Coin of the Day 10-8-18

I recently had the opportunity to get this lovely coin at a low markup. Being that I didn't have any Gorilla coins, I was happy to add one to my collection. I figured that the Silverbacked friends of @sbsparts wouldn't mind if some of their cousins stayed with me.


But wait, there's more!


And more!


Here's all of them together


Another view of the crew


And one more picture of the group together


I'm happy to report that they've settled in well and really enjoy their new home. I'm thrilled to have them as they're so polite and quiet. I don't normally get so many of one coin at a time, but it didn't seem right to split them up. I definitely made the right decision.

Ono Small.png


That is one of the few animal series that I don't like, I don't know why. Maybe an awful ancestor...

That's alright. Not everyone is going to like every series. I still appreciate you commenting to let me know what you think. :)

haha! sir Blondie! I think this is a great set and very unique. At least I would think that they're unique, I haven't studied the gorilla coin market though.

I like it! And that's ok, not too many people study the gorilla coin market. ;)

ahhaha! sir Blondie have you ever seen any Gorilla coins before? And these ones, wow you can't beat the uniqueness of these! I proclaim those to be an excellent investment. Your wife picked them out because they reminded her of you?

Yeah, I had seen pictures of gorilla coins before. That's how I knew I wanted some. I was the one who picked them out.

oh ..well then my joke fell flat as a pancake. But from what variety I've seen so far it looks like there is an endless number of them to find. I like that idea.
That's the way it should be.

Whoops, yeah, I missed that joke. My bad. Yep, there really are basically endless possibilities. You have to start somewhere though.

thanks a lot sir Blondie. you know how long it took me to think up that joke? lol.

I really apologize. Normally I get the dry and sarcastic humor, but I must have been off my game. You have my most humble and sincere apology.

Nice collection!!!

Thanks! I've been continuing to work on it. It hasn't been as much or as fast as I'd like, but by doing a little at a time, I'm still able to keep it growing.

I love Silverback Gorillas, so I think these are awesome! I'm glad you kept the family together too :)

I knew my wife would understand. We can't just go around breaking up families. They needed to stay together. That's why I had to get all five! :D

She's a good woman! Who wants to be with a home wrecker anyway? No one, that's who! :)

Scottsdale Mint does do some really neat pieces............

Yes they do! I didn't realize they minted coins for Congo until I saw this coin. I thought Scottsdale only did their private minting. I guess I was wrong!

That’s a mean looking Gorilla! Sweet 5 pack tmwnn 👍

Thanks! I was planning on only getting one, maybe two, but when I saw that they came in the five pack, I couldn't tear them apart. :)

Sounds like reasonable stackitus rationale to me 😁😜🤩

One time after I went to the coin store my wife asked me how much I spent. I returned that it wasn't too much, but that after she was done shopping we needed to drop the car off somewhere. It took a second for her to figure out what I meant. Then it took another few seconds for her to figure out if I had really sold the car in exchange for silver. Sadly, I didn't. The least we could do is get a car that is painted silver!

Funny gag — you should borrow a “house for sale” sign and tell her that you’re really sure Silver has hit bottom and that you’ve already made the “deal of the century”

Ha ha ha, that's such a great idea! My wife is one of the coolest people ever and she trusts my ability to make wise decisions, despite the fact I get it wrong. And she'd probably already have a place in mind where she'd like to move. Otherwise, would love to prank her with that! :P


A 5 on one sheet. Nice @themanwithnoname! I think it is cool how you can see the finest of details of the hairs.

They did a really good job with this one. It's got a great design and lots of details. I was a bit scared to buy them for fear of them attacking me in the car, but fortunately I'm trained in such things and was able to keep them quiet and calm. ;)

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