The one world currency

in #steemsilvergold7 years ago

With 2018 fast approaching will the article from the 1988 Economist magazine prove to be true?

For many years the Economist magazine has placed on the front page of their January edition a title stating "The world in xxxx" year. Since the 2015 January edition conspiracy detectives and truthers have gone in to great detail dissecting the meaning, given the Rothchild ownership of the publication.

Back in 1988 few people if anyone would have imagined how it would be possible for a world currency to be introduced. The number one reason being why? The second, how could it ever be implemented, don't forget this was one year before the introduction of the Euro giving little historical such amalgamations to learn from.

Here we are in mid 2017 and the 'why?' question now has more than a few answers.
Economic cycles.
According to the 60 year K wave cycle named after the Russian economist Nikolia Kondratiev, the years 2015 to 2020 will be devastating for the global economy.

'The K wave is a 60 year cycle (+/- a year or so) with internal phases that are sometimes characterized as seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter:

Spring phase: a new factor of production, good economic times, rising inflation.

Summer: hubristic 'peak' war followed by societal doubts and double digit inflation.

Autumn: the financial fix of inflation leads to a credit boom which creates a false plateau of prosperity that ends in a speculative bubble.

Winter: excess capacity worked off by massive debt repudiation, commodity deflation & economic depression. A 'trough' war breaks psychology.'
Source: ZeroHedge

There is also the 7 year Shemitah cycle to consider with it's every 49 (7 7's) year Super cycle landing on the 50th year. We are presently in this 50th year known as the Jubilee.
The Shemitah cycle stems from ancient Jewish times and means debt forgiveness or a period of rest. During the 7th year of the Shemitah fields of arable land would be left unseeded and people who owed money would supposedly have their debts cancelled.
Knowledge of the Shemitah has recently made popular by author Jonathan Khan, who suggests we are at the very end of a 350 year monetary cycle in this year of 2017.
With a focus on Europe and the US, these govenments are at an end of their borrowing capacity with their respective central banks unable to raise interest rates by any significant amount due to the fact they wouldn't be able to meet payments on their national debts.
Fiscal tightening has to happen to take liquidity out of the market however money printing will probably continue until the road the can is being kicked up finally comes to ask end.

How could a global currency be instigated?

At the commencement of the Euro introduction it was argued by more than one economist that economic equilibrium would have to exist between all member states. This harmonisation was never reached and imbalances remain to this day. These imbalances have led to a number of Euro countries suffering austerity.
Due to the incredible complications of consolidating a group of sovereign currencies in to one common currency the prospect of introducing a global single currency seemed impossible - until now.

The emergence of Bitcoin.

What we have now with Bitcoin is a defacto global currency that provides a place holder for wealth to flood into as existing FIAT currecies die.
The possibility of a global currency adopted at least in part by all nations is now viable.
The rest I leave to your imagination ...


nice )

i followed you, i hope you will follow me :)


can't wait 4 it!

BTC @ 1,000,000 dollars ;)

It really could be!

Awesome post, upvoted and followed ;)
I don´t really see a global currency, to many countries and divisions, just look at the Euro, it englobes many countries and it will be very dificult for it to survive!
Maybe bitcoin and other cryptos will be the new world currencie? they are in place for that, and are not centralized, wich is good!
Peace, Carlos

Many thanks Carlos

Nice Post - Thank you...

Bring it on i cant wait for the shit show to start!

Funny. Agreed

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