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RE: I hope this will begin to make things right.

I know you put in a lot of work, Phil and that is/was definitely appreciated. I think a lot of lines got blurred somewhere in this whole process and while I don't like the fact of you claiming sole ownership that was ultimately your decision to make as you were the only one with any kind of keys.
I think I got my ROI, but can't be 100% sure as in the early days I was putting in some actual "cash" to make small donationa and buy STEEM. I think it worked out, but don't have the time to do a forensic analysis haha. But with that said I don't like where this whole thing ended up and I chose to remove my votes and delegation.

I don't hold any ill will towards you just bewilderment at your hard line stance on ownership. Despite all your work this bot wouldn't be anywhere without STRONG support from the community especially a certain few individuals. I also didn't invest nearly the resources that some of the heavy hitters did and can't blame them for being far more upset than I am.

Anyway, I think it will work out, but I don't expect a large number of folks to be quite as forgiving as myself.


@healthy-home you think flagging my comment is really the best way to reconcile the community and move forward? Poor form...

@stnwllstrtgc I assure you it was not against you or your comment in and of itself. Had your comment been one of many with relatively equal upvotes, that would have been perfectly fine. The flag was only intended to remove some of the rewards from a comment that 'fits a very niche viewpoint' of the circumstances and was upvoted dispraportionatly by two supporters of this viewpoint, while the comment failed to give sufficient recognition to what had really been offered here.

You are welcome to your viewpoint, of course. But $2.00 of upvotes from two accounts that did not even upvote this HUGE olive branch of a post....
Well.... I disagreed with the 'rewards' as distributed in this post and its comments.

Had this comment had $0.50 or even $1.00 in rewards I would have left it alone.

$2.00 going to this comment, on this post, from two accounts that refused to upvote THIS post....

-->THAT<-- was not very community minded, and I disagreed with those upvotes.

The good thing about steemit is this, you are free to upvote what you like. You do not have to upvote a post just to be able to upvote a comment. Healthy-home I can appreciate you being concerned about the reward pool. How ever the are much bigger fish to catch then this little ole $2.00 upvote. Maybe you should look into vote swapping, and flagging those accounts, seems to be a much bigger drain on the rewards pool then this. I do very much appreciate your comment and concern.

No. You misunderstand. This is not a reward pool issue.

My action was only in relation to this tiny event. Where, here was a post, offering up A VERY GOOD olive branch. And a comment that was more or less brushing that olive branch aside was being rewarded 1/10 of that of the post. While other GOOD comments were not rewarded...or very little.

IN THIS SITUATION, I disagreed with the rewards.

It has to do with this situation. Not with the rewards pool.

Free speech. Free action. Free will.

Exactly. I am glad you understand!

Why would they or I upvote the post when we no longer agree with the business model of this account.

I don't hold any ill will towards Phil I'll still follow him and will likely buy silver products from him/his business in the future. But I no longer support the @silvergoldbotty account. While his olive branch towards the @ssg-community is a good gesture it does not fully make up for the hurt/wrong done to members of the community (reputation takes a while to build back). Even if that is perceived hurt perception is often reality. While I can extend forgiveness that does not automatically mean I have to return to supporting this account.

The fact that you decided a downvote was appropriate shows that YOU have no desire to reconcile and work together. A comment would have been more appropriate and a better way to have a conversation about it, but instead you chose to be petty.

A comment would have started a debate that was really unneccesary..... As has now started. And the comment would have been to thedamus and ray, not to you.

The flag affected no one negatively. 7 days had not past, so all rewards are fluid until then. Unless you had paid thedamus and ray for those upvotes. In which case, if that is the case, I will remove the flag, because I do not wish to cause you financial loss.

Now, the real contention here is in your comment here: "While his olive branch towards the @ssg-community is a good gesture it does not fully make up for the hurt/wrong done to members of the community."

As far as I can assertain, NO hurt was done to any members of the ssg community. Certain members donated early on to start up a COMMUNITY SUPPORTING bot, and for 7 months that bot has abundantly and near flawlessly supported and HUGELY benefited the ssg community. Whether from an ROI or moral support perspective, STAX has performed VERY WELL.

Those donations were made to provide support to the community. Unless they werent. Unless those donations were not donations but Shares purchases, with an expectation or ROI to the favor of just those early donors/investors.

Because no wrong or hurt or harm or robbing or anything has happened to the ssg community as a whole. STAX functioned under the guideful hand of one man to provide for the present and future viability of upvoting members in the SSG community.

None of this work and benefit is negated because one man owns the master keys and may benefit at some future date. And if you are truly concerned, you will ensure 10 or 15 community members hold the Master Key of this new bot. Otherwise there is only a difference in the size of the future payout, but the potential result will be the same.

Now, can anyone show me how in any way any single member has been harmed or wronged in a tangible sense from the operations of STAX? Do any of the 100 community members actually have less Steem Power or vested Steem now than when they joined STAX, as a result of STAX??? Any ither actual harm done to their reputations or Steemit situation? Or has every single SSG member that has received STAX upvotes been benefited and helped and encouraged and supported by the work and efforts managed by @phelimint.


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