Pocket Silver Challenge - Up, Up, and Away!

Morgie has been many places in this world since she was minted in 1921, but I'm sure this is the first time she was ever strapped to a DJI Phantom 2+ quadcopter (a.k.a. a drone) and flown 400ft in the air.



With just a little wire and a plastic dollar container, she's ready for a trip into the wild blue yonder!

Here we are at about 50 feet. I wanted to make sure I could actually fly with her strapped in before she went any higher.


The drone was easily able to lift her weight, but it did throw the balance off a little bit and cause the drone to spin around slowly. Normally, these drones are idiot-proof (which explains how I am able to fly them) and by using the combination of GPS and an internal compass, the drone will remain parked in the air in one spot until you move it. However, I can only assume the added weight to one side threw off the balance, not by much but just enough.

Here we got up to about 350 feet.





It was an overcast day, so some of the pictures came out a little darker than the others. When the sun was at the drone's back, the pics were much better lit.

I decided to bring her down a bit to get some pics near the ball fields....



And her trip would not be complete without a fly-by of Old Glory..


And here we are, safe and sound on the ground.


I'm not sure if she's excited about doing that again. Maybe next time I'll send up her younger sister Peacy or that snot-nosed niece the ASE.

Thanks for flying Sirstacksalot Airlines. We hope you enjoyed the flight!



Hilarious. Coin on a drone. Nicely done.

Nice pics from your drone.

That coin gets around my friend, cheers.

Sometimes I wonder if her life is more interesting than mine!

You're def showing ol' Morgie a good time!
Cool post 😎👍

Thanks Bro!

Awesome! Thanks for the tour. Glad she made the trip safely!

Thanks. Just thought I'd try something a little different. The camera is not built for close-in focus.

It’s definitely different! 😁. I’ve always wanted a drone myself. Do you care if I ask how much that one you got there cost? And where you bought it?

This one is the DJI Phantom 2. It's about 3 years old, but still works pretty good. When I bought it, it ran about $1,200 USD, but I got it for free because I used 140,000 AMEX points i had accrued over about 6 years.

The latest version is the DJI Mavic Pro. It runs about $999, but it looks pretty sweet.

If you just want to try one out, you could probably pick up an older model for around $300.

DJI is the top name in consumer grade quadcopters IMO.

Awesome! that was a very cool idea

Thanks. Gotta do something to keep it interesting.

Nice! That's cool you were able to get the coin in camera view.

It took a couple of tries to get it in the the frame. A lot of the pictures didn't come out too good because the coin was swinging back and forth.

I think so far these pics take the cake for most creative PSC post if nothing else! Wicked cool man!

I've wanted to get a drone for awhile, but being so close to DC and multiple airports technically there's nowhere I could fly one within about a 45 minute drive of where I live.

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