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I've upvoted, and once I resteem your post will probably be posted every hour or so do to some mishap with my account that in still trying to figure out, but it's worth the rep to earn one of the elusive STEEM Silver Coins!

I've been collecting silver since I was a young teen (currently 32.) I began by collecting silver change with the dates of 69 and below, but once I reached 21 I began investing in real silver bars. My wife and I had four 10 oz bars and five 1/4 oz rounds which we were going to add to over time in order to protect our selves for the day fiat currency finally died, but when my wife miscarried our only child to be at four months and had to stay a weak in the hospital due to her extensive blood loss, we had no choice, but to sell. That day I felt as never before , for a void had been carved out of me and life’s meaning had finally finished it’s story.
However, instead of falling victim to my negative feelings and thoughts thus plummeting myself further into the abyss, I decided to give my whole self to that one last thing holding me together (save my wife, she’s always been my rock,) cryptocurrency. I took a leave from architecture school and got busy. Our safety blanket has almost reached it’s goal and once that’s been accomplished we will then once again have the money to re-invest in silver.
Whatever I’ve got to do to earn one of those STEEM rounds will be done. I searched all day yesterday when I first saw them, trying to no avail to find a place that I might be able to afford to or at the least save up for a bit so that I might own what I now know to be pretty much unattainable lest I find favor amongst those lucky enough to be in possession of my dream coin.
I could further elaborate, but I’ve already reavealed too much of myself and I don’t want this “comment” to turn into a novella. I bid you thanks and praise for your time and generosity and am already in angst for you next post. Regards. V

Great comment V.
I remember that day it was horrible. That was the first time I ever saw my big brother cry and it broke my heart. I couldn't imagine a more terrifying scenario than not only loosing your child, but coming so close to loosing your wife as well.
I trully hope you win. I won't be commenting on the comp for that specific reason, but I will be sure to resteem and share.

Speaking about my tears was a little much J. You've never seen me cry cause that shit embarsses me and many other things, but now you've put me on blast. Just make sure you don't tell anyone to S your brother's D on this platform again if they stay arguing with you again lol. You've got your own piece.
Why the hell are you still awake?

Alright, alright I'll mind my manners and I'll answer your sleep question with a quote from 50 Cent when he was asked something similar. "Sleep is for those who are broke, I don't sleep."
As long as the markets moving I'm awake trading on it.

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