SSG-Community: Precious Bot daily stat update Post - 20th June 2018

Hello Steemsilvergold. It is another wonderful day here on Steemit and im dropping in with my daily post which contains some basic stat updates

There is only 1 more day left to vote on the new bot operators. You can find the post in the blog section from around 2-3 days back. I would advise all members go and read it over because it highly likely to be the last post that buggedout will write for the bot account.

Today is the 20th June 2018

Steem - $1.62
SBD - $1.26
1 SBD > 0.777 Steem
Steem Power held by Precious - 100.4k
100% Upvote totals - 10.51 STU
Current Voting Power - 84.21%
100% VP in 19 Hours


Today's Precious Metals Price

SSG-Community Policy Parameters

Bot Operator : @buggedout
Target Voting Power : 80%
Daily Voting Budget : 100,000 / 80 = 1250%
Contribution Methods : Delegations and Liquid STEEM (per Month) with an understanding that longer term members move toward Delegations. Upvotes are totally non-compulsory and are considered Donations, not Contributions.
Contribution Weightings : Delegation to Liquid STEEM at 5% equivalency (per Month)
Non-Contributor Budget : 20% of DVB (equal to 250%) to be spread amongst ALL members
Contributor Budget : 72% of DVB (equal to 900%) to be spread amongst contributing members at a pro-rata rate. This budget amount would increase to 80% of DVB once Self-Voting is phased out
Vote Frequency : One Upvote per Day per Member.
Power Down Threshold : 700 STEEM POWER to trigger a 50 Liquid STEEM Power Down per week. Power Down to be cancelled once SP has dropped by an amount expected to be replaced within the next month.
Active Key Allocation : @raybrockman for safeguarding funds in case of tragic loss of Bot Operator, not active fund management
Posting Key Allocation : @raybrockman for general access and @silverstackeruk to report on general SSG membership management issues and recruitment
Posting Guidelines : No profanity or personal attacks. No favouritism toward promoting individual members. Technical updates for Bot weekly possibly scaling back to monthly once stable. Proposals and Parameter Changes posted as required.
Comment Guidelines : Bot Comment to be added under Upvoted member posts to promote Bot and community support
Self Voting Guildelines : Self-Voting at 100% for the first Month and scaling back to 0% as community awareness is raised and Post promotion not necessary. There may also be ad-hoc Self-Vote if Voting Power is too high above Target Voting Power and/or for an important Post such as Membership Voting on Proposals For Change. This is initially Budgeted at 8% of DVB (equal to 100%) dropping to 0%
Extra Voting Contingencies : None. Any vote trading deals would need to be initiated by members via Petition For Change process.
Extra Expense Contingencies : None. Any other expenses would need to be initiated by members via Petition For Change process. Zero Power Ups.

SSG-Community Governance

i) Any Community Member can initiate a Petition For Change by posting a Comment under a recent Community Bot Post on the STEEM platform
ii) Once Petition For Change has 20% of Community Member Upvotes it initiates a formal Proposal for Change and a Community Membership Vote
iii) A Proposal For Change is formally drawn up by the Community Bot Operator who Posts it on the STEEM platform and it is voted on voluntarily by Community Members
iv) If over 50% of the Community Members who vote are in favour of the Proposal For Change then the Community Bot Operator makes best effort to implement the proposed changes
v) Community Bot Operator holds the Master Key for the Community Bot Account
vi) Community Bot Account has a pre-determined Power Down Threshold and once that is hit a Power Down is initiated on the Community Bot Account to prevent wealth accumulation
vii) All proceeds from Author Rewards, Curation Rewards, Membership Contributions or Powered Down STEEM are returned to the Community Members via purchase of a Delegation Lease to boost Community Bot Upvote value unless an explicit contingency expense has been approved via a formal Membership Vote
viii) Community Members may decide to change Community Bot Operator via Petition For Change and the Master Key for the Community Bot Account will be transferred to the new Community Bot Operator
ix) The Active/Posting Keys of the Community Bot Account can be Granted/Revoked for Community Members via the Petition For Change process
x) Any extra voting contingencies must be approved via a formal Membership Vote

In addition to this, the Community Bot will initially be configured with the following Policy Parameters which are intended to be flexible and adjusted if required. If you need any explanation of what these Policy Paramaters are then please read THIS POST or contact one of the Group Moderators in the SteemSilverGold Discord

Long Live SteemSilverGold!

I am @silverstackeruk and I approve this post

@buggedout, @raybrockman, @silverstackeruk, @welshstacker and @thedamus


Thanks for the updates, a lot of good information up there!

Gonna be adding more to it over time.

Thanks for commenting buddy

Thanks for the update guys :)

Hello @ssg-community,

I’m a member of #steemsilvergold since about half a year back. What are the membership fees (in liquid STEEM and in SP delegation) for the Tiers listed about?

Thank you for the updates. Much appreciated.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63490.29
ETH 2598.32
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.78