What's Real?

About six months ago I kinda stopped looking at the stock markets. Not sure if this was a good idea or not. So this morning I clicked on market watch and here is what popped up.


26,828! Come on, really? Thats what I said to myself. Then I clicked on the 5 day chart and here is what I saw.


So I thought to myself, this has got to be the biggest case of manipulation ever. So I decided to check out the S&P, and the shock got even worse.


Wouldn't you know it the Nasdaq was just as much as a shocker as the other 2.


Then just for a chuckle, I clicked on Silver and I wanted to see a 1 year chart. Here is what I saw.


So let me get this right, stocks are paper kinda like dollar bills, but they are an estimate and a promise of somekind. Then you take Silver which is a tangible Asset that you can physically hold. You see where I am going here..... fake, fake, fake....now I stopped gambling in the stock markets. What I do Know is that the Stock Markets can not continue to be propped up by the Federal Reserve. There will come a day that you will see the stock markets correct themselves to real value, this can also be said about silver. So yes there is still some money to be made in stocks but is it worth the gamble?.


once the markets correct it will be the single worse day in the hostory of the world. You have to protect yourself from this.... so maybe you dont get completely out, but I would definitely recommend some gold and silver.

Thanks for stopping by!

Stack High, Stack Hard and Stack Fast!



Good Choice @silver-hammer there is a reason that I don't have my Stock Brokers License anymore 27 years from the inside was enough for me................

Thanks @stokjockey. Just say no....to stocks

Man they’ve been breaking records non stop on the stock market. Don’t play stocks, I’ll stick with my metals.

Totally agree as the valuations seen are incredible and supported not only by the Fed pushing risky assets but also the fiscal stimulus created by the tax cuts. Corporate earnings will not have this benefit next year so valuations will get hit by that if nothing else that has been brewing get to them first.

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

These last 3 months of 2018 will be remembered for ever.
I sense the big big big correction is on its way... unrolling right now.
Dow - 187
Gold Up
Silver Up
Bitcoin Up

The last few people are getting on board the “secular bull run” that some think will last for years to come...

I’ll stick with metals and the blockchains tha k you very much.

@silver-hammer, I’ve been trying to invest in some tangible assets lately, like original artwork. I’d like to expand to some precious metals. Any recommendations on where to buy silver/gold?? I’m in the US. Thanks in advance!

Jmbullion.com apmex.com and providentmetals.com all of them take bitcoin as well.

Much obliged, sir. I’m stoked to hear they accept bitcoin! Checking them out now....

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