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RE: Silver of the Day - Unboxing #3

I'm not certain on the etymology or epidemiology of Sta(c)kitus. All I know is that I have it and I want more of it. Wait, no I want less. No, more. I'm not sure. I just want more shiny. Who knows. :P

I think the box was just loaded with an extra dose of Sta(c)kitus and a side infection of Ingotitis. Now the desire to get ingots has increased as well, so it is going to be varied stacking, not just bars, coins, and rounds.

That's the song. I don't normally link unlicensed stuff in my posts. I save those for the comments. Ha ha ;)


I think YouTube videos are more fair game than most, and it's pretty obvious where they're coming from and who might get some credit for it, even though it's someone else doing the video clip and tossing it up there. It's not like images as much because there is a definite person to the image. Where as the entire footage of a film or television show would be owned by some company, the video clip is done by someone else who threw it up on YouTube. Still probably easy to figure out who it belongs to, and those who don't want their shows or movies shared in anyway tend to put up cease and desist orders that YouTube is very good at honoring. Maybe a little too good.

At any rate, I'm more than happy to provide the song for this post in the comments. :)

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