Assets, Liabilities & Debt

Hi #steemsilvergold!

It’s me, Precious


Well i must say, some of you shiny happy people have really stepped up your game! I was getting a little worried that my lustre was beginning to fade and perhaps some people were losing interest in supporting me. Now apparently some of you still don’t see the big picture, or are just to greedy to part with an ounce for the common good. But that’s okay... i wouldn’t let anybody tell me what to do.

So let’s focus on the good instead! The last few days have been amaze-ballz! Some one of you, a relative noob just stepped up and bought 100 tickets to the MR3, AND, has donated a beautiful prize! Well done Asskicker!!! You have inspired a truly monster reaction!


I think that 👆 must be @raybrockman’s spirit animal, ‘cause he just kicked it up a notch! That man must have some terrestrial powers i know nothing about, ‘cause he was able to take this⤵️


And turn it into this⤵️


With moves like that, i predict he is going to turn this⤵️


Into this⤵️


Which means he may win this⤵️


And then be all like⤵️


I sure hope so! ‘Cause nobody has offered more support than that mofo. Thanks @raybrockman! You make me feel all shiny and tingly inside 😍😘


And when i heard what you have further contributed to my Chest


I figured i could just lay back and dream about all the extra love that is pouring in — and how i am going to transform it all into some magic and major Asskickery for SSG ✨✨🧜🏼‍♀️✨✨


@pbock, @fat-elvis & @raybrockman are the leaders on the MR3 tix-board, and right now are lined up to (possibly) win an EXTRA 11ounces Ag from Ray-Ray, and a tasty extra 1oz bar from that damn pirate that seems to know how to plunder down-under...


And pick up some Perth Mint products too 😳Maybe that ol’ windbag should step up his game too! “Take off the snorkel TD, you’re not going to find it down there!” Afterall, several SSG’ers have donated several ounces, and indeed, in some cases several prizes to be won. Way to go people! 2019 is shaping up to be a whole lotta love fest!

For anyone reading this who receives a vote from me but is yet to human-up, i ask you: what are you waiting for? Now’s the time, the time is now! Sing my song! I’m going ‘round the world gonna’ drop my pearls... be a winner by behaving like a winner!

So there’s all of that to consider... but what of all your silly stocks, and bonds, and derivatives and all that other ethereal bullshit you call money? Hell, and allow me to be candid, even your newest version of money — and indeed the future of money — via the blockchain, Just took a major shin-hack across the board. But once again, the precious metals held up relatively good — despite their being at 5,000 year lows...

Now y’all know what i’m talking about right? You used to have money like this:


And you could swap it for something like this:


But these days, y’all have “fiat” dollars that are backed by this:


Tee hee hee... “Money” backed by debt is about the best shell game i’ve ever heard about — how is it possible that so many people are so ignorant about the very thing that makes the world go ‘round and EVERYBODY talks about. Which brings me around to wanting to tie-in my title. This is most likely a very simplistic precis, but if it helps sort some things out for just one of you, then i feel like i’ve done my job.

Asset: Puts money in your jeans

Liability: takes money out of your jeans

Debt: slavery for the (ignorant) free

It all seems pretty simple to me: rich people buy assets, the disappearing middle-class buys liabilities they think are assets (like, often, real estate and overpriced stocks), and the poor buy liabilities (like brand-new cars and teevees) and go further and further into debt...

But i digress...

Primarily, i just wanted to say “Thank You” to the people who comprise the spine of SSG — the people who have posted in #monsterrafflethree! You all ROCK! And demonstrate by your actions what kind of character you have. I’ve got all the heart stuff dialed in, ‘cause i do enjoy spreading the love. And these five guys ⤵️ are dealing with the logistics and accounting — and doing an impeccable job i might add.

Thank You

@raybrockman, @buggedout, @thedamus, @welshstacker & @silverstackeruk




This post has received a 62.50% upvote from Thunder Vote!

@ssg-community Now that is a POST from the Heart telling the Masses the TRUTH about what they Think is Money...........Great Job Precious

Thanks stok — i’m a big fan of yours 😘

Beautiful comment stok!

M’wah sistah!

...and everything else is debt.

gasp.... even chocolate ? 😢😢😢

Posted using Partiko Android

A man’s gotta’ breath!!! But fine, i will see what i can do for you P

Love you longtime! 😍😘⚡️🍆🕺

Great post as always. #ssg4life 🍆🍆🍆

Awesome post and great break down of assets and liabilities. People tend to confuse the 2. Let the monster raffle games begin!

Nice one @raybrockman! This is why it’s hard to buy when we see someone purchase 100 tux wth!?? Scurvy pirate heheh we love you Ray!!

Love this post Precious you area beauty and always loved by your pirate ladies!! Xo

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