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RE: Silver Lining

I'm glad you liked it. I thought that it would be a little different flavor than the silver posts that I've seen. I still like the coins and rounds, but it's so cool that I can invest in this and I can use it to eat dinner like a boss. :)

That's like an economic inversion dealymajigger right there!

I feel like this should be on a t-shirt. :D

slapped together as an afterthought because it's actually a glorified cardboard box kind of doghouse.

Sounds like you should invest in a better doghouse first. Then put the old doghouse facade on it so she still thinks that it's dingy inside and won't know that she's really sending you to your man cave... which is where you should keep the silver.

It sounds like you're going to need to be selling some other things before you're going to have the money to buy silver. Then again, maybe if you find a really nice (not beat up) almost complete set at a shop near you, you could buy the whole thing and give it to her as a present! That's thinking. ;)


I love economic inversions. I dream about them. I devise worlds around them. A T-shirt would be child's play in comparison. :)

Man, you get a dime being worth a $100 and it just sends shivers. Or you have a fancy mansion selling at the price of a low end manufactured home—whoa! Getting chills just thinking about it.

Yeah, I could probably do some doghouse upgrading, or at least end up in my 'man cave.'

Now, for every other wife in the world, the silver silverware set might work, but see, at our wedding reception, instead of getting mostly toasters, we got mostly place settings and serving bowls. So we have back ups to our back ups to our back ups in the event we run out of the silverware we regularly use.

I'll have to think long and hard on that one, as good of an idea as it would otherwise be. I'm getting the feeling I'm an odder duck than I already admitted to.

I love economic inversions. I dream about them. I devise worlds around them. A T-shirt would be child's play in comparison. :)

Have you considered becoming an economic analyst. There have to be people out there who could use a quality numbers guy like yourself. Or you could at least sell the shirts on facebook. :P

I'd love to find out that some of my dimes were worth $100. I'd sell them. I also wouldn't mind getting even a regular house for a regular house price, not a mansion price for it. That's the current market though, so we're still renting for the time being. When the next correction happens, maybe we'll jump in then.

So what you're saying is that you already have silverware and are going to do some posts on it?! I'm sorry, buddy. That's a bummer my idea didn't work. Most of the younger generations aren't buying silverware or asking for it on their registries. I think one of the reasons is that it's just too expensive and people don't look at it as an investment. More for me to buy at low prices, I guess.

Hey, it's the odd ducks that don't just burst into the sky and get shot out of it by the hunters. Keep that in mind. You're not allowed to shoot a sitting duck. That's the rule. Heh

I do like the idea behind economics, but I've never studied it or gone too in depth with it. I understand you can make quite a bit of money forecasting, like a glorified weatherman. :)

I do have to say, though, the little I've heard Milton Friedman speak was extremely fascinating. I wish he were still around. The people we have running the show now aren't really interested in sound economic principles anyway. They're in the pockets of some big agenda or have one of their own.

We did get some pretty heavy forks and knives out of the deal. I have no idea what they're made of, but you could give a good sized lump to someone if you thumped them with say a spoon. Not that I have any practical experience with that. I'm just guessing. You know, doing my solid numbers guy thing.

I'm an Oregon Duck fan, so I prefer no duck shooting of any kind—running, passing, kicking or sitting.

I haven't looked into it too much, but if you don't have the background, you'd probably have to go back to school for that. Uh oh!

The people we have running the show now aren't really interested in sound economic principles anyway. They're in the pockets of some big agenda or have one of their own.

No comment. I'd like to say many things about this, but I'll refrain. The world is a crazy place.

Hey, you could always trade with your wife: you get to buy new spoons and she gets to thump you with them. And we all get to observe how big of lumps the spoons can create. No? Ok, yeah, bad idea. :D

Fair enough. Gotta keep rooting for the home team. I can imagine that it's difficult to be a fan of a sports team and not live near them. Although I haven't really been into sports as much recently. The last few years have been "meh" for me regarding sports. Oh, well.

Refraining on the economics. Fair enough.

No lumps because of silver spoon thumps, thank you.

I root for teams where I don't live all the time. In the Super Bowl, I rooted for the Philadelphia Eagles despite being more of a New England fan because the Miami Dolphins, who I grew up a rabid fan of haven't done diddly squat since Marino retired. Haven't lived in Florida, New England or Philadelphia.

I'm also a BYU football fan, and I don't live in Utah, although I'm sure that's more akin to being a Notre Dame fan who doesn't live in Indiana.

I'm currently rooting for the Golden State Warriors to win the NBA championship, even though I have no ties to the Bay area, and nor do I want them. So, with the exception of the Ducks, you could say I have carved out a lifetime of rooting for far off teams, depending on the prevailing circumstances. When you live in a state that only has a fair to middling NBA franchise, that's kind of what happens.

You make valid points. I rooted against the Patriots in the Superbowl as well. So whoever plays them gets my vote.

I more meant that it would be rough to grow up rooting for a team and then move away (maybe to a rival's city) and have to root for your old team there. I can't imagine it's easy being a Bears fan in Green Bay. Ha ha.

Yeah, when you're local teams suck, it's sometimes necessary to search out another team to live vicariously through.

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