I think it's time we all talk!

It looks like there's been lots of questions and confusion recently and it's obviously time to talk.

Lets try to schedule a time within the next week to have a community chat and meeting on discord and properly discuss what happened, what's going on and how to proceed.

Thanks to @thedamus for suggesting we take the night off to think and thanks to everyone who reached out to me and helped me understand things on discord last night. I now feel I understand some of my own confusion and think we can proceed with a productive conversation and solution.

Stax will continue to cast votes for members, but will no longer be self voting or voting for @phelimint or @qurator and will also suspend any further post until we have the chance to have a proper discussion and determine how to proceed.



Okay, I´ve just got a short question, where can I find any information on how to join the party :)

Boo motherfucker! Have some class...


Says the guy starting a reply with an insult xD
The votes on the comment weren´t intended. It´s the MB comment boosting, that kicked in now that votes are available after a lot of farming bots got banned by them. Wasn´t done on purpose and I´ve updated the settings already to prevent the same thing from happening again ;)

Yo SB, maybe i jumped the gun and was an absolute cunt to you. If so, i apologise. It’s a tad unreasonable to expect you would know what was fully going on with ssg.

We’re actually all pretty friendly! Lol

Anyway, my guard has been bristling for a few days, so if you got an unfair dose today then i accept liability and do apologize.


No worries @thedamus, already forgotten ;)
But I better warn you upfront already, that I might show up more often around ssg posts as I want to get more involved in this field ;)

@steembusiness - you can join if you are nominated by two of our members. the prerequisite is that you are interested in precious metals and maybe even write about it. at best you also own some. greetings

Hi Pawos,
thanks a lot. I´m actually just about to get more involved into the whole market these days so will just start to engage myself over the next days and weeks :)

I Love Parties................

Cool, let's have a flag party :D

there must be no party. just a note on it that it is unnecessary to vote yourself in order to be heard from the #steemsilvergold community :-D

Sorry for that. It´s the MB Comment boosting that I´ve got enabled for some time already. Never really worked but now that they blacklisted some bots they suddenly got votes available and that overdid on my comments.



and you wanna come up in the midst of it with your botted-up votes on top of our comments section like that? I Don't Think That's Gonna Fly... We are also going to have a stiff price of admission from here on out, no one gets anything cheap or free...

Well I´m not asking to get anything fro free, just on how one can get involved ;)

We need to get the feelings Completely out of this, great start, but one thing I read that was attributed to BuggedOut sounds more like feelings than common sense.
Powering Down to rent more SP? Ridiculous Notion. Once the Steem is all gone, nothing is left.
What my idea was is to go Forward with the Profit Sharing. 50/50 with delegators and the Bot Account, and I say we deem that Phil is the owner of the Bot Account. These are just my ideas, subject to tweaking and adjustment by the community, but if we go to Profit Sharing and weekly payouts, I think the DELI will come POURING IN! I could dredged up some more, and we also need to REQUIRE all of the Stax ppl to do some DELI. Suppose we have 100 members on the votes-only plan. Now they must pony up 5 SP. Not difficult, at all, PLUS they will get a reward for that 5 SP, and weekly. I can even help by getting some Bot Code for Stax, I believe. Maybe even programmer help. This type of code is already running on a Bid-Bot so adapting to a community bot should be a relative simple thing. Bid Code is more complex afaik. 50/50 is for starters, the Crypto Empire Bid Bot is a 95% payout bot for the Delegators. The operators make their $ from their own Deli. There are no limitations other than time and space itself, and the 1100% daily regen limits set by STINC (Steemit INC) lol

https://steemit.com/steemsilvergold/@silvergoldbotty/open-letter-to-the-steemsilvergold-community-from-phelimint-regarding-stax link to new options for STAX

you can ask @tipu for help i sure he can create one for you

Im making a post about it in 2-3 hours.

I have been thinking in work all day and it all boils down to who owns the bot?

The community are @phelimint

I think I see both sides of this whole thing and when it comes down to I think its better we have this kind of discussion now as opposed to 6 months or a year from now when SSG and STAX are even more formidable than they already are.
If we can get some sort of plan/SMART goal(s) hashed out it will benefit us in the future. I may be wrong, but it seems like we've kind of just been flying by the seat of our pants without any clear "roadmap" forward other than "support the community" That is likely a little too vague to build a stable and successful community/program on.

Yes. ^this^

Nice one mate, if I happen to miss the discussion I just want you to know that I put my faith in you to make the right decisions I have agreed with all your choices so far :-)

Normally it is best to first agree on what the problem(s) exactly is(are) before people throw in solutions. Is it a one sided issue or does the majority (of the initial team) think the same.
I think the bot must have a certain (better) defined purpose and the persons investing a lot of time in it must be paid in some kind of way.
Secondly if solidarity is part of the silvergoldbotty set-up (i.e. stronger helps weaker) this also means not everyone will gain in the same order.
It is a kind of growing pain I guess!

I am only a plankton but here goes my two cents : Stax and @qurator should continue as always (math proves this) and @phelimint should be a permanent gold. About the 7000 steem I don't have enough information.

I'm hoping some word will be mentioned about me...
Just because I'm not showing off my Stack, doesn't mean
I'm not a Stacker, because I am... The Price I pay for an up-vote
will have to be because of what my message brings forth...
If I had to choose between an up-vote or a comment, I'd pick
the Comment...

COIN MAN by @pocketechange ...A penny may cost a dollar...

OK, here's your comment:


Exactly what do you mean by that...??? Do you think I'm broken...???

I gave my opinion months ago... It's all behind me now... Check out my last 75 posts and see if any were up-voted by STAX...

...but a BROKEN RECORD is Annoying as F*CK!!! 😤👎

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