Group Discord Townhall meeting about Stax has finished. Good night :D #452

Just a quick post before bed. We have just finished the disocrd chat about Stax and all i can say is.............

No spoilers as i am sure someone will put out a much more detailed post than i would at this time of night. It was nice to hear other members thoughts and everyone behaved very well. I dont think i heard anyone speak over anyone else and there was perfect chat edicate. I look forward to the next one.

Thank you to everyone who came along and joined in.

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Bert looks a bit like he's trippin'

I for one need to sleep on it. Thanks again for helping to facilitate the meeting.

Thanks for all your insight sir!

I was listening buggedout and i appreciate your clarity and obvious scope of understanding.

yeah a nights rest is a good idea

And no worries, discord is pretty simple :)

Bang bang bang. I’ll try and get the audio on the discord tomorrow!

That would be cool. There is alot of stuff to work through :)

There certainly is, but I believe we can figure out a Solution

I hope so buddy

Im off to make a pre bed sandwich :D

It’s gotta be like 4:30 or 5:30 am if you’re in the UK! Cheers

I wasn't able to make it but I'd probably listen if Yas get the audio for it 👍😎 how long was it?

There’s little to listen to, and only one thing you gotta’ know...

Yeah, it took about 20-30 minutes before we got a clear answer. It was good meetup but sadly it reminds me of a real family meetup

The only time you really see all of your family and your extended family at once is at funeral's are wedding's. This was a funeral.

Nice to see everyone but sad it's for bad times

Damn i missed it, had an early night for once....Just totally forgot.
Every other Fridays not good for me as have to pick my other daughter up from north yorkshire and i live in nottinghamshire.
Sure Those involved and affected would of thrashed something out so moving forward no issues.. But like everything in life never say never as sometimes things just pop up that not really been considered. Really is good to here that all went well and goes to show the great silver community we are building here on steemit.

It's just one of those things buddy,

We will move on and this is just a bump in the road

Look forward to hearing the latest wish I could have made it!

It was worth staying up now for. I sorted a few things on Discord and i did ask a few short questions. I think @sevinwilson is gonna make a detailed post with audio so you'll not miss out

Thx for getting the channel and discord all sorted out man, much appreciated.

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