Steemsilvergold townhall discussion regarding Stax.

It was a great opportunity tonight to clarify some confusion within the community here. Thanks to everyone who participated and for being so understanding.

The biggest issue was the bot ownership and what community bot really meant. Unfortunately these were vague and never defined from the start which obviously lead to confusion and may have lead to people being more supportive of the project then they normally would have.

It was always my @phelimint’s understanding that, as the one programming and running the bot, I was thus ultimately the owner and the bot’s purpose would be to support the steemsilvergold community. She gave members the opportunity to donate and delegate for a return on investment and also provided a small vote to new users on steemit to help with recruitment efforts for our tag. To me community meant exclusivity and support but did not relate to ownership. She will retain her current SP and not be powered down and she will be allowed to continue to grow, knowing this inherent SP is being used to return votes to the community.

This lack of clarity likely lead some members to support her more heavily than they otherwise would have and likely altered the outcome of some of the ongoing decisions and votes from within the community.

The decision to cast a daily 100% vote to Stax by all community members appears to be one of the decisions. People would have been unlikely to suggest and vote this measure and therefore it will be stopped.

The vote that @phelimint was receiving was likely decided based on this false assumption as well. Therefore I returned 300Steem to Stax, which will be then returned to community members who have been affected by the false assumption above.

If you feel you have over donated or over supported with your votes, please let me know and I will work on an appropriate distribution for the 300 STEEM.

I have also increased my delegation to Stax to 2500SP and will forgo any further votes from her. I will only be her programming and supporter and will no benefit directly from her votes.

I will also suggest the following changes at this time based on feedback from the discussion, anyone who wishes to vote on Stax’s post going forward will cast a vote based on their individual level of SP. If you have less than 500SP then the value is 100%, but for members with more SP we will use the following calculation; 50 000/(your active SP)= Your minimum return vote. (Active SP is SP you have for voting after any incoming and outgoing delegations). Thus if you have 10 000SP, your vote would be 50 000/10 000=5% and etc. This should help make it fair for everyone.

There was also concerns regarding the quality of Stax’s post, and I will determine a standard format to follow for all future postto ensure they provide quality and value to the community and they will also always include a second chance post and going forward that post will also be resteemed daily.

I will work with any interested community members to incorporate other changes based on their feedback. I know we will likely need to consider some changes to membership, tiers and donations/delegation going forward.

I hope that Stax’s can continue to be a valuable asset and benefit to the steemsilvergold community.


Hi Phil, I was listening to tonight’s town-hall for about 30 minutes...

Please send me back all sbd’s that i have transferred to @steemsilverround. Thank you. If there is any leftover value from my generous upvotes, then please apply this to lowering the cost of Welshie’s 2018 winning design.




I missed the meeting. I'm just gonna keep stacking and being cool

But of course!

I'm here for the community and never really saw Stax as a way for me to profit, personally...I'll always support SSG regardless. As long as everyone stays transparent and honest, we all make mistakes and as long as folks are upfront and willing to listen to constructive criticism, we can all continue to grow together.

#steemsilvergold is greater than the sum of its parts!

I missed the town hall because I was busy. Here is my 2 cents , not sure if it matters cause I'm a nobody anyway but here it is regardless.

#1 If you brought smaller delegation amount like 25sp delegation, us smaller members could start contributing while maintaining enough sp to vote 0.01 cent on content we like instead of dust of 0.00.

#2 I see no issues with botty voting herself and the exchange vote with qurater (or whatever it's called) in order to grow and not need outside delegation rental to support the community in the future even if everybody get less in the meantime. It would be better in the long term.

#2 I know many of us were under the impression this was a SSG community bot, I suppose I assume if she was ever powered down, the funds would go to you anyway because it was your initiatives. Regardless of that fact you should be able to upvote your own post according to your delegation like the rest as a member of the SSG community.

Alright that is all. Peace brothers xox.

First of all, I would like to say that you shouldn't consider yourself a "nobody"...You made some very valid points here and thanks for contributing to the converstion. I'm trying to catch up on all this fuss as I've not been terribly active on steemit this week more than just posting and replying to commentors on my posts...

I agree with pretty much all that you've said here with what I've learned so far. Maintaining STAX is no small task I'm sure and I think Phil should be rewarded for his hard work and for having to be on call basically 24/7 whenever things go south with the bot for whatever reason. I already know some other folks disagree but that's their choice and hopefully everyone can still get along as we have in the past.

Thanks for your words of encouragement! You are correct in maintaining STAX must be time consuming and worthy of a reward for doing so. Some disagree yes but I'm sure @phelimint has the best of intentions and can't please everyone. The future of the bot's success should be more important than opinions. Maybe it's the recent decline in the prices that crushed a few spirits.

I'm not going to comment on this now. but I wish everybody luck. I know what you guys are going through. I have been in similar situations playing bass guitar in bands, there's always arguments about who has the rights to the music, band names, logos, lyrics, money, etc... Who exactly owns what. And it's always murky territory for discussions. Especially when the group are otherwise friends. These situations suck.

Well I said my 2 cents at the meeting today so you guys know how I feel about shaking down Stax.

My main concern now is for all of us to ultimately work things out and be cool again. I hope we can keep discussing solutions going forward.


STAX got my 100% UP tonight. I had no problem with her getting a Vote from me everyday. It is that routine that keeps me Consistent on STEEMIT......

Sorry that missed the discussion. I look forward to reading or listening to the discussion that took place.

great job! thanks for information

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