Cosmic gods giving me a great big kick in the teeth!!



I must have done something really bad in a past life......

Where to start!!??!!

After the palaver of getting a lovely ransom note, sorry I mean customs invoice and paying it, delivery was scheduled for today.


My tracking information says delivered. That's strange I thought! Where is my parcel?

Since there was a customs invoice to pay, the delivery company gave me another set of tracking information as my package was held up originally.

Let's go check this out....


This is where it gets interesting and the swearing fucking starts.....

See that signature? Well that's not me

See the time it got signed for? That can't fucking possibly be me, I was in work.

So this is turning out to be an absolute cluster fuck of a day....

Where is my fucking parcel and which thundercunt pretended to be me???


OK, OK, cool head, cool head.... How to get this fixed??

I know I'll ring parcel force and they can sort it out.

Me: "hello, I'd like to report a missing parcel"

Parcel force: "OK babes. What's your tracking number and confirm your postcode? "

Me: "E19********* and CF7* ***"

PF: "Yeah babes, it's already been delivered and Mathew Thomas signed for it at 15:23"

Me: "well that's funny, I'm Mathew Thomas and I was in work"

PF: "OK babes, let me put you through to another department"

Me: "listen here you fucking bitch, stop calling me babe and don't you dare put me on hold and fob me off.... I have a set of skill at my disposal. I will find you and I will kill you!!!"

OK I really didn't say the last bit, like a good little boy I said yes and then continued to be passed from department to department and from depot to depot....

The last I heard they were going to speak to the delivery driver and get back to me. That was 3hours ago, so I'm guessing it won't be resolved tonight. I'll call back tomorrow and fingers crossed it will turn up.

But just for your pleasure here is my 2018 #steemsilverround unboxing.


Go fuck yourself!

And here is my first mene24k unboxing


And just in case you missed that one, go fuck yourself again.




Well the REAL Mathew Thomas Please stand up!!!! That fucking sucks dude,,,, here's you some back up, "FUCK YOU"

Cheers Mr B. I'm not worrying just yet!!! I'll give It another day and then start to freak out.

All is good, peace and calm. 😡

If it were me, I would be throwing very nasty names in Portuguese to all these people.

Me too, and I don't even know Portuguese!

Me 3 and I don't know any Portuguese either

I was just looking for an update post and some pics of your coins, have they not turned up yet? There are just no words. If some fuc%£& has had away with them i have a nice number 888 which you can have cos theres no way you can be left without your own coin.

I feel your pain. I buy and sell over the internet for the last 15 years. During that time, I have had many packages go missing, get delayed, or be damaged. I have clients all over the world, and the United Kingdom is generally pretty safe. I haven't had any major issues with most European countries, with the exception of Italy. Something is seriously wrong in Italian customs or the Italian postal service - many other dealers like myself will no longer ship to Italy because of the systemic problems.

Having said all of that, I hope you get a good resolution. Most of the time, I end up eating a loss, but every now and then it works out in the end. :)

That's the trouble with the postal system "human greed". I'm still hoping this is a mistake and been delivered to next street or something. This could be an expensive experience 😩

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

The real question is, who actually signed for it - knowing you were expecting a package - and stole it?

I always try to see the good in people. I'm hoping and this is a big HOPE.......

A neighbour has it and signed for it. I'm hoping the delivery drive just made a mistake and filled it out wrong.

Well that's what I hope anyway

That's f***ed up, I hope you will get your parcel or the person that signed with your name.

Well I hope I never find who signed my name (for their sake).

Thanks for the concern, I'm 100% sure they will turn up. OK 50/50!!

CRAP! That's garbage, man! The delivery driver could have taken it himself as he knew that it was valuable since it had been held up by the customs. That sucks so much, man!

The only small bright side is that the rounds were numbered, so if someone stole them and tries to sell them, you can prove they are your rounds. Still, sucks that you don't have them. I'm really sorry for you!

Im staying positive, they have just been mislaid 🤔😢😕😭😭😭

But I do like that serial number idea, that's handy to keep an eye out for.

That is brutal -almost like someone in customs new just what was inside and got sticky fingers, or told someone who has them. I hope you find the package and "honest" mistake I am sure it was.

It will be a mistake, I have faith in humanity. I hope it is anyway.

I am sorry to hear that @welshstacker and I hope everything gets sorted out quickly! Now this maybe a conspiracy, but is it possible the Mrs's is paying a very, very sick joke on you? Then at least at the end of it you would get your rounds.

She was im work herself the time alleged time of the delivery.

Im not panicking just yet... Another 24hours then I'll start to worry.

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