The great Steemit & #steemsilvergold, fiat, social experiment.

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After yesterday's little rant about the "great fiat scam" run by the central banking cartel, for a little fun and to just see how easy it is to get a totally made up currency in to circulation, I give you the:



Every individual WELSHIE will have an exchange rate of 1:1 with steem.

All steem exchanged for these made up worthless pieces of paper, will be stored in the central bank of WELSHIE, here on Steemit.


As you can see, none have been exchanged just yet and so the balance is 0.

I think 99% of stackers understand how paper/fiat currency is supposed to work, but if you're unsure let me explain.

"The Bank" ie Bank of WELSHIE, will hold X (where X is a number) amount of steem in reserve to = the amount of circulating WELSHIES. People can exchange the paper WELSHIES in exchange for goods and services off-line in real world cenarios.

A new WELSHIES will be created everytime new steem enters the bank and paper WELSHIES will be shipped out (small few on top) to the new owner of the WELSHIE.

My hope is that some idiot will start to accept these to actually sell stuff and then my point will have been proven.

So what's in it for me??? No bank does something for nothing....

This is what's in it for me:

1- anytime I'm stuck for something to blog about I can do a statistical analysis of the Current performance of the "Bank of Welshie".

2- by doing these blogs I can invest all earnt steem in to the bank and thus making fresh new WELSHIE's for nothing. I will of course be pocketing the SP payout of the posts for my own personal gains.

3- I'm a community driven kind of guy and think it would be fun to see these in the hands of not only #steemsilvergold members but #steemit members.


OK, so what's to stop these being forged/faked??

Simple; I have included some features both visible and not, some you can recognise - individually numbered notes, personally signed, laminated..... Some that are secret and only known to me that can be varified anytime.

So what's stopping you from wasting you're money on this new absolutely pointless currency??

You never know, you may get a low mintage number that could sell for many times its original purchase price.

How to "cash-in"??

Simply return your WELSHIE to the bank and receive your steem in return.

**proof of postage is not proof of acceptance. All WELSHIEs returned at your own risk.

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It's a little bit if fun, but come on and give it ago.



Thank you for your continued support

I see my Wild Imagination is starting to Spread throughput the
March 6, 2019... @pocketechange

You stay away from me..... You're a bad influence. Hahaha


If only you could be hired by JPMorgan as it's new CEO.
BTW Jamie Dimon's salary is $30 million USD/year.

Woah! That's nearly 80 million welshie's per year!! Decent salary.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 57856.68
ETH 2352.26
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.43