Really loving the Mafia boys and gals Here!

I'm really excited to see all the new faces here recently. The team from Metal's Mafia on Youtube are all flocking here. I think we own @pit-bullion a big thanks. I loved watching all these guys pour on YouTube, but my focus and attention there has faded since finding steemit. So I'm excited to be seeing there amazing workmanship here. They are all starting to become damn good bloggers as well.

Voting Power

Looks like I made a mis-calculation yesterday, when I dropped the tiers and added the credit for the new delegations. We went no where, we're still sitting at 84%. I am going to make a couple more cuts tommorow, but it's getting late here and I'm working damn day shifts this week....booo.

Second Chance Post

I found a beauty post HERE from @mr-vulcan another of the new Mafia Boys. Looks like besides being amazing artists, they are also pretty damn good bloggers. This is a little tool kit post if you wanted to test it out.

Sorry it's another quickie today, I spent way to long crafting @phelimint s post tonight</h


There are some really great posters making their way to @steemsilvergold. It's really great to see all the new posts and content!

Thank you... Thank you very much... Another Star for you...

COIN MAN by @pocketechange A Penny will cost a Dollar...

Soon the entire YouTube silver community will be on here! Bout dam time, since I found Steemit I never went back. Not because I don't love the gang there it's just there's only so much time and for that Steemit absolutely blows YouTube out of the water with rewarding content providers a fair share and not censoring or demonitizing videos for the most rediculous reasons. And the icing on the cake is there's hardly any trolls, they get smashed on here 😎

golden arms SMASH!!!!! Mainly mushroom head stamps on foreheads!! Hope your weekend was good player! 👍🏼🍺🥓

Our friend PitBullion had to crack the whip pretty hard to get us in the door. But thank you for all the help,and support, and kind words about us. We want to try to bring silver back to the sexy beast it is. We have our core of pourers able to pour almost anything your mind can imagine in silver. Our Saturday night chats are fun because we can pour live and people can actually see their orders being poured. I was over at the Vulcans last night and we were doing some live pours. I call Vulcan Pa!! He did a great job on his post!! 👍🏼🍺🥓

Welcome aboard stackinag47!

Cheers! from @thedamus

Haha! I sure did. But you guys are good friends and know that I'm doing my best steering the Mafia ship. Steemit was a must.

I told you I would be your first mate!! But not in a gay way! But the wind is in the sails and we have calm waters ahead. So let’s smoke up and sail!!

Nice to have some Goodfellas around...fugedaboutit!

I'm also searching for some good One Hundred Percent'ers..
I'm starting to feel like one of the little lost sheeple... lol...

COIN MAN by @pocketechange. A Penny will cost a Dollar...

Post better content and garner more interest — it’s just that simple.

My Content may make you rich...It's 100 Times beyond most...

COIN MAN by @pocketechange A Penny will cost a Dollar...

Post better content —-> get better rewards!

it’s really that simple.

The value of my posts, surpass your posts 100 Times... lol...
Not by upvotes, but point out the value figure of your post...
Convince me that your posts can help make people Prosper...

COIN MAN by @pocketechange A Penny will cost a Dollar...

I feel no need, nor desire, to convince you of anything. And with regard to which one of us has helped people prosper, why don't you ask: Ray, GA, Phelimint, Welshie, fat-e or anyone else i have assisted in the crypto space...

I haven't seen the slightest indication that your pc theory has helped anybody yet, nor does it appear it is going to anytime soon, or more likely: never

I respect your decision not to stack any Physical U.S. Coinage... I realize how Nutty it can sound... Good luck with the Reset... You may have just convinced me to take a Vacation from Steemit for a while...

COIN MAN by @pocketechange A Penny will cost a Dollar...

Hey man, whatever you’re doing (editing), so that i get 7 coinman replies is a row, yeah that, can you not do it.

Cheers bro! Stack on

Sorry... I was updating something new... I'll avoid using my pictures on your posts...

Nice people do nice things for others and SSG Builds it's Numbers
STAX is HOT !!!

Oooh baby! That is one hot bot!!!

Hi. Some or not joining as they spend so much time already on YT and I think that is good. We have seen very popular youtubers with stacks of over 3000 OZ stop on YT as their family(members) realy did not accept it anymore.

Thanks a lot Pheli! I appreciate you guys taken me and my band of flunkies aboard. We will try and do some good around here sir!

Wow!! It is really nice seeing a good post about us in the Metals Mafia. Thanks to everyone for your support!! Mr. V did a great job on the pouring kit post!! It has me wanting to start the craft!!

If you ever have questions or need help with anything if you decide to pour don’t hesitate to ask my friend!👍🏼🍺🥓

I like all of the metals mafia posts that I have seen! Learning and growing! @silvergoldbotty

I'm not sure if this is how it's done, but I want to Nominate
@slacker-stacker to the Club... Wait until you see the Post...

COIN MAN by @pocketechange A Penny will cost a Dollar...

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63657.90
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.84