Silver of the Day #27 - Twins!!

I have been trying to add weight to the stack by purchasing different generic rounds and bars. I like the various designs and the price isn't bad either. So I normally have quite a variety and only show you one at a time... because I only have one of each.

However, I'm also a big believer is keeping families together, so when I saw this set of twins, I knew I needed them both. They carried a bit of a premium, but it was worth it to give them a good home.


There's no stamp or marking on the reverse, but I like it!


There are some coins/rounds/bars that have a lot of detail and subtlety to them. That's not the case here, but I really like the clean, classy look of them. Engelhard is a well-known brand and these are my first ones.

Hopefully one day I'll be able to get one of their 100 oz older brothers to help keep them company. I don't want them getting lonely.

Are you planning to add any Engelhard to your stack?

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My favourite bars are SilverTowne and Engelhard. My problem is that I have too few of them.:=(

Yeah, the SilverTowne are nice as well!

My problem is that I have too few of them.:=(

That's a problem that most of us have, my friend. At least we're all in it together.

howdy Blondie! hey that is SO compassionate of you to keep these two together, that's what it's all about.

I knew you would understand. ;)

lol! you have a heart of gold Blondie and today's redneck joke is not going to be a match for you so I already know that I'm foiled again!

Thanks, man! I'm sorry it's no match for me. You'll get me one of these days.

Thanks, man! I'm sorry
It's no match for me. You'll get
Me one of these days.

                 - themanwithnoname

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

you sir are a Haiku Master.

I hate that account. It's obnoxious. I finally gave up and mute it.

it IS kinda irritating, why is it even there? I see it all over.

oh, what are your plans this weekend?

Hopefully I'll be able to buy a little silver. Other than that, just hanging out. Maybe see some friends and family.

What do you and Mrs J have going on?

well sir Mrs. J has been gone for a few days and is getting back tomorrow morning and I don't know what she has planned. I don't have a darn thing planned except to work on another post and hopefully there will be tons of people to talk to like you because I want a strong finish in the contest. my plan is to step back from that next week so if you can.. you could push a little and overtake the first place position. I'm still going to try to hit the top 5 or 10 but there is so much work to do around here that I've been neglecting and I gotta get to work, we have 15 acres that need alot of landscaping, mowing, planting, and all kinds of work outside on the property.
did you like the photos of the Painted Ladies in my post? I spent a long time finding those but I think they are utterly fascinating.
haven't you bought enough silver for one week? lol

I'll be around a little bit today, but it seems the family wants to hang out, so I'll be spending time with them.

I might be able to capture the top spot next week. We'll see. Thanks for the heads up that you might be leaving it open. ;)

Having 15 acres, I could see how you'd have a long list of "honey-do" projects to work on. Hopefully you'll be able to get a lot of them done.

I think I missed that post. I've been around, but not around the last few days. I'll have to look back when I get a chance. Although, I can't say I read about "painted ladies" very often (to be read: ever).

I haven't bought any silver this week. I was going to go today, but I ran out of time. I guess I'll have to wait and see what happens next week.

They're sweet! That's one of those purchases that I saw them and it was decided. There was no debate. The other rounds had to fight over the right to get purchased.

Where do you keep all of these bars?! You need a safe place right? Imagine if your house got robbed! you can't put them in a ledger nano S or a trezor like cryptos xD

Yes, you need a safe place to keep them. It would be a shame to have such lovely shiny stolen.

It's true, you can't put them in a nano S or trazor, but silver also can't be hacked. And it won't stop working if there's a bad update to the software. Ha ha. One of the main benefits of silver that you possess is that it's not just on paper. It's something that you can physically hold, so no one can take it away with a line of code on a computer. Another benefit: It's super pretty to look at!

but silver also can't be hacked. And it won't stop working if there's a bad update to the software.

You won this fight xD

Yeah, silver is pretty cool to look at! I prefer gold though, I think we all do xD

Engelhard is king. @themanwithnoname these are a buy everytime. Nice addition.

I paid a few dollars over spot, but I would do it again in a heartbeat. Thanks for the confirmation. :)

This post has received a 16.84 % upvote from @vickwinn

Hey, @vickwinn, I'm confused by your comment. It doesn't really have to do with the post.

Also, I saw that you actually upvoted the post at 100% for .001 STU. Why would you say that you only upvoted 16.84%? I looked through your comments and it seems that you've been commenting on other people's posts that you upvoted random percentages.

Although it may seem like you're engaging with the community, this isn't the most productive of behavior as it indicates that you're not being entirely honest and that you're playing some game with people. In order to gain upvotes, you need to build trust and relationship with people.

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You don't have to take my advice, but you should find success if you choose to engage meaningfully.

Best of luck!

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