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RE: Official #steemsilvergold Weekly Enrollment and Membership Post - Audio #446

Did I miss the smart-cash buy yet? You said your doing a post soon but is that to confirm the buy or to look for interest in purchasing? What ever it is I'm in and I'll have how ever many you're having. 😂

Thanks for the steemsilverround shout out.. Less than 20hours left to go!!


Did you hear my sneaky ''good luck whelsie'' i get in at the end? I think its about 50secs.

And i'll be doing the group crypto post this evening prob bout 8-9. I'll prob go 150. I plan to buy some for me, i like the look of this coin, could be a goer.

That's the exact bit I heard. Lol.

If we get enough and you keep it all in your wallet, doesn't it generate an income or node or something if we get 10,000+?

we need 1000 for staking. I have put me down for 150 and you too. And 2 more have jumped on, so we have 600 already. Damus normally buys x2 whatever everyone else buys and we're home dry 😎

10,000 is for a master node, maybe a group goal? I think Phil is half way there, he made a post about it. He has been very quite and said nothing about Stax. I also see my upvote is 44%

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