RE: Are you a Stacker Or Collector?
At the very beginning, I stacked mainly higher premium pieces. My first piece ever was the 1 oz gold PAMP Suisse Fortuna bar. Jesus, what a beauty that thing was. I ended up needing the money (2012-2013) so I sold it at my local coin shop and kind of got out of stacking for a while. Then I bought another 1 oz gold Credit Suisse bar, much less beautiful. Again, needed the money and sold it. I had a couple silver Maple Leafs, Philharmonics, and I think one Panda. These were the days of me being obsessed with Silverfish VT's channel and I would watch people like BigStackMcGee and the like. Then I started heavily stacking silver, mainly tubes of generic rounds with some 10 oz NTR bars and stuff. Got to around 350 ounces silver and then sold it all to put a down payment on my first house. Been stacking again ever since then. Now I stay away from generic silver rounds and focus mainly on government coins, poured bars, etc. These are the things that I think are beautiful. In the beginning, I did this with the gold. I thought it was the most beautiful thing ever (and it was). Then, I went for generic silver (for sheer weight), and now I'm back to beauty and my personal value I see in my stack. So you could say I've gone full circle. :) Keep stackin' my brother from the north.
Thanks for the detailed reply @vegansilverstack. Also selling to buy a house idms a good thing. Now you're back to stacking is even better! Everyone loved silverfishvt the legend