Silver Eagle raffle #002 in the memo field. Haven't had my coffee yet clearly!!
Got it, thanks!!
I will take 2, 5 & 6 as well.
You got it, thanks!!!
I can't be part of the raffle because I don't have SBDs. How can I have them ? I don't know anything about cryptocurrencies...
You can buy them on bittrex then send them to steemit or you can accrue them on steemit by posting, upvoting and commenting. Hope this helps
Congratulations to @thedamus
Hey buddy, I put up my raffle if youre wanting a 2017 steem coin!
Sent, thanks!!!