Crawling to the Moon!

in #steemsilvergold6 years ago (edited)

Heya Steemit!

I’m here with a coupla’ cool pics and some holiday silver looting (and a huge fucking rant, perhaps, at the end... ) so first off, check out my son Charlie!

Crawling to the Moon!


I swear that’s an album cover right there! He sure had a good time having a double sleep-over at my buddy M’s place... check out those smiles!



So that was Fri-Sat night. Pirate Sunday was a bust, ‘cause life gets in the way sometimes, so today was the day... I wasn’t even sure if Van Gold was gonna’ be open — it is Victoria Day (stat holiday) here in BC — but sure enough, the sandwich board was out... so I went in!

Boom! Nothing like some new shiny to build an appetite!



4 Aces and a 5oz Purple Toner = all in! I took my winnings across the street and had a Fatburger, because that’s one of my favourite moves. Today it was: American Cheese, hold the lettuce, tomato and mayo — straight cheeseburger style with mustard, onions and pickles... delightful!


The burger disappeared in a puff of smoke and some moderate mastication, and when it was done i stood up 9 ounces, plus one Fatburger heavier! A damn fine trade i’d say, considering i made the exchange with notes of promise and bribery!

So then i zipped back to the family and have been having a lovely day of playing with my kids and hanging out with Mrs. D — i swear it is the little things that make the big things so much better!

So now my rant: (i’d advise anyone to stop reading now, and just go and upvote...

If you don’t like the friendliest and most rewarding tag on Steemit — then FUCK OFF!!!

Holy crap! I’ve seen my fellows being berated and called all kinds of erroneous names like: liar, scammer and thief! And these are names hurled at an impeccable member of #SSG who volunteers countless hours to this cause so that you cunts and cuntesses can post your stories and get paid for it! It is despicable! And if i wasn’t so evolved as to put these shenanigans into the “hilarious pile,” then i might start feeling like our efforts were under-appreciated. I speak here particularly of @silverstackeruk & @raybrockman who have donated countless hours and expertise — and in Ray’s case, donated a veritable FUCKLOAD of silver to the benefit of this group!

Sadly, Mr. Brockman has much bigger fish to fry, so if he ever does decide to resume his position as pappa-don here in #steemsilvergold then i would suggest showing that mofo some appreciation!

And @silverstackeruk, who compiles lists, goes over the analysis of the group, and generally offers us the benefit of his ability and expertise pro bono — why should this cool cat and honest worker get shit from some disgruntled a-hole(s)? It is shameful...

Please allow me to clarify: both of these gents have taken on a lot of work for the benefit of membership — and they act according to the wishes of membership — ‘cause they have the BALLZ to execute the wishes of membership. This is not a personal thing — hell! If that were the case things would look a lot different!!! So anybody that has a problem with being taken of the “list” because you haven’t met expectations — i say: meet the fucking expectations or what are you doing here? #SSG is not a welfare state, nor is it a free-lunch. It is a group of dedicated stackers that wants to engage with this community (at least thrice per month). If you see this as too cumbersome, that is fine, but don’t cry foul when the entire group sez: take a walk this month — because that’s what it is — the entire group saying: “take a walk!”

If anyone disbelieves what i am saying then i would suggest another tag for you. SSG is super supportive and super kick-ass and super-awesome — even if ya just wanna’ look and comment. But for fuck’s sakes!!! Don’t get all “entitled snowflake” because the ENTIRE GROUP has spoken to these issues and wants your errant ass to either step up your game (which is ridiculously easy) or find another paycheck where you have to “do” next to nothing at all. I’d say good-luck!

Sheesh! ...rant over



That album cover would be amazing and the coin had me dazed 😍😍

An epic post mate, good reading before work

Thanks for speaking up and standing ground for me and Ray. Your deffo the spice to the group :D

And those Fatburger's look awesome, we dont get them over here :'(

well said my man.....great rant :)

...i’m gonna open up a rant spa

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

Hitting on all points, Silver, Beef, and airing your beef!

Just call me Moo-Fuckah!


Nice pic, it’s great that he had a blast. Nice pick ups and as usual the 🍔. Anyone complaining about SSG and what you all do for it especially Ray & Uk are total fucktards. They go well beyond the call of duty!!

Rock on 510!

Nicely said. SSUK has his work cut out with maintaining all the group lists and being mod. The man has my total respect for the work he carries out. Fingers crossed the old stackitus will draw @raybrockman back in sooner rather than later.

The old adage is true "you don't know what you had till its gone"

We paved paradise and put up a parking lot!

My friend, that was a beautiful, well written and rightful rant. If people don't want to comply with minimum specifications decided by the group, they must go away. I would love to write two lines about Gothic Architecture (lie) and be rewarded by ssg-community. We are backing @raybrockman, @silvertackeruk and you.

Thx Rono!!!

#ssg ain't nothing to fuck with.

Keep it real brother! Charlie's shirt is dope!

Cheers shippie! The kid already knows...

Love the Majestic bar. Er ...We got snow flakes? Where?

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