9/21 Trading Futures Update - Precious Metals-Up, S&P500-Flate, Crypto-Up

Wow, what a day in the stawks market, an All-Time high in the DOW and the S&P500. Nasdaq is the lagger for joining the all-time high party. Most of the gains taking place in the first half hour but stayed mostly flat the rest of the day. Interest rates rising, more economic bad news, but when there is a party, you keep drinking the punch until the bowl is taken away.

Precious metals should have risen higher, taking into account the fall of the USD, which is around 93.46 at this moment. Falling from 95 just a few trading sessions ago. Silver rising slowly, but still needing to break the first level of resistance which it just did at $14.40. The daily chart looking much more positive this past week.

S&P500 and the DOW hitting record highs on the same day, feeding from the USD going lower, helping multi-nationals, emerging markets getting some relief, and trade wars showing less tension.

Crypto is up across the board overnight, we now have 1981 tokens being tracked, a 212 Billion total marketcap and BTC at 53.3% dominance.

Keep stacking. Go get you some.

Thanks for following @RollingThunder


As a silver stacker, I'm very leery of anything that's NOT REAL. I'm even down on cryptos, for the time being. The DOW can continue to climb, but it doesn't really mean anything good - so long as the dollar is falling. It simply reflects the fact that it now takes more dollars to buy the same amount of stock. They've printed so many dollars over the last 10 years, and they're about to have to print twice as many (or more) over the next 10 years - it's all a big smoke and mirrors game. Cryptos, Dollars, Stocks - anything FIAT and not tangible is likely to experience very serious trouble very soon. I'll stick to stacking my silver and am waiting for the day when it will be enough to buy my first house - as it may be the one time in my life where I can actually make a killing from being in the right position, ahead of time - in physical silver.

Great summary of the thoughts of most people on this tread. It is tough to get "the business" from friends, as we continue to do what we feel is the correct path, the fiat continues to go higher no matter what. There will be a day, where we will be able to trade our stack for other "real assets", but at much more reasonable prices, maybe 10 to 20 cents on the current inflated dollar. Thanks for posting @bi5h0p

Great news. Is this the trend? Buy s and p dip?

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