24 Hours left for March's Steemsilvergold Crypto group buy - Neo

Hello, there are only 24 hours left to get yourself some Neo's in this month's crypto group buy. Ive been staking this bad boy for over a year, started when they around the $90 mark and even bought 1 at $130, yee-haaa. I've also been buying these since they dropped under $20 and got myself a nice avg per oz. These could go back to $5-6 but i think not. I thnk the price as of now is around $9.30 so bargain. You know what to do if your interested



Ok, Neo has dropped a few spots on marketcap over the past year but it's a strong coin and will without a doubt survive until the next bull run where it's very likely to top $100 again. I own a bunch of these and have buying on/off from $130 all way down, it's dead easy to stake on its own super easy to use desktop wallet. Staking Neo is rewarded in Neo Gas which is not worth very much to be honest but it's better than nothing.

Pricing into lots

(Please wait until the 20th before you send any payment)
Neo is currently trading at $8.98 so i think lots of 0.5 for a ballpark STEEM price of 8.98 STEEM (weird?) . The process of the buy will be to send Steem to binance to convert that intoBTC and do the buy from there. Anyone looking to get in can pay with either STEEM, any popular crypto are bank transfer. As there are a few coin exchanges and fees to pay in there, i will most likely round the number up when it comes to buy time. PLEASE DO DID PAY BEFORE THE 20TH

How we do it

This post and buying will last for 1 week. We can buy them in batch's of 0.5 which would cost around $4.49 at todays price so feel free to buy more than one lot. Pretty straight forward. The buying post runs for 1 week, people can come and join the group buy through the comments, i will edit in the table to confirm your order is locked. After the 7 days are over i will go to binance and see the total order cost in BTC/EHT to confirm which is cheaper. I will make a quick post to confirm the buy is over, tag each person who is part of the buy and include how much each batch costs in Steem. I have a small float to cover some people if they are unable to pay for a few days but the sooner the better in regards to payment.

February's Buy table for Noe

This month batch size is 0.5 for around 8.9 STEEM, feel free to load up. If you would like to take part, lease let me know in the comments below

MemberAmount Requested


Let me know when you want some steem sent your way buddy

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63396.80
ETH 2615.51
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.86