Russian Plane Loses 3 Tons Of Gold On Takeoff

Amazing oddity as a plane, upon takeoff has a hole ripped underneath the fuselage allowing hundreds of millions worth of gems, precious metals and diamonds worth hundreds of millions to pour onto the runway. The plane was taking off from an airport in the Russian region of Yakutsk. Famous for its rich natural resources and diamond deposits.

The total payload was valued at 21 billion rubles, or $370 million.

The contents continued to be expelled for up to 26 Km from the airport as lcal media reports that the metal bars seen in the photos are indeed gold, platinum and gems. Officials from the Interior Ministry stated that 172 gold bars weighing about 3.4 tons were recovered.

Article found on Zerohedge

Keep stacking. Go get you some.

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Interesting. The Russian government has been stacking a tremendous amount of physical Gold these last few years in preparation for when the dollar goes to shit. I'm curious as to where this lode was headed.

According to the article, "The monetarist dream plane was en route to Krasnoyarsk and further to the Kupol Dome mine."
From another article, one states: “I wish I were in Yakutsk,” one wistful social media user wrote, while another joked that Yakutia is such a rich region that “gold just pours from the sky.”

Amazing. Maybe the weight of it caused this hole?

It could be quite possible, during the investigation, that their was mis-placed cargo loaded in the hold. But my thoughts are the local Russian population now scouring the countryside for those 26 km, looking for a gold or silver bar. Or the search might wait until the spring when the snow melts.....

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