Gold of the Day #1

It's Pirate Sunday and although I don't have any pirate pieces to show you, there were many a pirate who would have been happy to search the seven seas for booty like what I'm going to show you.


Most pirate kings have to start somewhere, so that's where we'll start as well. The other day, I was admiring my collection as I added some new shiny to the pile and Mrs No Name said that I shouldn't just focus on silver, I should get some gold. Music to my ears!

Now Mrs No Name understands that we buy precious metals because they look pretty, but also because we're using them to preserve wealth. So when we spend money on it, most of the value is retained (minus the premiums). So I asked my beautiful bride if she thought we should diversify our savings a bit to try it out... or we could get a ship and crew to attempt hijacking any passing boats that might have silver and gold on board.

Mrs No Name is a smart. Just yesterday she saved us from a killer cat that was loose. So she tells me that she talked to all the boaters and no on was going to be carrying precious metals through the waters in our area. She said we should go the traditional "buying it" route. Seems kinda time-consuming and odd that she'd check, but I trust her.

We saddled up the horses and rode on down to the LCS. There was a Mustang, a Charger, and a Bronco sitting out front, but for some reason, people were looking at us funny when I tied the Horse with No Name up to the rail.


We walked inside and they could tell we meant business. It must have been the determined look on my face, because I walked to the counter and the man asked, "gold"? I nodded in agreement. He pulled out a nice starter gold piece and handed it to me to examine. It's a beauty. After some haggling back and forth we arrived at an agreeable figure. I handed the man the colored paper, and he gave me some real money. Check it out.


Ain't it pretty?


Don't let it roll away!

Well, there you have it, guys and gals. I know this was a longer post, but I felt like you needed the backstory on how this silver stacker came to own his very first piece of gold. And Pirate Sunday is a time for showing off the best, so we had to step it up a bit.

Thanks for reading and feel free to let me know what you think of Mrs No Name's investment strategy.

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That is a pretty sweet piece @themanwithnoname! I have yet to get gold, but I am planning on it before the year is over. Its just so hard to pass up on stock piling silver!

Thanks, I really like it as well. It was fun to make my first gold purchase!

I know what you mean about passing on stockpiling silver, but it was a choice between getting a piece of gold or leaving it in savings, so I went the gold route.

I hope your plans work out and you're able to get that gold. :)

A full flagon of Awesome Sauce is what ya got thar!


I appreciate that, @thedamus!

Thanks for pulling into port to check it out. Sail safe. :)

I have some small Canadian gold, but not this beautiful American Eagle. I must complete this blank space in my collection...

It's only 1/10 of an ounce, but it's a start. I'd like to get to the point where we could buy a whole ounce. Someday.

You seem like a discerning collector and I like the design on this coin, so I think you will too!

Sweet and Mrs. Noname sounds like she has it figured out, keep listening to her!

She's very wise and normally she's right. I do my best to follow her advice. :)

you are a wise man. Happy wife, happy life

howdy @themanwithnoname! lol this is great! Pirate Sunday sounds like a great tradition and I love thehorsewithnoname! he or she is a beauty.
the gold piece is also a beauty.
hey I was real late checking the stats for Asher's contest last night and didn't know where you placed so congratulations for a super strong 3rd place man! awesome.

I haven't really taken part as I don't have pirate rounds, but I figured that gold would still count. It is a very nice piece.

Thanks, you cranked out another win, but I was at least able to get into third. I figured that was pretty good. :)

hey Blondie that was DANG good!
about the Pirate rounds, oh ok, I thought this was something that you thought up.
what is the definition of a Pirate Round?
the designs that the collectible coins have seem to be endless.

A pirate round is anything with pirates and such on it. Just something piratey-related. :)

the designs that the collectible coins have seem to be endless.

yep, that's one of the things that's great about them

howdy again Blondie, you do know that I'm kind of an authority on pirates. I did that series on pirates a couple weeks ago. lol!
so I'm assuming, in reference to my question that there must be an awful lot of pirate themed metal out there. It's just too bad that someone doesn't go get some so we can see some.

Someone really does need to get some pirate-themed silver. That would be so great! I know one person who needs to wait a bit before he has more money for silver. When he does, he's headed to the coin shop!

Blondie! it's very much getting to me, reading your posts man! I'm naturally a collector anyways and I've always wanted to get more so this stuff is kinda driving me crazy! what was that contest?

I'm glad that you're enjoying my posts and that they're influencing you to start collecting silver! Muah ha ha!

I'm actually super blessed. I won two contests in as many days! The steemsilvergold community is amazing! Their generosity is overwhelming me right now.

I'm excited to be part of the community and I'm happy I'm going to be involved in the blessing too. Keep your eyes peeled.

Mrs. No Name is very wise, indeed. I'm sure she checked out the possibility of a pirating adventure, in hopes of not only finding silver and gold, but valuable, investment grade jewelry!

I think it was more that she didn't want to go. Also, hiring a pirating crew is expensive and stressful. She probably just wanted to stay home. In hindsight, even if there were treasure ships coming through, it was probably a good call to just buy the coin. ;)

Yes, much stress and no worrying about the pirate crew making you walk the plank, after you find the treasure. Some pirate have been know to be an unsavory bunch.

Those are very good points. The whole potential for betrayal always comes into play. Better to stick with the hard route. There are no shortcuts, but you get there eventually... without having to walk the plank.

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

Another day another coin :) The only thing that pirates remind me off is that everytime they got a gold coin they would take a bite out of it to see if it was real... damn, now you got me in the mood to watch some pirates of the Caribbean !!

Yep, even since I got involved with steemsilvergold, I have been posting a lot more on coins and precious metals. It's a hobby of mine now. :) If you ever decide to get involved in precious metals, they're a good group.

Enjoy Pirates of the Caribbean!

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